Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away.
She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more importantly, she taught me to be passionate about protecting them and defending them.
See, when I was in law school, I was one of these Black kids you meet now and again who thought that at least some of the "victories" of the civil rights movement, especially over Jim Crow, were "permanent." That these battles had been fought *and won*.
Guinier, in the early 2000s mind you, taught me that no, these rights were *still* under attack. She opened my eyes to the *ongoing* attacks on voting rights launched by conservatives.
You gotta be FUCKING KIDDING ME. Alito is asking what's the big deal of issuing a stay and stopping OSHA while the Court considers the complicated issues.
Honestly how do this Republicans EXIST without their own hypocrisy RIPPING THEIR OWN HEADS APART
And, AND... while Alito (and now Roberts) are arguing that there's no RUSH to put in workplace vaccine requirements... WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A COVID SURGE AND HAVE SET WORLD RECORDS FOR DAILY CASES
Trying to ready myself for the Merrick Garland centrist Democrat fan club to crow about the 71 pinheads the @TheJusticeDept has sentenced to 2 weeks of Netflix for "Couping but white" ahead of the Garland presser.
It's gonna be annoying, but I'll survive.
Josh Heil Hawley still walking around out here free to coup again, but I'm supposed to be excited that the "i'm not going to jail" white lady got 60 days.
What's hard is that this situation also requires nuance. Only 71 have been sentenced, out of 705 who've been arrested and charged.
So the people who say this is BS so far ARE RIGHT. But the people who say he needs more time are ALSO RIGHT.