Elie Mystal Profile picture
Justice Correspondent: @thenation. Alfred Knobler Fellow: @typemediacenter Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14 Author: Allow Me To Retort
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Sep 12 4 tweets 1 min read
Okay let’s do this:
1. my wife waiting to see how I’m going to butcher essential details about our own children.
2. My mother hoping I don’t fuck up my solo in the recital.
3. I’ve walked through the door, 2hrs after curfew not already dead, which was my only way to stay alive. Image 4. My sister would like to know what the fuck I’m talking about.
5. My mother would like to know what I’m talking about.
6. My wife would like to know what I’m talking about.
7. They realize I’m actually talking about that thing I should never be talking about in public.
Sep 12 5 tweets 1 min read
Overheard on the Amtrak: A mother was explaining that she won’t let her son play high school football… as the punter/kicker… because the coach could not “100 percent guarantee” that her kid would never be tackled or have to make a tackle.

And, I was kind of on her side until She revealed that her *other* son plays… LaCrosse , and she doesn’t understand why her kicker boy won’t just play LaCrosse too.

And now I’m just sitting here wondering how many times I’ve made *important parenting decisions* based on truly having no idea what I was doing.
Aug 21 6 tweets 1 min read
EVERYBODY SHUT UP MICHELLE OBAMA IS ON. GO IIIIINNN : “Some of us don’t have the luxury of failing forward.”
Jul 24 4 tweets 1 min read
The biggest change I've noticed is that for the last three days, people are treating Trump appropriately: as an old, tired, racist and sexist man who is basically a failing comic with no new material trying to gin up a laugh by repeating his greatest hits. Two things have always been true about Trump: He is a dangerous fascist and he is a pathetic clown. Those two true things often are seen at odds, because to laugh doesn't take him seriously, and to take him seriously misses how petty and uncreative he is.
Jul 16 4 tweets 1 min read
I know term limits and ethics sounds "less radical" to a lot of people than court expansion.

But, as I keep trying to tell you all, the Supreme Court gets to decide if term limits and ethics are constitutional. And so if you don't expand the court, these other plans will fail. People still don't want to accept that the "radical" solution is the ONLY solution to get the more *moderate* changes they desire.

But if you tell John Roberts he has to leave office after 18 years, JOHN ROBERTS WILL SAY NO... and then what have you done?
Jul 2 6 tweets 1 min read
I understand why Republicans are invested in downplaying the scope of the immunity decision. If people understood what just happened they might want to do something about the Supreme Court.

I really don't understand why Democrats are downplaying the scope though. My only guess is that Democrats think that if people understood how much power the Supreme Court just handed to the President, they might expect their President to use it.

Since Biden's not going to use it, I guess there's value in telling people it didn't happen?
Jul 1 5 tweets 1 min read
Look, I appreciate that people still want to find *some way* to think that Trump is going to be brought to justice for January 6.

But he WILL NOT be brought to justice. That part of the conversation is OVER. Trump won. People need to deal with that in their own way, but he WON. The more relevant question is "NOW... WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO?" Trump won. He iced the bookeeper. He killed Sean Connery. NOW, WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO?
Jul 1 17 tweets 3 min read
20 minutes out from Supreme Court decisions. It's been an honor covering these last gasps of democratic self government. Just so you know, my process is to read the case syllabus, which usually tells you the holding, then read the first few paragraphs of the dissent, which tells you what the actual fight was about.
Jun 28 25 tweets 4 min read
Back here on SCOTUS watch because as bad as things are they can always get worse and probably will in 20 minutes. In case you missed it last night, here's my write up of yesterday's abortion ruling

Jun 27 18 tweets 3 min read
Supreme Court opinions in 20 minutes. I assume they "officially" have to punt EMTALA till after the election today. Not sure what else. First case is Ohio v. EPA. It's about whether to enforce an EPA rule limiting pollution while people sue over the rule. 5-4. Gorsuch (whose mother used to run the EPA --into the ground-- for Ronald Reagan) rules against the EPA. Barrett joins the liberals in dissent.
Jun 26 10 tweets 2 min read
Finished a recording with @ProfMMurray and @AudreLawdAMercy just in time for decisions.

Yay? First case is Murthy v. Missouri. It's one of the social media cases, with vaccine deniers being pissed that they can't spread COVID-19 disinformation.

6-3, Barrett opinion, Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissenting, says that they don't have standing.
Jun 21 15 tweets 2 min read
I'm just here (on @SCOTUSblog) so I don't get fined. First case is Texas v. New Mexico. It's a water rights case. 5-4 Jackson opinion. Gorsuch, Thomas, Alito and Barret dissenting. I think it's the first 5-4 Jackson case?
Jun 20 10 tweets 2 min read
SCOTUS decisions in 10 minutes. May the odds be ever in our favor. First case was Moore v. US. This is a big tax case that has implications on the viability of the wealth tax.
7-2 ruling, by Kavanaugh, Thomas and Gorsuch dissent, saying that Congress CAN tax "pass through" entities.
Jun 14 9 tweets 2 min read
And we're back to SCOTUS. First opinion is in a bankruptcy case that I haven't been following and probably wouldn't understand if I was. It's a Jackson opinion with a Gorsuch dissent, which I would usually find very interesting but... bankruptcy. :( It must be nice to understand, like, "how money works" and stuff. Or at least lucrative.
Jun 11 4 tweets 1 min read
I want to take a short break from the jokes to just express my sympathy for Joe Biden. He's had so many family tragedies. His son has battled addiction. He's now watching him be prosecuted because of his political career. It's a really sad day for his family. On top of all of that, he has the power to basically make this all go away for his kid, but he won't/shouldn't use it.

Biden is better at his job than I would be. As a parent, somebody is coming after my kid to get to me, and I can make it go away, I'm going to do it.
Jun 6 14 tweets 2 min read
Welp, it's a Supreme Court decision day in June. First case is Truck Insurance v. Kaiser Gypsum. It's about whether an insurer can be heard in a bankruptcy case. Sotomayor, unanimous, says yes.
May 30 8 tweets 1 min read
Folks... the people who vote for Donald Trump know he uses the n-word. THAT'S WHY THEY LIKE HIM!

Trump being caught on tape saying it is the feature, not the bug. "I'd also be concerned about hiring a n***** to do a white man's job." --Tim Scott soon.
May 16 5 tweets 1 min read
The Consumer Protection Financial Board survives another day. 7-2 opinion *by Thomas* (Alito and Gorsuch dissenting) says that its funding mechanism is constitutional. Kagan wrote a concurrence that was basically like "even if Thomas hadn't figured it out, the CFPB would also be constitutional for the following reasons."

I like the effort to point out that Thomas is a broken clock, even when he lucks into the correct time.
Apr 25 60 tweets 8 min read
Trump immunity arguments at SCOTUS start in 20 minutes. They should have started on December 22, but the Republican justices want to make sure Trump can be president again, so they start in 20 minutes. Ultimately, I do not think they'll give Trump blanket immunity for all crimes. But the thing I'm listening for is "remand." I'm listening for Thomas, Alito, and Roberts to say that Trump may have *some* immunity Judge Chutkan didn't fully consider. And send the case back to her.
Apr 16 11 tweets 2 min read
The six conservative justices are absolutely trying to figure out how to throw out the obstruction charges against their cousins and wives and pledge brothers who attacked the Capitol on January 6 Neil Gorsuch just analogized the January 6 rioters storming the Capitol and trying to hang Mike Pence to my Congressman, @JamaalBowmanNY, pulling a fire alarm.

The conservatives are basic black Fox News watchers given lifetime power.
Mar 26 43 tweets 6 min read
Okay folks. I'm back for today's SCOTUS arguments about mifepristone. To set the stage, Forced-birthers are trying to prohibit medical abortion based on junk science and the idea that James Ho likes looking at other people's babies. All the lawyers arguing today will be women. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar for the FDA.
For the group of doctors and dentists who didn't prescribe the abortion pill but want to take it away anyway, it's Erin Hawley, wife of Sen. Josh Hawley