I figured, now’s as good a time as any to get started on that La+ project. #ガンプラ
Ten runners on the base kit, plus an extra four for the special shield. Runner A1 is completely made up of clear parts (which is awesome—won’t have to paint them!). #ガンプラ
And there it is: Runner B for the inner frame, with clear and opaque parts molded together. Amazing stuff from Bandai—but it’s gonna be a pain to paint around. #ガンプラ
…that is the base for the Super Shield of possibility!
Snap build’s done. As long as you’re careful it’s a great kit out of the box.
Gonna have to take my time with this one to figure out how to paint around the clear parts and transformation gimmicks. That and I have ideas for detail work. #ガンプラ
Parts of possibility (again). Sanded and ready for paint prep.
There are supposed to be two shades of white plus a light gray. Still thinking about how to pull that off. #ガンプラ
In the end, I think these are the only multi-molded pieces whose opaque parts I’m gonna have to paint.
These are parts for the feet, shoulders, and sleeve. #ガンプラ
I had other plans, but my daughter walked into the room asking “Can we work on Charmander now?” so of course we’re working on Charmander now.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
This one’s gonna need a bit of a think. Looks like I can erase the seams other than the arms. Fun little challenge; will get to it after I restock on some paint.