Happy Sunday everyone, I will like to show us something quickly
I find it as an aberration.
I recently came across the phrase “Feet of clay”
The white people made it up and they bungled it’s meaning based on scriptural terms
According to the rule of communications and meaning
They got it awfully wrong.
They interpreted “Feet of clay” to mean a fundamental flaw in a person, especially one that is reverred.
For example, a man of God who was expected to live at a certain high standard and didn’t due to human flaws or character flaws
When they did this,
They displayed a lack of practical wisdom and understanding of the word of God
The term actually came from the vision of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7
Many believers or Christian teachers wrote articles about in which can be found online
They are all wrong!
I say this
Feet of clay according to the scriptures refer to a time, season or dispensation
We must be weary of ascribing to the word of Hod a@meaning of our own making rather than the meaning the scripture gave it from the source
Nebuchadnezzer had a dream and in this dream he saw
A statue with head of pure gold, chest and arm of silver, belly and thigh of bronze, legs of iron and the feet made of partly iron and partly baked clay!
According to Daniel in Daniel 2 from verse 36, The rule of Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold, and other kingdoms that would
Arise after him were the inferior ones described as silver, bronze, iron and clay
This has nothing to do with character but it has everything to do with dispensation!
The image represented how the world will look and be governed at those times and had nothing to do with the
Character of the bronze and the feet of clay as it’s weak link!
We are currently in the dispensation of this feet of clay, what this means is that the world is now governed by ideologies and has rejected absolute truth!
Infact many refer to these days as “Post Truth” or post
Church” meaning authority and leadership is no longer with the ideal of truth or the church
Like clay, there is no strength of conviction, everyone is doing what they believe is right by themselves
During Nebuchadnezzar’s rule, the world had one supreme leader and this was him!
He had control over half the expanse of the planet earth and his rule was absolute
After him (I mean Babylonian rule as a whole) came the kingdom of the Medes and Persia and then the ruler ship from Alexander the Great before Rome!
Rome was the iron! And after Rome came the
British empire and subsequently the domination of Russia and USA which later led us to this times in which ideologies began to rule the world
There is no absolute world leader at the moment
The idea of a symbol of authority has been torn down from the family to religion and
The spirit of this dispensation is self and the god of self is self!
So we hear of self-made, self-determination, self-control, self-government and self-placement.
This new ideology based on self led to LGBTQ, feminism, etc
Nobody allows anybody to tell them how to
live an do things anymore#you would have heard the term “do you” several times
This is what the feet of clay stands for.
It is not a flaw, it is the description of an age, dispensation, time and season.
Saying the feet of clay is a weakness is akin to saying the head of gold
Is strength!
Both comparisons would be unwise
It is again like saying “1600 is better than the year 2000” or that 1500 is strength while 1990s is weakness and flawed!
This analogy is wrong and should no longer be used if we are talking about scriptures and the meaning ascribed
to visions as explained by Daniel.
A character weakness is not feet of clay and a character strength is not head of gold!
To all Bible scholars out there, I ask that the explanation of scriptures be divided in context and not out of context that we may keep the meaning of the
revealed truth through the word of God sacred and sacrosanct.
If however you insist you will continue to use the feet of clay to describe character flaw, know that you have a feet of clay in your ideology and meaning and you have deviated from the scripture and it’s true meaning!
I shared a testimony with my driver today, I believe some of us may also learn from it
When i was 29, I was made a youth pastor in the parish I was attending
The youth church organized an event but i made the mistake of not following protocol or informing the main pastor about
this event
I can sometimes be spontaneous especially if the Holy Spirit gave me an instruction, i keep it close to my chest and ensure that Nay sayers do not get a wond of it until it becomes a force that nobody can toy with
The programme was a worship and healing service, we
needed to rehearse for the former and we expect that if we delivered as led by the spirit the latter will happen
I gathered the youth, we started rehearsing, one of the ministers heard and told the church pianist not to join us anymore since we are the youth and the guy was being
I was invited to minister in Ghana in 2019 by Christ Hospital Ministry, we had a vigil in my parish the night before I travelled and I announced to those who came for that particular Night of Glory that I will be going to Ghana.
I couldn’t go with the ministry that invited me
because they travelled by bus and left two days earlier
As soon as the vigil was over I was driven to the airport by @ObaJaiyeoba (He was at the meeting)
I got to Ghana and met a lot of my brothers and sisters from Twitter, I even had a family fellowship with a glorious family
that has now become like mine.
I left Ghana on a Sunday and reported back to my office as a PA in Magodo phase 2.
When I got to church the following Sunday, a brother was leading the Fresh Fire service, as I was about to get into the service the brother said “Those who went to
Someone called me today, the person saw my last two threads and wanted to engage me on them
Then the person said “Do you know there is a special bond between pastors and lead female ministers in the choir?”
I said “Hmmmm”
The the person said “I know for a fact that Pastor this
Sister that, (a very popular music minister from Nigeria were having sex
This was what led to the man’s divorce, his wife said so)
I said “I have followed this pastor for many years, his wife said nothing like that!”
Then she said “Well, you know women usually keep silent in
such cases
I said “This pastor’s wife is not one to keep quiet and I think you know that”
Then she said “I saw it in a dream!”
Just like that!
She saw it in a dream and that was supposed to be irrefutable proof that would nail this man?
This year began well, we made declarations and we are seeing the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. And you, for retweet and without any evidence whatsoever decide that you will start the year writing a thread about a pastor who did nothing personally to offend you…
Because he is the hot topic of the day, you had to have a go!
Now you have people retweeting and commenting but they wouldn’t have done all that if you had been wise enough to investigate the matter and expose the truth or keep your mouth shut.
When will you learn not to be the
undoing of your own rise by keeping your mouth where it ought to be?
If a pastor is doing evil, expose him and ensure that it is done from a place of love
I do this often, without remorse, especially because I love the Lord and cannot watch as a thief or hireling misled his sheep
I am forever glad that God didn’t called me into a conventional ministry where I have to run a church
Thank you Jesus, I would have failed you woefully.
You are very mindful of me
Pastors are victims of a different sort nowadays, they are at the mercy of every empty head who can
type on Twitter
Imagine this!
I employed a driver whom I met on Twitter, he was desperately in need of a job and he lied to me that he was living close to my house
After he got the job, he would tell me all sorts of stories to get money out of me
If his daughter was not sick, his
wife’s mother would be down
He was not driving me directly, and yet I end up paying more than his salary every month whether he worked or not
Whenever I dared to protest, he would say “You’re a public figure sir, how do you think people will take it if I show them how my life is
In 2019, I got a strange message from Abuja. A lady had just gotten married and during her honeymoon discovered her husband and his best man having cex!
He was “gay”
The lady almost ran mad
Her husband responded by eloping to an African country with the other guy for weeks!
I had to fly to Abuja to access the situation and help out as much as I could.
Why would this guy get married seeing that he would just plunge this lady into misery?
I spoke to him on the phone and we had a candid discussion, he returned three weeks later to meet me in Lagos
That marriage was a farce!
Fortunately or unfortunately the lady was pregnant and now they have I baby I named myself!
After the child they went their separate ways.
Would you like this to happen to you as a woman?
Full disclosure is necessary for partners before marriage!