In some respects, what happened in bond markets last week was epic, something we might be talking about for many years.
A thread to explain
When discussing bond market moves, I believe the best metric is total return. It encompasses both price change and the level of yields (accrued interest).
The next set of charts show calendar week total returns. That is, the week ending Friday (Thursday if a holiday).
The 30-year data goes back to 1973 and last week was the worst calendar week total return in at least 49-year history! The long-bond lost 9.35%!!
If this was a year, a 9.35% total return loss would be the 5-year worst year ever.
Impressive for five days of work.
The 10-year note finished it worst week in 42 years, with a total return loss of 4.24%.
Only Feb 1980 saw a bigger loss for a calendar week loss (Volcker inflation panic, funds rate headed to 21%)
-4.24% would also be the fifth worst YEAR ever.
The calendar week total return for the Bloomberg 10+ TIPS Index was -6.09%.
This marks the third worst week ever.
Note above each one of the other marked weeks were significant.
* 6/21/13, -5.12% = The height of the taper tantrum
* 10/10/08, -7.13% = Lehman failed.
Why was last week so epic?
I believe the whole bond market finally realized that easy money is over/QT is coming.
For weeks many bond players argued this table was wrong, the Fed would go less than 4 hikes/no QT. Not after last week's FOMC minutes.
What about TIPS and narrowing break evens?
As the right chart shows, the Fed took over this market. They now own 25% of this market, up from less than 10% pre-pandemic.
The left chart shows the Fed has bought more TIPS than the Treasury issued the last two years!!
TIPS are no longer a market signal about inflation expectations, the Fed ruined this with its big footprint.
TIPS are flow driven and flows are dominated by expectations of the speed of the Fed printer.
So, 3 or 4 hikes coming? QT coming? The most vulnerable market to the Fed printer gets killed. TIPS yields soar and BE's fall.
Again, not a signal about inflation. A signal about a loss of Fed liquidity coming.
Simply put, the bond market saw one of its worst weeks in history because bond market players finally "got it" that the Fed is going to end liquidity.
This kicked off a big the scramble to get out and not be the "bond bag holder" when the Fed printer is turned off.
This naturally begs the question, what about the stock market? The S&P was down -1.9%, hardly an epic week. What is going on here?
Hate to say it, but the stock market is NOT a leading indicator among FINANCIAL MARKETS.
Or the stock mkt the "slow kid" as it turns last.
2002 it bottomed AFTER the recession ended (Nov 2001) for the first time in 100 years
2007 it peaked after housing/bond market peaked in 2006
2009 stocks bottomed after the bond market in credit bottomed in late 2008.
So, if the bond market is having epic convulsions in the wake Fed printer getting turned off, do not take solace that the stock market "doesn't get it."
This is how financial markets turn, the stock market often stays too long and turns last.
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Everyone needs to calm down about the Atlanta Fed GDPnow flipping to negative (chart).
It was driven by one statistic, merchandise trade imports, which can snap back as early as next month and take GDPnow back up.
The world is not ending.
Here is the Merchandise trade deficit.
I labeled the last three months to show how much it blew out (and March 2022).
The trade deficit exploded in the last three months, as well as March 2022, due to the surge in imports (orange) while exports (blue) remained relatively unchanged.
The Ukraine War started in March 2022, and importers rushed to import products (such as grain) from the Black Sea area ahead of potential disruption.
Similarly, the last three months have seen importers rush to bring goods into the country ahead of Trump's tariffs.
The status quo cannot last. If we do nothing, it ends badly. What is the alternative?
Most of it has either already happened, or is underway. We weren't aware of the name.
Powell on Dec 4, 2024 - “The U.S. federal budget is on an unsustainable path. The debt is not at an unsustainable level, but the path is unsustainable, and we know that we have to change that"
I have not posted a spot $BTC ETF update in a while, so here is one.
These ETFs started trading a year ago (Jan 11, 2024). Their total assets are $114 billion. (Note that they started at $29B on day 1 due to the $GBTC conversion.)
Three funds make up the vast majority.
The net NEW money invested in all Spot BTC ETFs was $36.69B (bottom panel).
This excludes the $29B of $GBTC conversion on day 1.
The dollar cost average purchase price is $BTC $74.3k (blue line), representing an unrealized gain of ~25%, or $12.73B (bottom panel).
The repost below expresses a common belief that risk assets are effective inflation hedges.
History suggests they are not.
This chart shows that the inflation of the 1960s and 1970s wiped out 64% of the after-inflation stock gains by 1982 (meaning inflation beat stocks by 64%). And all inflation-adjusted gains of the previous 27+ years (back to 1954) were gone (meaning inflation beat stocks over the previous 27 years).
It took until 1992, 28 years later, for stocks to finally start beating cumulative inflation since 1966.
Too many vastly underestimate the devastating impact of inflation.
Since the 2021 peak, when the Fed called inflation"transitory," stocks have only beaten inflation by just 15% (with dividends).
So a 10% to 12% correct and a little bit more inflation and four years of relative purchasing power is gone (meaning you are no better off than four years ago).
As I argue here, the crypto crowd also forgets inflation when they make their long-term forecasts.