IMO, AB Health is falsely inflating age 5-11 stats, using 2 separate gambits:
1. Mixing kids who got regular, adult dose for turning 12 in 2021 into current age 5-11 getting paediatric doses now. 2. Poaching doses from age "Unknown".
So let's look at these 2 footnotes and process them.
"Note 1: individuals who received a first dose in one age category may cross into another age category for a second or third dose."
That makes sense.
eg. Someone who got 1st Dose at age 44, and 2nd Dose at age 45, moves UP into older age group.
Same regular, adult dose too.
"Note 2: The age group 5-11 year olds includes those who received the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty pediatric COVID-19 vaccine and those who were eligible to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine because they were 11 but would turn 12 in 2021."
Say WHAT now?
Note 2 says:
• Kids who are all 12 now
• who got REGULAR, ADULT doses throughout 2021 because they would turn 12 in 2021
• are being pulled back DOWN into age 5-11
• to mix their numbers with kids getting PAEDIATRIC doses since 25 Nov 2021.
ie. Opposite to Note 1.
Referring to my thread 2 wks ago, if this:
• pulling kids age 12 who got regular adult doses
• into the stats for age 5-11 getting paediatric doses
• OPPOSITE to natural shift in all ages
• is the right thing to do...
Why did AB Health wait until the 20 Dec stats to do it?
AB Health needs to disclose exactly how many kids:
• are still age 5-11
• got paediatric doses
• in their regular daily updates
• and how many kids who turned 12 in 2011 - who got regular, adult doses - that they juiced into age 5-11
• and move those kids back to age 12-14
Poaching doses from age "Unknown".
I did say at the beginning of today's thread that there were two (2) gambits.
• age 12, already shown.
I had to do a lot of thinking last week, and too much time with spreadsheets, to show the second gambit.
Between 19 and 20 Dec 2021's stats, AB Health:
• quietly moved 18,621 doses from age "Unknown" to age 5-11
• while total 1st Doses had only gone up 4,578 doses
This looks more like intentional deception than mere incompetence. At the least, negligence.
Let's zoom out a bit in my spreadsheet, built exclusively from AB Health's own stats.
• age 5-11 stats started Fri 25 Nov, with stats from opening weekend ending Sun 28 Nov on the Monday after
• 6,139 doses per day on opening weekend
• then 4,248 doses/day until 19 Dec.
From Mon 20 Dec 2021, to latest stats provided Friday, up to Thu 6 Jan 2022:
Daily pace of vaccination continued to fall since opening weekend 6,139 doses/day to only 1,129.
Not enough to pretend this age group was vaccinated enough to return to school in January.
As I showed in my previous thread, in total, between 19 and 20 Dec, AB Health:
• moved 31,531 doses (Dose 1, 2 & 3) from "Unknown"
• while age 5-11 went up by 34,935
• in one day
• even though Total Doses across ALL age groups for ALL Doses (mostly 3rd) went up by 35,825.
This juicing of age 5-11 stats from age "Unknown" even pumped up the 2nd Doses:
•" Unknown" down 12,899
• age 5-11 up 12,985
• but Total 2nd Doses across all ages only up 2,099
Age 5-11 only got 107,626 1st doses since 25 Nov.
Yet on 20 Dec they got 12,985 2nd doses?!
But wait - it gets even more ridiculous:
3rd Doses. Boosters!
• To age 5-11
• On 20 December 2021
• Even though only age 18+ is eligible, after 5+ months
• Or age 12 under specific immunocompromised conditions
In my opinion, based on bona fide belief from information that AB Health & Education have provided, it appears:
• AB Health is deceiving Albertans about low child vaccination levels
• to get parents to send those kids to school anyway.
Nationally, age 5-11 has 1st dose coverage of 45.63%.
Even with falsely inflated stats, Alberta is showing 38%.
Nationally, age 5-11 has 2nd dose coverage of 2.03%.
Because of falsely inflated stats, Alberta is showing 4.1%
Oops. I mistakenly left out @gilmcgowan and @ABFedLabour for not only providing funding, but for getting court approval to act as a party (plaintiff) in case the children became too sick to continue.
There are a lot of reasons to like Gil, but that one is special for me.
Just before Christmas, I was asked by a friend still traumatized by her harasser to help her report to the police, who recommended she get a Civil Restraining Order without Notice.
AB Justice website providing advice for this is flawed. Here's what to do until it is fixed.
The @CalgaryPolice recommend this website, which AFAIK is OK for the majority of situations they attend: Restraining Order in Family Law situations.
But for the "Civil Restraining Order", aka Restraining Order from Civil Court, it is deeply flawed.
In Alberta, babies under 1 year old are getting clobbered by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and it is overloading our children's hospitals:
• Hospitalized at 36x the rate of average Albertan
• Hospital & ICU at 3x rate of COVID in babies under 1
Typical LaGrange-style quote in reporting by @JenLeeCBC:
"In a statement emailed to CBC News, a spokesperson said the hospital is seeing an increase in respiratory admissions, which "aligns with seasonal trends.""
Expecting mothers should speak with their family physician or obstretician (like @FionaMattatall) about getting vaccinated during their pregnancy to protect their newborns. (I'm not a doc)
RSV shots are $1000 each, but perhaps other immunizations.
Both last year and this year, peak weekly flu shots administered was in week 42:
• This yr, only 243,207
• Last yr, 330,264
Many of us are now off from school or work for the Xmas holidays. Good time to get vaccinated. It should help you for January return to school or work.
3-min video posted 31 Oct 2024 by Liricom & Plenary shows what they expect provincial taxpayers to build + operate for them between airport & "Grand Central Station".
Before I get into pros and cons, let me just help you figure out their bizarre colours:
🟧 for Calgary Airport Downtown Express track that is at grade or in the 80th Ave tunnel
🟦 Teal (close enough) for stations
🟨 for track that is elevated from Bow River near zoo to Crowchild
Why does it need to be elevated from south shore of Bow River near Zoo, to Downtown West End before Crowchild?
Because CPKC wouldn't let them stay parallel at grade though downtown. Needed to be elevated to not interfere with freight loading/unloading at grade.