Islamism, Jihadism, Baathism, Arabism, Nasserism, Khomeinism, Palestine, etc. are all products of mitosis from the same pool of primordial ideational soup that brewed in the Middle East in the early 20th century under influence from Europe. During that period, the ME was /1
downstream from German idealism, romanticism, and their different fascist products. Those ideas mixed with the local culture and produced the same psychological conditions of narcissistic rebellion, romantic theorization, Hegel, and artistic mysticism. Until the early 1950s, I /2
confidently say no ideology was yet differentiated. The heavy influence of Germany can be attested in literature, journalism, art, media, etc. During such period, and before they take their separate ways into Islamism, or nationalism, etc. everyone was just pro-Nazi, /3
antisemitic, and anti-Western. This is the formative era of modern Islam. The first ideological organism to mature out of this primordial soup was the Arab Left that many of its central figures started their lives as committed pro-Nazi ideologues and activists. /4
Eventually, this process is what will create modern Islam as defined by Islamism. This is a story of fascism becoming the liberationist left and then becoming Islam. This is a story of a process and not some divinely conceived and well-defined ideologies of Arab nationalism /5
, Islamism, etc. No one knew what they were doing. It was all a product of an imitative cycle in which everyone wanted to imitate Germany creating a domestic sphere in which almost all Arabs competed with each other in imitating, and over imitating, Germany.
This is just a very bad attempt at a super quick summary of how I think about this.
And I'm starting to suspect this is how the Left evolved everywhere and not just in the ME. People on the Left like to believe and force all of us to believe they are in contrast to fascism. I suspect they were both products of mitosis from the same Hegelian primordial soup
The ME and Islam, or what we came to think of as Islam, may not be that unique after all. On the contrary, it is too familiar for us to recognize.
Btw, this is why you find the most specialized academic writings confusing about the ideological identity of figures such as Haj Al Husseini, Nasser. Where they Arab nationalists? Where they Islamists? Were they opportunists? This due the failure to see it was all the same thing
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No, no, no. Muslim-German relations didn't start with anti-imperialism. They go way deeper than that. It was German Orientalists who discovered and uncovered Islamic civilization. By 18th century, classical Islam had almost disappeared. It degenerated into vulgar saint worship /1
in slums filled with disease and ignorance. What now is recognized as the canon of classical Islam, all the works of theology, law, kalam, hermeneutics, Quranic exegesis, etc. were all forgotten. It was Prussian, Austrian, and Hungarian scholars that dug all those up. Germans /2
were the ones who made Orientalism in the 19th century and rediscovered Islamic civilization and history. This created a close affinity and admiration on the highest intellectual level possible between Muslims and Germany from 19th century upward. To understand this you have /3
Meet the maker of Zionist "Settler Colonialism" Libel
Perhaps no man ever outdid Fayez Sayegh (1922) in contributing to the global war to delegitimize Israel and the Jewish State. Sayegh was the first to apply Sartre's critique of racism and neocolonialism to Israel and argued /1
that what applied to Algeria, Congo & Vietnam also applied to Israel. He was also the principal author of the 1975 UN Zionism is racism resolution. Sayegh, born in Syria to a Presbyterian minister, started his active life by joining the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, a Naizi /2
inspired pan-Syrian movement that was established in 1932 by Antoun Sa'ada, a Lebanese Christian Orthodox who insisted on being called Al Za'iem, the Arabic translation of Der Fuhrer. In his book Greater Syria, Daniel Pipes maintained that Sa'ada provided the model for all /3
الإسلام والأصالة الألمانية
في مايو ١٩٤٤، قام طه حسين عميد الأدب العربي بإعلان ميلاد الفلسفة العربية الحديثة بعد ان قضى ست ساعات في مناقشة اول رسالة دكتوراة في الفلسفة في التاريخ العربي والإسلامي الحديث في جامعة فؤاد الاول للطالب عبد الرحمن بدوي. حاول بدوي في خلق وجودية /1
اسلامية تخلط بين فلسفة مارتن هايدجر، اشهر فلاسفة الحزب النازي، وبين الصوفية لخلق فينمينولوجي اسلامي يجيب مشكلة الأصالة. الجدير بالذكر ان اشكالية الاصالة اصلاً هي منتج فلسفي الماني وليس لها وجود في التاريخ الإسلامي. قام بدون بخلط المثالية الألمانية والتصوف الفكري الوجودي مع /2
التصوف الروحي الاسلامي وخلق خطاب إسلامي ثقافي وحداثي بنكهة ألمانية. بعد ذلك صار عبد الرحمن بدوي مؤسس الدراسات الفلسفية الإسلامية الحديثة.
في عام ٢٠٠٠ نشر بدوي مذكراته في جزئين وصدم القراء باعترافه بانه كان ومازال متعاطف جداً مع النازية. في مذكراته قص كيف انه قابل واستمع لهتلر /3
An authentically German Islam
In May 1944, the Arab giant of letters Taha Hussein announced the birth of the first Arab modern philosophy after spending 6 hours examining the first PhD philosophy candidate in modern Muslim and Arab history, Abdulrahman Badawi. Badawi's /1
dissertation attempted to provide a mystical Islamic Sufi synthesis of Heidegger's phenomenological existentialism to solve the problem of cultural authenticity. He fused German idealist mysticism with Islamic mysticism. In other words, he created an Islam that is /2
authentically German. Badawi became the first modern Arab philosopher and the founder of Arab and Muslim philosophical studies.
In 2000, Badawi published his autobiography in two volumes in which he admitted he had profound Nazi sympathies. He told a story about how in 1937 /3
صوت النازية العربي
خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية اصبح العراقي يونس بحري احد اكثر الاصوات المعروفة للشارع العربي من المغرب للعراق من خلال عملة كمذيع محطة الراديو النازية صوت برلين والتي تأسست في ١٩٣٩. من خلالها اصدر بحري صوته كالرعد يمدح المالنيا العظمى ويحشد العرب ضد اليهود /1
وانجلترا وفرنسا ويزرع بذور الوعي الفاشي الشعبوي والذي سينمو فيما بعد ليصبح عروبة واسلاماً واشتراكية. بدء بحري برامجه بكلمته الأيقونية "هنا برلين.. حي العرب" وقد قام بصك كلمة "حي العرب" على غرار هايل هتلر الالمانية. هذا الاسلوب هو الذي ستتبناه مصر فيما بعد في اذاعة صوت العرب /2
الناصرية "هنا القاهرة." بدء بحري حياته كظابط عثماني وقضى وقتاً في ميونخ حيث ادعى انه قابل هتلر شخصياً. بعد ذلك ظار في مدن اوروبية كثيرة حتى قابل في الهاج في ١٩٢٩ جولي فان در فيين، رسامة هولندية شابة احبته. تذكر مذكرات الفنانة انها تركته بعد ان اكتشفت انه يكذب بشكل مرضي ويطلب /3
The Arabic Voice of Hitler
During WWII, Younis Bahri, an Iraqi-born journalist, became the most familiar voice to the Arab masses from Morocco to Iraq. It is common to find him mentioned in memoirs of leaders alive during the period. The Arabic Nazi broadcast service, "The /1
Voice of Berlin," established in 1939, was Bahri's perfect medium. He sent his thunderous voice praising Great Germany and calling on the Arabs to stand with their Nazi brothers to destroy France and Britain. Bahri started his broadcasts with an iconic catchphrase "Huna Berlin./2
. Hai Al Arab." The station, style, and catchphrase would become the format on which the Cairo-based "Voice of the Arabs" would be built later. Bahri started his life as an officer in the Ottoman military, and he spent some time in the Cavalary School in Munich, where he said /3