The Angry Bee 🐝 Profile picture
Jan 14, 2022 165 tweets 68 min read Read on X
In this live 🧵I’m collating specific examples of prejudice and judgment displayed towards #unvaccinated from mainstream media, governments, medical professionals, and other figures of authority. Please feel free to point me to others.
(1) “It’s time to really ramp up pressure on the unvaccinated”: Randy Boswell, Global News, 12/01/2022… Image
(2) Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, 29/12/2021 Image
(3) Ranjana Srivastava, Oncologist, The Guardian, 13/01/2022.… Image
(4) Joe Biden, American President, 09/09/2021: “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated…We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.”…
(5) Michael Hiltzik, LA Times, 10/01/2022. “Why shouldn’t we dance on the graves of anti-vaxxers”.…
(6) Joe Biden, American President, 16/12/2021: “For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.”…
(7) Michael Gunner, Chief Minister, NT, Australia, 21/11/2021: “If you support, champion, give a green light… [or] support anybody who argues against the vaccine, you are an anti-vaxxer, absolutely. … If you say 'pro-persuasion', stuff it, shove it.”… Image
(8) Emmanuel Macron, President of France, 04/01/2022: “How do we reduce that minority? We reduce it…by pissing them off even more. … When my freedoms threaten those of others, I become someone irresponsible. Someone irresponsible is not a citizen.”…
(9) James McAuley, Washington Post, 11/01/2022: “It’s time to make life a living hell for anti-vaxxers.”…
(10) Brad Hazzard, NSW Health Minister, 17/01/2022.…
(11) Brad Hazzard, NSW Health Minister, 16/01/22:…
(12) Don Lemon, CNN host, 17/09/2021:

“The people who are not getting vaccines who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it’s time to start shaming them or leave them behind,”…
(13) Polly Hudson, Daily Mail UK, 25/01/22: “French President Emmanuel Macron ’s strategy is to “p*** off” the unvaccinated by making daily life more and more difficult for them. Tres bien, but not far enough. The unvaccinated must become social pariahs.”…
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, 26/01/2022: “The small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians.”…
(15) Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, 02/02/2022.
(16) Kate Emery, The West Australian, 03/02/2022:

“Do we have a moral obligation to make the lives of anti-vaxxers harder? Maybe we do. … If someone care so little about vulnerable people in the community … they deserve to wear the consequences of that.” Image
(17) Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 03/02/2022:
(18) Judge David Ruth, NZ District Court, reported 09/02/2022:

Judge Ruth told an unvaccinated person they had “nutcase views” in open court, then later doubled down and said the defendant was a “drain on our welfare system”.…
(19) Karl Lauterbach, German Health Minister, 10/02/2022:
(20) Julian Burnside, Human Rights Lawyer, 13/08/2021:

Proposes to make vaccination compulsory (Austria follows his advice 6 months later).
(21) Julian Burnside, Human Rights Lawyer, 04/09/2022:

Proposes that unvaccinated people should not receive access to free healthcare if they require medical treatment for Covid.
(22) Andrew Neil, The Daily Mail, 10/12/2021:

“It’s time to punish…vaccine refuseniks.”

“You have a right not to be vaccinated. But I have a right not have you near me in a restaurant or on a plane.”…
(23) Carole Malone, Express UK, 13/12/2021:

"Unvaccinated DON’T get to live the lives the rest of us do...they’re the reason we’re all at risk of restrictions. ... This country remains vulnerable because of THEIR human rights."…
Tony Blair, Former British Prime Minister, 21/12/2021:

"Frankly, if you’re not vaccinated at the moment and you’re eligible and you’ve got no health reason for not being vaccinated, you’re not just irresponsible, I mean you’re an idiot."…
Karren Brady, The Sun (UK), 11/12/2021:

"...we can’t force people to have jabs, but we can force vaccine refuseniks to live a far more difficult, inconvenient and restricted life, one that will also be more expensive because of mandatory testing."…
Piers Morgan, Journalist, 19/12/2021:

"Footballers who refuse to be jabbed should be refused treatment for injuries."…
Nick Cohen, The Guardian, 28/02/2021:

"[Covid's] victims will be victims of their own stupidity. They might have accepted vaccination [and] protected themselves and others if, as seems likely, vaccines limit infections."…
Gladys Berejiklian, (Former) NSW Premier, 07/09/2021:

"I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with lots of unvaccinated people."

How did I manage to overlook this gem? (And apologies for losing count at this point in the thread.)…
Doug Little, 10/08/2021:

Not a figure of authority (or not one I know, anyway) - but an example of the kind of hateful rhetoric which comes to the surface in the general population after it’s been enabled by government and media. Image
Mario Draghi, President of Italy, 15/02/2022:

“The unvaccinated are not part of our society.”
Mark McGowan, Premier of West Australia, 14/01/2022:

“Life will become very difficult for the unvaccinated from January 31. No pubs, no bottle shops, no gym, no yoga classes. No gigs, no dance floors. And no hospital or aged care business.”…
Archie Clements, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Curtin University, 14/01/2022:

“On the other side, I think possibly the most selfish thing that you can do in our society right now is to refuse to be vaccinated. It’s just a matter of utter selfishness, in my view.”…
Jacquie Lambie, Australian Senator, 22/11/2021:

“Being held accountable for your own actions isn’t called discrimination, it’s called being, you wouldn’t believe it, a goddamn bloody adult”.…
Anne McElvoy, The Economist, 14/12/2021:
Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier of Queensland, ~11/11/2021 (original tweet deleted): Image
Justin Nelson, Program Manager, Microsoft Philanthropies, 23/08/2021:
Noam Chomsky, Philosopher, 2/09/21 & 26/10/21:… Image
Mehdi Hasan, political journalist, 26/10/2021:
Occupy Democrats, 26/01/2022: It’s good to deny medical treatment to the unvaccinated.
Piers Morgan, “Journalist”, 14/02/2021:
Chris Cotching, Principal Chatham Primary School, 23/04/2022:

“If your staff say, ‘I feel unsafe because this person is unvaccinated in my midst’, they can’t be ignored,” he said.…
Ben O’Shea, Journalist, Perth Now, 08/06/2022:…

“Co-workers, mates and relatives, who may have previously seemed fairly sensible, were outed as conspiracy theorists at best, and utter loonies at worst.”
Leana Wen, CNN Medical Analyst, 08.10.2021:

"The vaccinated should not have to pay the price for the so-called choices of the unvaccinated anymore.”…
Justin Trudeau, Canadian PM, 24/06/2022:

“nobody ever was going to force anyone…But there are consequences when you don't. You cannot choose to put at risk your co-workers. You cannot choose to put at risk the people sitting beside you on an airplane."…
Karl Lauterbach, German Health Minister, 2022:

“[The unvaccinated] do not have a right to be here… you are not supposed to be here.”

Well quite, we were all supposed to be dead by now…
John Gerrard, Chief Health Officer Queensland, 07/04/2022:
“The anti-vax group is taking up a disproportionate amount of oxygen.”

Not the ventilated kind, though.

Melissa Cunningham, journalist, The Age, 03.07.2022:

How to twist your language *and* your stats so you can keep blaming everything on the unvaccinated.… Image
Don Lemon, CNN host, July 2021:

"Don't have the vaccine, you can't go to the supermarket. Don't have the vaccine, you can't go to the ball game. Don't have the vaccine, can't go to work. ... No shirt, no shoes, no service."

(49) Annastacia Palaszczuk, Qld Premier, 04/11/2021:
“If you are unvaccinated and the virus comes to your community, the virus will hunt you out.”… Image
(50) Leo Varadkar, Tanaiste, 19/11/2021:
“It’s a difficult situation, things were going so well…Unfortunately, the five percent that are not [vaccinated] are causing a lot of the trouble.”… Image
(51) Leo Varadkar, Tanaiste, 26/11/2021:
“So essentially what’s happening is virus is looking for people that are unvaccinated… This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”… Image
(52) Micheál Martin, Taoiseach, 05/12/2021:
“So essentially what’s happening is virus is looking for people that are unvaccinated… This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”… Image
(53) Ryan Tubridy, RTE star, 10/09/2021:
“They don’t want somebody coming along with the mark of Cain going ‘I don’t believe in the vaccine’ - well then get out, and you’re not invited and your disinvited.”… Image
(54) Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, 24/08/2021:
Unvaccinated people should not be allowed to attend the All-Ireland GAA football final and other large outdoor events.… Image
(55) Garret FitzGerald, Director, Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, Uni of Pennsylvania, 24/08/2021:

Unvaccinated students and staff are a danger to themselves, and pose a risk to their vaccinated colleagues.… Image
(56) Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, 25/10/2021:

NZ set to become a two-tier society with different rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated.… Image
(58) Daniel Andrews, Victorian Premier, 19/10/2021:

Andrews warned that unvaccinated Victorians thinking they could “wait it out” would not be getting freedoms until “well into 2022”.… Image
(59) Jared Polish, Governor of Colorado, 06/10/2021:

“We wish [unvaccinated patients] well in their recovery, but we also wish their misery helps get the message out about why people need to be vaccinated.”… Image
(60) Fintan O’Toole, journalist, 11/12/2021:

“Vaccine sceptics form an objective threat to society…”… Image
(61) Joe Hildebrand, journalist, 07/08/2021:

“We are fast approaching a point where anyone who refuses whatever vaccine they are eligible for can no longer consider themselves a truly decent member of society.”… Image
(62) Joe Hildebrand, journalist, 26/02/2022:

“For the record gang, that wasn’t spreading fear, that was just calling you [the unvaccinated] a bunch of selfish arseholes.”… Image
(63) Kathleen Sebelius, former Kansas Governor, 19/07/2021:
“If you don’t choose to get vaccinated, you may not come to work. … I’m being impinged on by people who say, I don’t want to get vaccinated. ...”… Image
(64) David Farrier, ? (seriously who is that guy?), 17/12/2021:

“anti-vaxxers are selfish fucking idiots who - for a variety of reasons - don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves” Image
(65) George Takei, "Actor" (single role only), 14/08/2021:

"The willfully unvaccinated who wind up in hospitals from Covid should not receive priority medical care over other very sick or injured people who are as much in urgent need of medical care."

(66) George Takei, Actor, 30/12/2021:

"I get the disturbing sense many unvaccinated people are delighting in the fact many fully vaccinated people are now getting sick with Covid. ... I’m afraid many will take that ignorance to the grave."

Xmas special! These 5 articles advise how to deal with unvaxd at Xmas. Particularly poignant for me b/c my sister refused to attend Xmas celebrations with me - not even outside, socially distanced, post-RAT or masked - but did attend multiple gatherings with only vaxd present.
(67) Channel 7 Australia Sunrise (Natalie Barr & David Koch), “News Media”, 17/11/2021:

How to deal with unvaccinated loved ones this Christmas.

I dunno, maybe treat them like they're loved?

(I *was* pleasantly surprised by the initial vox pop.)

(68) Joshua Barocas, infectious-disease researcher, Uni of Colorado, 16/12/2021:

“I personally am not comfortable gathering with unvaccinated adults.”

I personally am not comfortable with an infectious disease researcher who can't understand facts.… Image
(69) Centre for Disease Control (CDC), 09/12/2021:

CDC’s recommendation for dealing with unvaccinated family members? Easy - treat them as if they are diseased!… Image
(70) William Li, “MD”, 15/12/2021:

"While it is quite safe to gather in small numbers with fully vaccinated people, it is not very safe to gather with people who are unvaccinated."

It's true, critical thinking is contagious.… Image
(71) Adrian Esterman, Prof of Biostatistics, Uni of South Australia, 04/12/2021:

"I would say, look, we've been friends for 20 years, but unless you have been vaccinated I am not willing to have you in my home."

Don't expect to stay on the Xmas list.… Image
(72) Art Fuentes aka Arf the artiste, Artist, 11/08/2021:

I dunno if a syringe squirting liquid and telling people to die is the best choice of imagery to shame those who haven’t had the Covid vaccine - but hey, art is subjective.… Image
(73) Scott Dworkin, Journalist & founder of The Democratic Coalition, 02/10/2021:

“If you get fired for not getting vaccinated, just know, that you deserve it.”

(Fair and reasonable) Choices have (disproportionate and unfair) consequences, dontcha know? Image
(74) Bob Carr, Former NSW Premier, 09/11/2021:
"no medical or hospital expenses to be reimbursed to people who are not vaxd without medical justification ... You ignored warnings and got the disease. You pay for your wilful stupidity, not the rest of us."
(75) Bob Carr, Former NSW Premier, 12/12/2021:

The unvaccinated are "simpletons who believe rubbish on the web, and ignore medical advice".…
(76) Susie Boniface aka Fleet Street Fox, 20/09/2021:

"Anti-vaxxers want to kill your babies"

I just can't even with this one... The content of this article is quite unbelievable.… Image
(77) Sean O'Grady, journalist, The Independent, 18/05/2021:

"Being coughed on by someone with coronavirus is not my idea of freedom. Those refusing a vaccine must face the consequences. The rest of us have rights too, including the right to life."… Image
(78) Kate Mulvey, journalist, The Telegraph, 02/06/2021:

“One great mate from university, who self-medicates her anxiety with chardonnay, made me laugh when she revealed she refused to put “nasties” in her body...I have not returned her calls since.”… Image
(79) Sheera Frenkel, Journalist, NY Times, 01/08/2021:

Parents against mandates are anti-vaxxers. Parents who chose not to vaccinate their child for a disease for which they bear no risk are anti-vaxxers. Parents are anti-vaxxers!!!

(The replies to her tweet are worth reading.)
(80) Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 05/09/2021:

(Alt video link, starts at 30m10s:…)

#PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated Image
(81) Anthony Dale, Ontario Hospital Assoc. President, 10/08/2022:

“[HCW] deserve to feel safe…Having unvaccinated workers in the workplace would not be supported by the tens of thousands of vaccinated staff working in Ontario’s hospitals today.”…
(81) Karl Lauterbach, German Health Minister, 10/08/2022:

“It is safer to sit at the table with a vaccinated person than with an unvaccinated person.”

To be fair, that’s probably true in Herr Lauterbach’s case, he’s a repeat offender on this list.

(83) Karl Lauterbach, German Health Minister, 10/12/2021:

“It’s absolutely unacceptable that in establishments where people live, who put their trust in us to protect them, that people are unnecessarily dying because unvaccinated work there.”…
(84) Lori E Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago, 22/12/2021:

“if you have been living vaccine-free, your time is up”

Tick-tock, still waiting…
With the CDC's recent updated guidance around the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, I thought it would be timely to devote the next section of the thread looking at the evolution of the phrase "pandemic of the unvaccinated". I wonder where it came from...🤔 Image
(85) Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director, 16/07/2021:

"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. We are seeing outbreaks of cases in parts of the country that have low vaccination coverage because unvaccinated people are at risk."…
(86a) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 31/08/2021:

" can manage a pandemic of the unvaccinated when the unvaccinated is a small group."…
(86b) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 31/08/2021:

"This is an outbreak and is moving to become a pandemic of the unvaccinated. There are very few people in hospital that have been first dosed or fully vaccinated.”…
(87) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 05/09/2021:

“I will give you an age breakdown which I know is always of interest and just confirms that this really is a pandemic now of the unvaccinated."…
(88) Anthony Fauci, US President’s Chief Medical Adviser, 07/09/2021:

“It’s really an outbreak among the unvaccinated. So this is an issue, predominantly among the unvaccinated.”…
(89) Anthony Fauci, US President’s Chief Medical Adviser, 07/09/2021:

“This is still an outbreak, a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And when you look at the percentage of is overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated."…
(90) Joe Biden, US President, 09/09/2021:

"While the vaccines provide strong protections for the vaccinated, we read about... people on their death beds, among the unvaccinated over these past few weeks. 

This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."…
(91) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 15/09/2021:

“This is going where the vaccines aren’t. This is going to the unvaccinated, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated."…
(92) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 14/10/2021:

”It is already a pandemic of the unvaccinated. But it will absolutely be a pandemic of the unvaccinated with accelerant because we are moving - and with speed - because we are open.”…
(93) Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, 17/10/2021:

"The point here is this some of the positive numbers we’re seeing in hospitals ... is a function of the fact that the pandemic of the unvaccinated is coming a smaller and smaller group."…
(94) Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer, Victoria, 17/10/2021:

“... ICU and hospital admissions look better than it was originally modelled...the fact is that the pandemic of the unvaccinated is becoming a smaller group."…
(95) Alexander Schallenberg, Austrian Chancellor, 25/10/2021:

“The pandemic is not yet in the rear view mirror. We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”…
(96) Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of Vilnius, 26/10/2021:

There are two ways to protect against the "pandemic of the unvaccinated". The preferred way: "We should impose movement restrictions on the unvaccinated people."…
(97) Jens Spahn, (former) German Health Minister, 03/11/2021:

“We are currently experiencing mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated and it is massive. There would be fewer coronavirus patients on [ICU] if more people would let themselves be vaccinated.”…
(98) Dr Mehta, Pulmonologist, Denver Health, 04/11/2021:

“While this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated at this point – and the surges in the hospital are entirely being driven by unvaccinated folks – it is having a massive bleed-over effect..."…
(99) Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission President, 23/11/2021:

"If I look at the rates of mortality and incidents what we are seeing now is that we have a pandemic of the unvaccinated. So it remains the key priority to pursue vaccination."…
(100) Tim Leong, Service Director Monash Health ICU, 04/12/2021:

“It’s by far and away a pandemic of the unvaccinated. We can get data on who in the ICU with Covid is double vaccinated, and it’s one patient. ...That in itself tells the story.”…
(101) Peter Hotez, Prof of Virology, Baylor College of Medicine, 31/01/2022:

"Biden is right when he says we’re facing a pandemic of the unvaccinated — but it’s also now becoming a pandemic of the unboosted."…
(102) Joe Biden, US President, 04/02/2022:

“there is no excuse ...for being unvaccinated. This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. ... And for parents with kids too young to be vaccinated, surround your kids with people who are vaccinated.”…
(103) HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, 25/02/2021:

“It's obviously difficult for people if they've never had a vaccine… but they ought to think about other people rather than themselves.”…
(104) Jennifer Anniston, actress, 6/8/2021:

“I've just lost a few people in my weekly routine who have refused or did not disclose [whether or not they had been vaccinated], and it was unfortunate."…
(105) Brett Sutton, Vic CHO, 24/09/2021:

“This is not just about being anti-mandated vaccination. They're anti-everything…They're literally in a fantasy world.…Let's not pretend these are otherwise rational individuals. They're absolutely wacky."…
(106) The Canadian media, 2021-2022:

(H/t @MarkChangizi & @PlasticoG) Image
(107) Queensland Department of Education, 23/08/2022:

The department claims the school workers have been “non-compliant with the lawful direction from their employer enforcing the chief health officer’s direction to be vaccinated against COVID-19”…
(108) David Frum, journalist, The Atlantic, 13/12/2021:

The “best option” is to force people to get vaccinated and “let hospitals quietly triage emergency care to serve the unvaccinated last.” Image
(109) An incredible video compilation of various political and media personalities damning the unvaccinated. My personal favourite:

“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are the enemy.”
(110) Another incredible video montage - some I’ve already got in the list, some are new.

Very much worth your while to watch all the way through:
(111) Laura Mariko Cheifetz, Assistant Dean of Admissions, Vanderbilt Divinity School, 03/11/2021:

Seems like a rather unchristian attitude, but then I’m not religious so I don’t know. Image
(112) Matthew Shaer (and his CDC neighbours), writer, Times Magazine, 03/10/2022:

Celebrate Halloween by suggesting that ppl who have haven’t dogmatically followed “the Science”must be dead, and isn’t that funny?

Only we’re not dead. And isn’t that the truly frightening thing?
(113) Ara Darzi, Journalist, The Times, 03/10/2022:

“Antivaxers are a global menace who must be defeated.”

And the article makes it clear “antivaxers” means ppl unvaccinated against Covid.

Unbelievable we’re still seeing this rhetoric in Oct 22.… Image
(114) James Newburrie, IT guy, sometime in 2021:

(These make me sad as I have a fondness for this guy, but these comments were totally out of line. Tweets since deleted.) ImageImage
(116) Emily Sheffield, Journalist, Evening Standard, 07/01/2022:…

“the unvaccinated of this city need to pay with their freedoms, not ours. … A mix of willful ignorance, obstinacy and selfish stupidity is causing real harm… and risking death to others.” ImageImage
(117) Nick Ferrari, Journalist, LBC, 01/12/2021:

“We’ve tried the carrot. We now move to the stick.”

It’s not the unvaccinated who look like asses, though, is it?

(118) Gene Simmons, musician, Kiss, 11/11/2021:

“he and fellow bandmate Paul Stanley tested positive with so-called breakthrough cases of the coronavirus after being vaccinated and a guitar tech for the group reportedly died” 🤡… Image
(119) Nicola Sturgeon, Scottish First Minister, 23/11/2021:

If you’re not“as fully vaccinated as you can be” and you meet up with loved ones at Christmas then “you could be putting their lives in danger.”… Image
(120) Adele, musician, 07/12/2021:

“The Event Organiser is requiring all attendees of this event to have been fully vaccinated (14 days past final vaccination shot ) AND to have received a negative COVID-19 test within 48-hours of the event.”… Image
(121) Piers Morgan, Journalist, 18/05/2021:

People who refuse to apologize for their unjustified foul-mouthed tirades are pretty rank too, but that’s just my opinion. 🤷 Image
(122) Michael O’Leary, CEO, Ryanair, 21/12/2021:

“If you want to be unvaccinated, that’s fine, but we should increasingly not allow those to go to work, to travel on the Underground, to fly, to go to the supermarket, to go to pharmacies.”… Image
(123) Tony Parsons, Journalist, The Sun, 01/01/2022:

“… selfish Covid cretins have stubbornly declined to get vaccinated. And THEY are the ones who are now getting sick. [They] are creating the need for rules, restrictions and social paralysis…”…
(124) Kelvin MacKenzie, former editor, The Sun, 10/12/2021:

“Something must be done,” says a person who self-describes as “massively hostile.”

That’s not concerning at all. 😳 Image
(125) Benjamin Butterworth, Journalist, 23/11/2021:

“I think … a lockdown of the unvaccinated isn’t a bad idea because those are the people that, if there are enough of them that refuse the jab, we’d all be in a lockdown.”… Image
(126) Benjamin Butterworth, Journalist, 15/02/2022:

It’s ok Ben, we wouldn’t date you either.

(127) Ryan-Mark Parsons, star of The Apprentice, 03/06/2021:

"As far as I'm concerned, they are dead wood…They should be punished. They cannot enjoy the same civil liberties as everyone else if they're not willing…to protect the country."… Image
(128) Ray Hadley, radio presenter, 2GB, 30/11/2021:

“I expect that during World War II you’d be prepared to listen to the rantings of Hitler… perhaps you think paedophiles have a point and perhaps I should air their views on here.”… Image
(129) Gladys Berejiklian, NSW Premier, 28/09/2021:

“A lot of businesses have said they will not accept anyone who is unvaccinated. Life for the unvaccinated will be very difficult indefinitely."… Image
(130) NY Times readers, various, 09/02/2022:

“The unvaccinated can and do spread the virus. It’s the Typhoid Mary story all over again.”

“I will not give a damn whether or not they suffer for their “choice.””… Image
(131) Mark McGowan, Premier of WA, 10/01/2022:

“If you for some reason have not had your first dose yet, my advice is make a booking today. Otherwise, life is about to get really difficult for you.”… Image
(132) Colum Eastwood, leader Social Democratic and Labour Party (Ireland), 22/09/2021:

Demands compulsory vaccination for health care workers, vax passports, due to the “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

Ht @citizenjournos_……
Another great video compilation, h/t @TheMilkBarTV. My personal fave:

(133) Arthur Caplan, Director Medical Ethics, NY Grossman School of Medicine, 05/01/2022:

“I’ll condemn ‘em, I’ll shame ‘em, I’ll blame ‘em.”
(134) Arthur Caplan, Director Medical Ethics, NY Grossman School of Medicine, 18/01/2022:

Should the unvaxd pay more for hlthcare? Art says they should - not to recoup $ due to increased risk, but to impose a $ incentive.

Oh and no t/plants for unvaxd.… Image
(135) Prof Emily Oster, economist, 30/03/2021 & 29/04/2021:

Warns others to “think carefully” about intersections with unvaxd.

Creates a calculator to help people work out the risks of interacting with unvax.

Now suggests an amnesty for how we responded to the pandemic. 🤔 ImageImage
(136) Melissa Healy, health and science reporter, LA Times, 03/11/2022:

The answer to her question, buried *very* deep in the article, is “we have no good reason to think so”.

Nevertheless she also tries to casts doubts about the #undervaccinated 🤦…
(137) Sean Penn, actor & founder of CORE, 22/07/2021:

"Penn has insisted to the production that the vaccination of everyone must be mandatory. Through his organization, CORE, Penn has offered to facilitate the vaccination effort, free of charge."

(138) Sean Penn, actor, 11/08/2021:

“I think that it’s an unwillingness to engage in a culture of common sense... I really feel that if someone chooses not to be vaccinated, they should choose to stay home, not go to work, not have a job.”

(139) Sean Penn, actor, 12/08/2021:

"But I have to say that I do request people who are not vaccinated, don’t go to the cinemas. Stay home until you are convinced of these very clearly safe vaccines. ...Vaccines are a great movement of interdependence.”…
(139) Sean Penn, actor, 21/08/2021:

"Penn said that he “would request only vaccinated audiences” for his new directorial feature and that “the unvaccinated” could see it someday when it’s eventually on some streaming platform."…
(140) Sean Penn, actor, 21/08/2021:

"And I do believe that everyone should get vaccinated. I believe it should be mandatory, like turning your headlights on in the car at night."

Yes, getting a vaccination is just like that, Sean.…
(141) Sean Penn, actor, 23/08/2021:

"But I think that you need to recognise how, you know, with something like this, you can’t go around pointing a gun in somebody’s face, which is what it is when people are unvaccinated."…
(142) Mike Fleming Jr, journalist, Deadline, 30/09/2021:

"The pandemic is not coming under control because of those who refuse to get vaccinated...It is undeniable that hospitals are filled with Covid patients who have doggedly resisted the vaccines."…
(143) Howard Stern, radio personality, 10/09/2021:

"F 'em. F their freedom.... I’m really of mind to say, ‘Look, if you didn’t get vaccinated and you got Covid, you don’t get into a hospital.' You had the cure and you wouldn’t take it.”…
(144) Howard Stern, radio personality, 19/01/2022:

"If it was up to me, anyone unvaccinated would not be admitted to a hospital. my America, all hospitals would be closed to you. You’re going to go home and die. That is what you should get.”…
(145) Howard Stern, radio personality, 12/01/2021:

Stern called Djokovic “selfish,” “douchebag” and “fucknut” for his choice not to get a covid vaccine.

"What a fucking asshole. They should throw him right the fuck out of tennis. That’s it. Goodbye."…
(146) Kathy Hochul, NY Governor, 27/09/2021:

“All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.”…
(147) Ian Karmel, co-head writer, The Late Late Show, 06/07/2021:

“The only thing we should offer people who don't want the vaccine is a knuckle sandwich.”

“I think we should be done offering them things. And we should start excluding them from things.”…
(148) Dee Snider, musician, Twisted Sister, 26/08/2021:

“Your chance of making me sick is an invasion of MY privacy, so fuck you. … You don’t have a right to infect me.”…
(149) Diane Francis, journalist, Financial Post, 22/12/2021:

“…consider the “nuclear” option: denying publicly funded health care to anyone who is eligible to get a vaccine but refuses to do so, and forcing them to pay for COVID treatment out of pocket.”…
(150) Rod Stewart, singer, 02/12/2021:

"It makes me angry, especially in America, where they talk about 'It's my right, it's my freedom.'
"No it's not! Because you are a killer, and you can be killed. Dead simple."…
(151) Sean T, Elections Analyst, 29/08/2021:

Yet on his Twitter bio “You shall love your crooked neighbour, with your crooked heart”.

(But I guess Sean’s heart is too crooked to love the unvaccinated…) Image
(152) Heather Mallick, columnist, The Star, 15/01/2022:

“Will we ever forgive the deliberately unvaccinated for having helped spread a disease that killed and disabled so many, devastating the economy, leaving many of us jobless and wretched?”…
(153) That Gay Guy, owner of a candle company, 29/07/2021:

“If you’re not vaccinated, get the fuck out of my house.”

“An unvaccinated employee would not be permitted to enter our workplace. Period.” ImageImageImage
(154) Ana Navarro-Cárdenas, political commentator, 21/12/2021:

“if you’re not vaccinated, I don’t want to see you, talk to you, work w/you, socialize w/you or know you. It’s enough. Your “personal freedom” is holding the rest of us hostage. It’s selfish and stupid.” Image
(155) Dr Peter Hotez, Dean of Baylor College of Medicine, 14/12/2022:

“…anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally… 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives because they refused a Covid vaccine.”
(156) Robin Abcarian, Columnist, LA Times, 19/01/2022:

“I’m thrilled that [unvaxd] are not able to mingle everywhere at will with those of us doing our part to get the pandemic under control.…the vaccine refuseniks.. have murdered their better angels…”…
(157) Kay Ivey, Governor of Alabama, 23/07/2021:

“…it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the vaccinated folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain.”…
(158) Sharri Markson, SkyNews host, 12/09/2021:

“If you’re a customer going into a store, you want to know that the ppl working there are vax’d. If you’re in a restaurant, you want to know that the ppl sitting alongside you breathing in the same air as you have also been vax’d.”
(159) Spotlight Group, retail company, 07/09/2021:

“For those…eligible for a festive bonus this year, in order to both ensure that you now qualify and that it is processed early, please provide your manager with confirmation of your vaccination status”…
(160) Ben Shapiro, lawyer and political commentator, 9/12/2020:

Believe the hype, dopes.

But who’s the dope now? Image
(161) Sarah Martin, journalist, 16/01/2022:

Djokovic is “arrogant, anti-science and an all-round jerk”

“Australians who have done the right thing and got vaccinated – many who would have preferred not to – think the Joker should go home.”…

• • •

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More from @TheAngryBee1

Sep 2, 2022
🧵Two years ago I posted this letter from several Australian doctors on my personal Facebook page.

Now this wasn’t a request to just open up (or ‘let it rip’ being the phrase used at the time).…
It was a request for greater discussion and transparency around the potential harms of lockdowns. It was a request to consider more targeted measures, along the lines of the focused protection proposed by the @gbdeclaration.
The comments I received from my "friends" implied several things.

That I put wealth before wellbeing.

That I didn’t care if covid killed my sister and other vulnerable people.

That I was unable to see through my privilege.

That I didn’t understand the science or the data.
Read 19 tweets
Aug 31, 2022
Once again @jeffreyatucker has put into words the vague ideas and feelings rattling in my head.

“The pandemic response took a chunk of flesh out of civilization itself. The masking, the vaccine mandates, the learned presumption that everyone is a disease vector…
…the fear of authority, the shattering of life routine, followed by the economic chaos and dislocation, not to mention learning loss, the loss of faith and trust, and the rise of petty and serious crime—it’s all taken a terrible toll.”
“When governments decided to treat us all like animals, muzzling us and forcing us all apart, they sent a message that it is fine to treat each other in the same way. Not only that: they specifically encouraged division, exclusion, and hate.”
Read 5 tweets
Nov 7, 2021
1/ A (long) thread on evidence around effectiveness of vaccines in reducing transmission and infection.

For a significant proportion of the Australian population, it is mandatory to be “fully vaccinated” (presently 2 doses) in order to work.
2/ Only those with vaccine certificates can go shopping, eat out, or go to the gym, museum, cinema, theatre, gallery, library or other public spaces.
3/ The premise for vaccine mandates and passports is the idea that vaccination benefits the community because: (1) it prevents or reduces infection for the individual, making it less likely they will be infected and pass it on to others;
Read 37 tweets

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