Isn't it time we pushed back on the "Democrats are doomed" narrative from @CNN, @MSNBC, and everyone else who should know better? The idea that mid-terms are always referenda on the incumbent President, and not on the opposition, may have made sense before, but no longer.
THIS mid-term election can and should be a referendum on an opposition party that has done far more TO the United States, including all of its own constituents who didn't vote for it and never would, than FOR the United States.
E.g. Jim Jordan, who "represents" Ohio's 4th CD, has NEVER introduced, co-sponsored, or supported any bill that would improve the lives of his constituents. He's just a fast-talking bomb thrower, 3rd from the bottom in effectiveness as a GOP lawmaker. 3/x…
EVERY citizen in Ohio's 4th CD should be bombarded every day with reminders of how little Jim Jordan has done to earn their votes. Democratic challengers should couple those attacks with constant messages about what THEY would do for the district that Jordan has NEVER done
At the same time, every citizen in Ohio's 4th CD should be bombarded every day with how much of Joe Biden's and the Democrats' failure to get more done for the district is the direct result of GOP obstruction for the sake of obstruction, for the principle of power, period.
Wherever GOP incumbents are not completely entrenched, the same strategy can and should be used to dislodge enough of them to capture their seats. To #FlipTheScript for American Democracy.
@stephan80339517@SethAbramson One thing we can do to defeat DeJoy is #BypassTheUSPS. Get local boards of election to organize teams of trusted volunteers to deliver an at-home ballots to any voter who wants one, and collect them all before the deadlines for return.
@stephan80339517@SethAbramson Another thing we can do is, where necessary, pressure state legislatures to change vote counting rules so at-home ballots can be tabulated as soon as they're received, instead of being held for tabulating until after Election Day.
@stephan80339517@SethAbramson Another thing we can do is emulate Colorado, with secure, video-monitored ballot drop boxes in locations convenient for almost every voter.
In 2017, the Minneapolis PD was already going down a bad road, with completely inadequate screening of police recruits for the kind of personality and character traits that had already led to PREVIOUS George Floyds. 1/x…
From 2016: This is only one of dozens of programs, articles, and academic studies going back decades that show how poorly we identify in advance the kind of cops who killed George Floyd. It also points to what we need to do. 2/x
The fact that we know so much about who will make good cops and who will make bad cops, how to pick only those who will make good cops to BECOME cops, and still do it so haphazardly is what makes the killing of George Floyd even more infuriating.
I'm going to retweet this from @camanpour and the tweets that followed as a thread. The vision of a post-#COVID19 recovery that Ursula @vonderleyen articulates for Europe could and should be a model for the United States as well. 1/x
@vonderleyen reminds us of the value that the United States can bring to a united response to a global crisis. A value that is being held back by a backward, self-obsessed, isolationist mentality in the Oval Office and every mentality aligned with it. 2/x
We are hearing similar caution and disciplined thinking from state governors, especially those working together in the 7-state Northeast Alliance and the 3-state Western States Compact. But not from the Oval Office. 3/x
A potential defense against this: a #CoronavirusCompact. A joint purchasing agreement that lets multiple States buy equipment and supplies under a single contract with suppliers. Uniform prices and coordinated logistics under an interstate authority. It's been done before.
Texas did this decades ago, allowing other States to join its contracts with suppliers for educational and other products and services.
A #CoronavirusCompact among NY, NJ, OH, VA, CA, MI, LA, and other States, both Red and Blue, wouldn't match Federal buying power, but would create a more predictable, overall better customer-supplier relationship than anything the Trump Regime could create.
Critical information in this report that needs to be shared as widely as possible: The Trump Regime's attempt to include a "Citizenship Question" in this year's census was rejected by the Courts. But its intended damage was already done and still remains. 1/x
The chilling effect on #Latinx communities of Trump's and the #GOPs attempts to corrupt the Census threatens a Census undercount that could defraud diverse states of Congressional representation and a fair share of Federal tax dollars. 2/x…
The #Latinx and other groups working to defuse these fears and encourage participation could use support from the rest of us. Here's a Google list of links to outreach efforts across the country. @IndivisibleNet 3/x
Local 3D printing is being used to produce ventilator parts in Italy. The company is being threatened by the patent holder, but is prepared to ask for forgiveness instead asking permission.…
Local 3D printing of critical parts is already being used for disaster relief. Mass production and distribution at or near point-of-use should be possible as well. 2/x…
We already have a glut of plastic waste that can be recycled, reprocessed, and repurposed for local supply of low-cost raw materials for these parts and even for whole systems. 3/x…