Gérard returned in July 1584 with 2 wheel-lock pistols.
William was having dinner.
After he left and walked downstairs, van Uylenburgh heard Gérard shoot William in the chest at close range.
Gérard fled immediately
Gérard fled through a side door and ran across a narrow lane, pursued by Roger Williams.
Gérard had almost reached the ramparts, from which he intended to jump into the moat. On the other side a saddled horse stood ready.
A pig's bladder around his waist was intended to help keep him afloat. However, he stumbled over a heap of rubbish. A servant and a halberdier of the prince who had raced after him caught him.
At his trial, Gérard was sentenced to be tortured & executed, in a manner considered brutal even by the standards at the time. It was decreed that his right hand should be burned off with a red-hot iron, his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in 6 different places
that he should be quartered and disemboweled alive, his heart torn from his bosom and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be taken off.[
Gérard's torture was extraordinarily brutal.
On the first night of his imprisonment, Gérard was hung on a pole and lashed with a whip. Next, his wounds were smeared with honey and a goat was brought to lick the honey off his skin with its rough tongue.
The goat, however, refused to touch his body.
he was left to pass the night with his hands and feet bound together, like a ball, so sleep would be difficult. During the following three days, he was repeatedly mocked and hung on a pole with his hands tied behind his back.
Then, a weight of 300 metric pounds (150 kg) was attached to each of his big toes for half an hour.
Subsequently, Gérard was fitted with shoes made of well-oiled, uncured dog skin; the shoes were two fingers shorter than his feet. In this state, he was put before a fire.
When the shoes warmed up, they contracted, crushing the feet inside them to stumps. When the shoes were removed, his half-broiled skin was torn off. After his feet were damaged, his armpits were branded.
He was then dressed in a shirt soaked in alcohol. Lastly, burning bacon fat was poured over him and sharp nails were stuck between the flesh and the nails of his hands and feet.
On 14 July, 4 days after the assassination, the sentence declared at the trial was carried out and Gérard was tortured and executed in the market square of Delft.
His severed head was then displayed on a pike behind the Prinsenhof and his arms and legs displayed on four gates of the city.
On 15 March 1580, King Philip had offered a reward of 25,000 crowns, peerage and an inheritable estate to anyone who killed or captured William the Silent, to whom he referred in his decree as a "pest on the whole of Christianity and the enemy of the human race"
The shooting is notable for being the 1st recorded political assassination of a head of state with a firearm
More than 200 years would pass until another head of state was killed by a firearm, Gustav III, King of Sweden
Just taking a break from endless yandex ocr translations of tedious WIV "confidential" engineering documents and tenders, essential for my long delayed 5th report.
@Ticklicker56 @angie_rasmussen @Dissenting2020 @DrStrangeLovett @Rebecca21951651 @All_New_to_This @VaughnMises @R_H_Ebright @Florin_Uncovers @ban_epp_gofroc @MJnanostretch @Muller_Lab @SolidEvidence @ydeigin @ciukzwil @tgof137 @StavaRune @VBruttel @FondueMean @tom335363 @BioSRP @stevenemassey @jbloom_lab @BallouxFrancois @Ayjchan @mattwridley RML expertise in biodefense inlcudes tick & flea agents, so I doubt she would want to discuss how many ticks they have or what they inject them with.
1. Latest Victim of Flo Debarre's "Doxxng" Crusade
Is ME!
I got a disturbing & threatening email, mentioning:
"room for negotiation about the name"
"1st story is often the one that sticks, even if it's not accurate..your chance to negotiate terms"
"continue over Signal"
2. Le Monde
The reporter she is working with, William Audureau @Willvs , seems a principled journalist and did not know of her nefarious doxxing activities against me and other members of DRASTIC and our supporters in Academia, of which he dissaproves.
@Willvs 3. Best way to deal with bullies is to expose them!
I thus emailed CNRS, Cyber Security Office & the Minister of the Interior to complain
"Participant 12" (maybe a soldier at Aldershot). after infection with SC2, over time experienced a substantial number of mutations suggestive of rapid evolution.
Ferdinand de Lesseps's success in building the Suez Canal in 1869 was utterly derailed by the abysmal failure of his subsequent effort to build the Panama Canal due to disease.
800 thousand people had invested their savings in the project!
Good luck using your critical thinking skills to seperate wheat from chaff so that you can decide what is propaganda & what is fact.
Of course the easy options are to dismiss everything as lies or to swallow everything as fact.
2. What I recommend
If you are interested in a balanced analysis of the Russian claims and all the detailed evidence presented by Kirillov before his assassination in Moscow, as well as relted topics, then I highly recommend you plough through those threads at your leisure.