1. Northern European nations and Canada are not Socialist nations, they are Capitalist (State and mostly private) which have large social safety nets (or welfare) for their citizens, paid for by Capitalism.
This is not an attack on those nations, their governments do actually
2. seem to care about their citizens and the people seem to have more control over their governments than in a Plutocratic nation such as the US. What is important to realize is that Capitalism only really cares about profit and that is destroying the planet, if we want to solve
3. these looming existential problems we can't hold up these nations as examples.
This is where we require a fundamental shift, as a species, in the way we think about civilization. Currently we are still trapped in the idea of trade and competition without seeing those as the
4. root cause of all of the problems in the world today. We need to move beyond these archaic methods of thought and into a new paradigm, a new way of thinking that is a major shift from the old, and that is where #DirectDemocracy and a #GiftEconomy (or #ResourceBasedEconomy, its
5. advanced form) come in.
A #DirectDemocracy is fundamentally different than anything the world has today, which is rule by the few or the one. When the majority rule, they will create policy based on what the majority desire, not the minority. If you look at the polls for
6. policies and changes which the majority want, you see these rejected over and over again in every nation on the planet. The majority want economic change which leads to a more equal society, they want curbs on greenhouse gas emissions, they want to take care of the poor, house
7. the homeless, to truly take care of each other and build an egalitarian society where everyone feels safe and free.
And then there is the "but how do we pay for it?"
First, let me start off with a reminder that money, all of it, even #Crypto, is created out of thin air;
8. someone typed a number into a computer and voila, new money was created. In addition to that, money is just numbers and guess what? Numbers go on forever. So when someone says "we can't afford this or that" or "how are we going to pay for it", what they are really saying is
9. that they don't want to pay for it.
And that is where a gift and sharing or #ResourceBasedEconomy come into the equation.
Any of the above require one fundamental change in the way we think today which is based on the idea of trade, I give you something and you give me
10. something in return, to I give you something, end of story. In the latter economic system, you will never give more than you receive, period, end of story. And the good news is, you have likely partook in this economic system your entire life, and didn't even realize it. If
11. you have ever helped someone, given to another, donated items or your time and effort, without an expectation of receiving something in return, then you have partaken in a gift or sharing economy. The home is a perfect example of a gift or sharing economy, we take care of
12. each other, we take care of our children and they (sometimes) take care of us, and we do not expect payment in return.
This change in the way we think of an economy has profound ramifications:
- Profit and money (trade) are no longer necessary
13. - Most jobs disappear, since there is no money, there is no need for likely over half of the jobs today
- Nearly all crime is eliminated
- Without the profit motive, everything produced can be done so to last, using the best available engineering, and made in such a manner
14. to be as close to 100% recyclable or reusable as possible.
- No more economic hierarchy; the few can no longer live lives of abject leisure off of the labors or others.
- The wealthy few can no longer control the poor using their vast amounts of wealth.
People like
15. @SenSanders or @AOC, both of whom I follow, do not want fundamental change, which is why they do not talk about #DirectDemocracy or a fundamentally different economic system such as a gift, sharing or #ResourceBasedEconomy, they only want tweaks to the existing Capitalist
16. system.
If we are to create a new society, a better society, one that our children and grandchildren will be proud of, we need to stop looking to "representatives" and "leaders" for these changes and instead, have the courage to change this society now, today, not tomorrow,
17. and do it ourselves, working together, and ignoring those which want the status quo or slight tweaks to it.
And this is just a reminder of a previous revolution, where the people didn't ask a king for change, they created that change, and then informed the king that his
18. services would no longer be required.
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..." - Thomas Jefferson
19. Addendum.
I wanted to include another reason for moving towards majority rule (Direct Democracy); AI and robots in the hands of the few.
There are a lot of people out there today that do not understand just how far along we are today in the advancement of AI and robotics.
20. Today the Navy has a destroyer which is capable of full autonomy, the CIA has used an AI sniper to murder an Iranian Scientist and AI tanks in Russia and AI drones used to drop bombs. AI is currently be used in law firms to replace lawyers, in research facilities to replace
21. Scientists, on Wall Street to replace stock brokers. There are factories today which are nearly 100% fully automated and China has restaurants fully staffed by robots.
This is not Science Fiction, you can search on any of the above information and find the evidence.
22. And here is the danger; in the hands of the few (Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, US, UK and others) or the one (China, Russia, Vietnam and others), these autonomous machines can be deployed against the 99%, who are not only irrelevant in this new age of technology, but
23. are in fact, taking up resources and space for the global elite.
Now imagine Terminators being deployed throughout the world, even in the US, as police and military, and the propaganda line will go something like "saves lives by not putting people in danger". Also, for
24. those paying attention to the news, especially in the US, look out for the code phrases "Domestic Terrorism" and "Domestic Terrorists", you will see it on the full spectrum of news, from CNN to Fox. January 6th (which was in fact a major Psyop) will be used to crush dissent
25. and implement new Totalitarian measures such as censorship of the Internet and quite possible, "Articles of Allegiance" (for those familiar with the movie V for Vendetta). In fact, there is a bill which was written after the January 6th insurrection, which lays out much of
26. new future.
Now that doesn't mean that they won't keep some of us around, for entertainment purposes; some will be useful as pets, sex toys, or as entertainment in future Gladiator games.
Note that this future is only possible when power is in the hands of the few or the
27. one, not when the majority rules as in a Direct Democracy. This is why it is imperative that we, the majority, take back the power which we have abdicated to the few.
28. Before you take my word on any of this and I am only making a prediction here, do the research yourselves, get the info, analyze it and put together your own hypothesis (draw your own conclusions).
When you see people defending the status quo ask them what is their agenda or motivation, see if they reply.
What I have found is that everyone, without exception, has an agenda; some are working for intelligence agencies (public and/or private), some maybe "earn" a living from
the labor of others and enjoy a life of abject leisure and love having others serve them. Always think about this when determining their agenda.
So what is my agenda or motivation? Since everyone has one, including myself, I will share mine with you and it is simply to put an
end to all of this suffering going on in the world today. If my agenda were power, I would not be advocating for #DirectDemocracy politically as that eliminates the power of the few or the one, nor would I advocate for a #GiftEconomy as that eliminates economic hierarchy.