12-2-20, Tony Shaffer, who is indefinitely suspended from posting monkey gifs on this platform, joined a press conference in his function as the Amistad Project's lead investigator. About two weeks later, they used forged documents for their "GOP electors."
He briefed hundreds of state legislators on the call with Phill Kline of the Amistad Project, Peter Navarro, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman and Donald Trump, the latter who spoke for about 15 minutes.
Trump ordered it. Other people worked out the details for him. And Trump led the coup through countless of meetings and phone calls starting right after the Nov 3rd election.
I noticed first hand how Tony Shaffer was openly harrassing people here on Twitter. He did so with @JimStewartsom, @jennycohn1@visionsurreal and to a lesser extent myself.
@jennycohn1@visionsurreal@TwitterSafety After this happened, I came to learn how closely Shaffer worked for a group that tried to overturn the free and fair 2020 United States presidential election. The group which is The Amistad Project.
I have detailed in my current pinned thread what The Amistad project has done. I'll leave the legal aspect and consequences to the lawyers.
But Shaffer's documented bullying looks like an effort to obstruct investigators to find out more about his role.