Patel Patriot has a busy personal life and far to many grift streams to devote a lot of time to his substack grift that he's currently swindling people out of money while not producing content for.
One of his complaints is that he needs to 'fact check' his writing to make sure he isn't lying to his audience and that's why it takes him time to write his Trump fan fic. So now, once a week I'm going to go over an episode of Devolution and see how good his fact checking is.
Tune in Thursday for Part 1 of my series "It's Devolution Baby!" where we'll be going over Part 1 of Devolution and lemme assure you it's incredibility stupid.
I get it Patel, I know you dreamed of having a social media beef with Mike Rothschild, but sadly for you he's big time. You're stuck with the Shirley Manson Guy. Joe M and Major Dad learned to accept that I'm as good as it would get for them. You will to.
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It's time for everyone's favorite game show "Answering easy questions a QAnon promoter asks and also pondering what it would all mean if it the questions did have a sinister answer." Today's contestant is the LeBron hater, come on down!
Let's handle the first question and also deal with it's implications. It's January and Justice Roberts didn't want to sit in the cold an extra 12 minutes to placate lunatics (JFK was sworn in at 12:51 and QAnon doesn't think Ike was secretly still running America).
If something was fishy about this I need it explained to me. Why did Trump order Biden to take the oath a little early? What was the goal there? Who but QAnon would care? If this was supposed to be a signal why didn't Biden take the oath 17 minutes early?
Meme's like this aren't so much about PizzaGate as they are about community building. The point of this meme is for the reader to see how pilled they are by catching all the Easter Eggs in it. Somebody just getting into this stuff might not recognize Podesta.
Beyond him you got the hot dogs, the logo for Comet Ping Pong, and if you look in the background the 65,000 dollar price tag on the hot dogs. There's a lot of references to for people to get and to show how knowledgeable they are about this stuff.
So the folks who get everything get to lead the new recruits down the rabbit hole. Those people hate Obama and Hillary and they know "PizzaGate" involves Pizza because it's in the name, but now they get to learn the forbidden truth the high ranking digital soldiers.
While the Mainstream Media told us that the 2016 Presidential campaign was between two of the most unpopular and loathed people ever to seek the office of President QAnon imagines a world where we saw two of America’s greatest heroes locked in a battle for the soul of humanity.
It is no surprise that QAnon views Donald Trump as a hero, a champion of real America who won the 2016 election even with the Democrats cheating in California and other states to inflate Hillary Clinton’s popular vote total.
Before the 2020 election many, if not most of all QAnon promoters declared Trump would win all 50 states. That the America people loved him and that they would rebuke the lying media by showing up in overwhelming numbers to show the world where their loyalty lay.
So much Q apologetics in this post "The plan isn't ours to decide" just put your faith in Q and quit complaining. The appeal to God and that Trump is a man of God. My favorite part is the lie about the 2020 election not being guarded.
I've seen other Q apologists use this dodge that 2020+ meant "After 2020". It makes no sense, why would Q push through voter ID laws in 2019 if they wouldn't take effect for the 2020 election? Why wouldn't Q secure the 2020 election? Why would he let the Deep State steal it?
QDrop 14, one of the foundational QDrops makes it clear that QTeam went to Trump and asked him to run for President and promised him he'd get a fair shake in the 2016 election. Why was QTeam able to do this for Private Citizen Trump and not President Trump?
A majority of people have thought a conspiracy killed JFK ever since he was assassinated. Americans are deeply cynical about their government to the point that having faith in any politician is met with ridicule. All QAnon did was make you "Blindly trust" Donald Trump.
If anyone else told you to get vaccinated and that they took the booster you would call them a Soros funded Deep State puppet. Trump does it and QAnon thought leaders are cranking out 2,500 pieces about 5D chess and explaining why he's super smart for doing so.
Trump literally can do no wrong to you or the vast majority of QAnon. No arrests, no reveal of devolution, nothing and yet you keep on keeping on waiting for the hero to save the day. How are you not a sheep?
Over the past year QAnon promoters have been wrong about a few things, and thus I give to you this thread, QAnon, a year of failure.
Back at the start of the year we were reassured Trump was going to be declared the winner of the 2020 election. Praying Medic assured us that Pence could declare Trump President and nothing could stop him.
Medic wasn't the only one promoting this. Anonymous Patriot was here to reassure everyone that the Constitution itself would grant Trump victory.