@FrannyWild@jan_forney@rmojomojito1 Clearly hate usurps all survival instincts and haters; only too happy to destroy targeted "others" even if doing so means the hater his wife kids & parents equally perish... It's a Machiavellian power play as t/real pleasure for White Supremacists lies in knowing
@FrannyWild@jan_forney@rmojomojito1 as they lie dying in the midst of an orgiastic fit of sadistic extasy (yes read: orgasm proper) that they've exacted an extrodinary inhuman kind pain from those targeted, the kind that kills all hope and progeny, as they look on satisfied w/t/horror they brought about
@Numbers28@docrocktex26 I agree..
As you read the following below, I want you to think about
2)T/Foster Care System
3)T/deliberate inequality built into the HCS and the impact across generations of folks who've been tortured in exactly this manner.
I want you to think about the money
@Numbers28@docrocktex26 that is made off these systems of torture and the SADISM & greed it takes not only to erect them but to maintain them; and the money made that feeds the bank accounts, lines the pocket books and IS THE FOUNDATION OF tax based White community wealth as the benificiaries in
@Numbers28@docrocktex26 perpetuity of those who've imposed and each generation after that continues to impose them
SECTION II of the Genocide Conventions states: In the present Convention, Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
THREAD: Clearly hate usurps all survival instincts and haters; only too happy to destroy targeted "others" even if doing so means the hater his wife kids & parents equally perish... It's a Machiavellian power play as t/real pleasure for White Supremacists lies in knowing 1/3
as they (WS) lie dying in the midst of an orgiastic fit of sadistic extasy (yes read: orgasm proper) knowing they've exacted an extrodinary inhuman kind pain from those targeted, the kind that kills all hope and progeny, as they look on satisfied w/t/horror they brought about
@MentalSalty@dranniehickox A similar thing just happened to my daughter. And I slept next to her and took her everywhere with me for six weeks till we finally found a doc who would prescribe the right meds for the right reasons so insurance would cover them. She's on the mend now but there's a lot of
@MentalSalty@dranniehickox clean up to do. And to be clear yes I'm 'in the field', Ive always loved medicine however that didn't blind me to the fact that the system is set up to foster and support LAZY A-S CALLOUS GREEDY HUMAN BEINGS PRACTICNG MEDICINE & INSURANCE COMPANIES MUCKING IT UP HORRIBLY.
@MentalSalty@dranniehickox Yeah I've heard all the excuses and I'm not impressed by a single one. Most of the good docs are chased out of practice by a myriad of factors. And if I was disgusted with the field of medicine before I started, after listening to fellow students talk sh!t about poor patients,
@AndreaR9Md They were anything but oblivious. THATS SHEER ENTITLEMENT... "I can illegally break into congress w/intent to torture humiliate & behead you B/C as an 'merican citizen that's my WHITE RIGHT & even if I fail, b!tch, you still work for me & I'm gonna make you scramble B/C I CAN"
@AndreaR9Md These folks ARE PREDATORY!
They are predatory when coming to kill you and if you get away theyll prey on your confusion and empathy... everyone better get that straight right now... Any "pain is a manipulation designed to avoid responsiblity and make themselves out to
@AndreaR9Md be victims so you'll come closer...& that's when they spit your throat..
DONT FORGET IT. Your life may depend on how well you can manage to compartmentalize your empathy & curiosity b/c the most pressing matter if you want to live is not succuming to t/normal responces
@susanbenton611 IMPORTANT THREAD #2: White Supremacy is rampant & ignored in t/military just like sexual assualt & MST is. I work w/b/Vets & active duty...yeah the military has taken some PR steps and has got a good look goin but they ARE NOT CLEANING HOUSE. WS amount to somewhere
@susanbenton611 between 30-50% and up depending on the branch and sure you can report to your CO... But nothing is done and you better watch your back after that. WS has long been A DISCHARGEABLE OFFENSE but it rarely happens. SM get docked 2 weeks pay, demoted a rank, spend 28 days in the
@susanbenton611 brig but UNLESS ITS A PUBLIC MATTER THAT FORCES THEIR HAND NOTHING COMES OF IT! & let me tell you the number of WS the military does take action on represents .001% of enlisted WS. More while they are discharging about .01% of known WS who can easily be identified by
No... Here's what good DEMS REALLY DONT GET (& I'll preface this w/WS is far more widespread & popular than you've allowed yourselves to think/see). But t/evidence is right there in t/voting data (NOT T/POLES): 74%WP vote GOP downticket across all local State &
Nat'l House & Senate races...
So why are polls so skewed (that's a dissertation but suffice to say)?
WP answer in the way they think shows them in the best light "oh yeah I'm liberal I'm for social justice" BUT IN THE VOTING BOOTH when it comes time to vote for humanity
and equality WP do what WP have done every generation since founding: they vote to preserve and maintain their own and their White sons White privilege and power.
The STATS ARE FACT.. AND THE BEHAVIOR THAT MAINTAIN WS IS FACT; & thinking WP are Majority progressive &