1/The public debate on the ethics of vax mandates has been somewhat convoluted. In the end, it all boils down to these 2 fundamental questions:
- Does the vax stop infection/transmission?
- Are the unvaxxed placing an undue burden on health care?🧵
2/The answer to question 1 is unequivocally no. Current new cases/100K in ON clearly show that the vaccinated are getting infected more than the unvaxxed.
3/The answer to question 2 is also no. We know that there is currently a log jam of patients waiting for LTC beds.
4/Of the 4132 people currently in hospital (ON) with a positive covid test, only 53% are actually being treated specifically for covid, which brings the number of unvaxxed hospitalized for covid down to approximately 408.
5/Ontario currently has approx. 17000 acute care beds, which means that unvaxxed patients being treated specifically for covid make up approximately 2% of total acute bed occupancy and that the vaccinated (+partial & unknown) occupy approx. 10% of beds. news.ontario.ca/en/release/100…
6/Of the 589 patients in ICU (ON) with a positive covid test, 82% are actually being treated specifically for covid, which brings the number of unvaxxed in ICU for covid down to approximately 152.
7/Ontario currently has approximately 2400 ICU beds, which means that unvaxxed patients being treated specifically for covid make up approximately 6% of total ICU bed occupancy and that the vaccinated (+partial & unknown) occupy approx. 14% of beds.
8/While the unvaxxed have an 8% greater risk of hosp. (cases per 100K) and a 5% greater risk of ending up in ICU, the total number of unvaxxed patients being treated in hospital specifically for covid remains very low compared to overall hospital occupancy (2% acute care, 6% ICU)
9/There are many other factors to consider related to mRNA vax policy such as risk/benefit in certain demographics, the role of natural immunity post recovery, not making effective early outpatient treatments widely available to keep the most vulnerable out of hospital...
10/...but the answers to the 2 fundamental questions: Do the shots stop transmission? (No) & are the unvaxxed causing undue pressure on healthcare? (No) make it clear that C19 shot mandates are clearly unethical. The mRNA shots should be treated no differently than the flu shot.
1/If there's one thing we know it's this: @spaikin is a card carrying Covidian. He allowed the nazi @garymasonglobe spin hateful yarns unabated, but just about took @rupasubramanya's head off when the well researched subject of poor risk/benefit for certain demographics came up.
2/That mRNA shots don't stop transmission is no longer up for debate, rendering all mandates unethical. Unvaxxed C19 patients occupy only 8% of total ON ICU beds (16% vaxxed), destroying @spaikin's virtue-signaling argument that that unvaxxed are "preventing cancer surgeries."
3/No acknowledgement from Steve on Canada's failure to recognize durable natural immunity from previous infection backed by a boat load of studies. brownstone.org/articles/79-re…
1/Ontarians are clearly being held hostage by powerful special interests. Unfortunately most Ontarians also have Stockholm syndrome, unable to stray from their tribal loyalties, no matter how unhinged their 'betters" have become. Several dangerous precedents have now been set.
2/Teachers unions want much smaller class sizes, expensive ventilation retrofits, C19 vaccine mandates for kids and forever N95 masks on staff and students. They also want @fordnation out of office. Until these demands are met, they will hold the public education system hostage.
3/Hospital admins want already obscene budgets increased exponentially. Even if demands are met, funds will go to the bloated bureaucracy, not to front lines where they're needed. Although occupancy has been lower during C19, they been afforded the power to shut down the province
1/Ontarians are done w/C19 restrictions. Why? They have sacrificed so much & have done everything asked of them to support the stated purpose of protecting hospital capacity. After 2 yrs, is it still reasonable to ask for more sacrifices? The answer is no globalnews.ca/news/8457306/l…
2/The response to C19 started w/"2 wks to flatten the curve" to give hospitals time to ramp up for an influx of C19 patients. @fordnation@celliottability & overpriced hospital administrators like @AnthonyDaleOHA@KevinSmithUHN had 2 yrs to adjust business models to cope w/C19...
3/...in order to allow society to function as closely to normal as possible. This to avoid the massive societal collateral harms resulting from long-term restriction/lockdown policies. brownstone.org/articles/more-…
1/This isn't the 1st time that a public health official has blatantly lied in order to further a C19 narrative in ON. This one from Karen Moore is a whopper, no doubt & he should absolutely be terminated @fordnation@celliottability@PublicHealthON, but there have been others.
2/Who can forget this brutal lie by @VeraEtches & @OttawaHealth back in October 2020? Was she terminated for deliberately panicking/misleading the public @JimWatsonOttawa? No! She got a massive raise instead.
3/There were 29 ppl in hospital "with" Covid (in a city of 1M) when @CBCOttawa published that fairy tale. Hospitalizations peaked in April 2021 at 125 & the system never came close to being overrun.
1/I made the mistake of listening to @cbcradio#Ottawa this morning to assess the current level of hysteria being thrown at the normies and bedwetters. Unsurprisingly, it's still off the charts. What did surprise me though was how non-sensical the reporting was. 2 examples...
2/Story about suspension of QC health workers (& their credentials!): A quote that it would be irresponsible to allow un-vaxxed workers to work around the most vulnerable. In QC, ages 60-85 are @ over 90% 2x vax, 85+ @ 88%. Every vulnerable person who wants the shots has got them
3/What do you think the chances are that QC front-line health staff who have not taken the mRNA shots do not have natural immunity after 19 months of daily virus exposure? brownstone.org/articles/natur…