WEEK 2 of #VisualAlgebra! This is only Lecture #2 of the class.
Monday was MLK Day, but on Wed, we learned about the Rubik's cube! I got to show up my rare signed cube with Ernő Rubik himself from 2010! Did a shout out to @cubes_art's amazing talents.
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We learned some neat facts about the Rubik's cube, like how the group has just 6 generators, but 4.3 x 10^{19} elements, and a Cayley diagram with diameter of 20 or 26, depending on whether you count a 180 degree twists as 1 or 2 moves.
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I showed 3 different groups of order 8, and asked if any are isomorphic. At this point, all they know about what that means is that two groups must have identical Cayley diagrams *for some generating set*.
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But given two seemingly very different diagrams, how can we be *sure* that they aren't secretly isomorphic? How would a "yes certificate" differ from a "no certificate"? Like with these two pairs of examples.
These are fun things to ponder.
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We learned three different ways to display a Cayley diagram:
1. Label the nodes by configurations 2. Unlabeled nodes 3. Label the nodes by "actions" (many choices!)
This last choice makes a Cayley diagram into a "group calculator". Super convenient!
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Finally, group presentations! This is an algebraic way to encode a Cayley diagram. Or equivalently, a Cayley diagram is a VISUAL REPRESENTATION of a presentation, and nothing more!
I asked them to imagine learning this material w/o the diagrams -- purely algebraically.
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That idea just seemed so preposterous at this point.
Speaking of presentations, here's a fun tidbit / QUIZ that I posed! Consider the following 5 presentations of the group of symmetries of the triangle.
What group results if you remove r^3=1 from these 5 presentations?
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Actually, it depends! The relation r^3=1 is implied by other relations in the first 2 presentations.
But removing it from the last 3 defines an infinite group.
Surprised? (I was when I learned this last fall!)
Stay tuned for Friday, when we learn what this group is!
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Today in #VisualAlgebra, we learned about frieze groups. There are 7 of these, and they are all subgroups of the frieze shown below. Notice how there is a concise way to describe each symmetry.
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To find other frieze groups, let's force the vertical reflection 'v' to not be a symmetry. There are three ways we can do this.
Frieze 2: we lose the "odd reflections" and the "even rotations". Note that this was our "mystery group" from Wednesday! (see above)
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Frieze 3: we keep all reflections but lose all 180-rotations.
Frieze 4: we keep all rotations but lose all reflections.
Note that these 3 groups (#2,3,4) are isomorphic!
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Alternatively, if we take away all rotations & horizontal reflections, we get an abelian frieze group.
There are two more frieze groups, both cyclic.
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Let's make a Cayley diagram for that first frieze group we saw, using the motifs of our other friezes:
red = translation
orange = vertical flip (across horizon. axis)
blue = horizontal flip (across central vertical axis)
Exercise: label these nodes by symmetry type!
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We also discussed the word problem for groups, which is undecidable. It relies on the fact (due to A. Turing) that the Halting Problem is undecidable. Which was a remarkable thing just to even formulate in the 1930s.
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A halting checker could be used to resolve Russell's paradox.
A related problem in topology: start with the classification of 2D and 3D surfaces (PacMan analogies!), and pose the problem of whether a 4D surface is homeomorphic to the 4-sphere.
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4D space is "big enough" that for any G, we can build a surface S with fund. gp. π_1(G)≅S. So if we could solve this problem, we could use it to solve the word problem for an arbitrary group G.
This is a fun way to tie together algebra, CS, topology, and logic.
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This week, I recorded 4 new #VisualAlgebra YouTube videos on group actions. I heavily use the following concepts:
1. G-sets 2. Action graphs 3. Group switchboards 4. Fixed point tables.
Interested? I'll give you a preview here. Please share!
If G acts on S, via ϕ:G→Perm(S), imagine that G has a "group switchboard", w/ a button for each element. Pressing it permutes elements of S, with the rule:
"Pressing the a-button followed by the b-button is the same as pressing the ab-button." This means:
A G-set is a set w/ an action. This endows it w/ an algebraic structure.
Many books don't define this, which is a mistake.
Note the difference b/w the G-set vs. action graph, which depends on the generating set.
Now that my #VisualAlgebra class is in the books, I want to post a long "meta thread" of all 16 weekly threads, with daily summaries. Here's my entire class, including lectures, HW, & exams, in one convenient place.
And stayed tuned for some surprise announcements below!👇🧵
We started #Week1 of #VisualAlgebra with a few quotes from "A Mathematician's Apology" on the beauty of mathematics, and then saw Cayley diagrams for the symmetries of the rectangle and triangle.
In #Week2 of #VisualAlgebra, we explored the Rubik's cube, more Cayley diagrams, group presentations, the impossibility of the word & halting problems, and we classified all frieze groups.
I woke up a few days ago with the sobering realization: actually, I do NOT really understand groups actions.
Spoiler: I do now, but it took some work. And now I realize how incomplete my understanding was. 😳
Let me explain, I think some of you might enjoy this!
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See those "orbit diagrams" above? I got to thinking: "how can we characterize all possible diagrams?" Equivalently, all transitive actions of D_4 (or a group G in general).
Playing around with things, I came up with a few more. But I still didn't know the answer. Do you?
For example, how many of the following are possible?
Before reading on, see if you can answer this, and generalize to arbitrary groups.
There's a simple elegant answer, that I was never aware of. And I suspect that the majority of people who teach algebra aren't either.
Finishing up our🧵👇 #VisualAlgebra class in #Week15 with divisibility and factorization. I'm a little short on visuals, but here are two really nice ones on what we'll be covering, made by @linguanumerate.
Henceforth, we'll assume that R is an integral domain.
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The integers have nice properties that we usually take for granted:
--multiplication commutes
--there aren't zero divisors
--every nonzero number can be factored into primes
--any 2 nonzero numbers have a unique gcd and lcm
--the Euclidean algorithm can compute these
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Some, but not all of these hold in general integral domains. This is what we'd like understand!
If b=ac, we say "a divides b", or "b is a multiple of a".
If a | b and b | a, they're "associates", written a~b.
We started #Week11 of #VisualAlgebra with a new diagram of one of the isomorphism theorems. I made this over spring break. The concept is due to Douglas Hofstadter (author of "Gödel, Escher, Bach"), who calls this a "pizza diagram".
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Though we constructed semidirect products visually last week, we haven't yet seen the algebraic definition. On Friday, we saw inner automorphisms, which was the last step we needed.
Recall the analogy for A⋊B:
A = automorphism, B = "balloon".
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Next, we asked when a group G is isomorphic to a direct product or semidirect product of its subgroups, N & H.
Here are two examples of groups that we are very familiar with.
Here are two ways to think about it. One involves cosets as "boxes" in a grid, and the other is in terms of the subgroup lattice: to find the index [H:K], just take the product of the edges b/w them.
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Pause for a quick comment about cosets in additive groups. Don't forget to write a+H, rather than aH. Here's a nice way to see the equality of a left coset and a right coset.
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Next, we proved that if [G:H]=2, then H is normal. Here's a "picture proof": one left (resp., right) coset is H, and the other is G-H.