Ongoing thread here re Russia, Ukraine, prospects for War & its consequences, and a certain #Realpolitik about the 'Russian way of war' .... noting you can find my #DragonBear comments elsewhere.
Firstly, good maps here from the NYT of current Russian military dispositions ivo Ukraine, the Baltics, Georgia, etal. Russia recovering the Crimea in 2014 enormously useful in all directions (as well as bases for logistics & Intelligence collection)…
Secondly, I did a whole thread here before Christmas on how the Russians approach war and statecraft (TL:DR there is a long historical method and very little that is surprising to anyone who reads & has basic common sense) ⬇️
Thirdly, I did a thread here on the problem of Ukraine from a Western military perspective: it is not in NATO & it was, historically, half Habsburg/half Romanov, so lacked historic cohesion .... cf historic nations like Poland(-Lithuania) and Hungary
Fourthly, NATO has no clear position because the Russians have the advantage of a strong military position vs few NATO members wanting to risk war over territories with significant Russian populations. Much of today's drama is the result of 1990s delusions re ex-Soviet Russians
Now, for the Kremlin, *IF* the Russians do invade Ukraine, then in quick time, Ukraine's battle is a magnet for every anti-Russian group .... so Europe will have a hot War in which ISIL, Ingushis, Dagestanis, Chechens, Uzbeks etal will all come to S-E Europe & likely never leave
Upshot of any war over Ukraine is not just Russia annexing eastern UKR where Russian populations live BUT a hot war (ivo major air transport corridors) but - much worse in many ways - a catastrophic refugee/illegal migration problem for the EU. This is obvious if not discussed.
So for the West, quite apart from Russia fighting to reunite its ethnic Russians, any war will have significant consequences for (1) global air movements/energy supplies given Ukraine is a warzone & (2) a massive flood of refugees heading West towards the EU's frontiers.
The average Eurocrat in Brussels (EU or NATO) is, rightly, more afraid of the Eurozone being swamped by a new tide of 'refugee' flows (during Covid & a severe winter) as a result of the Russians moving into eastern Ukraine than they are of Russia actually annexing half of Ukraine
War is uncertain and, whatever the intent is of those starting Wars, no War ever ends or proceeds as planned, but instead is full of 2nd and 3rd order effects that no combatant foresaw. War is best avoided & hopefully wiser heads can engage in negotiations & compromise.
I will add here that for those of us in the 'Indo Asia Pacific Security Domain' [or whatever it is called this week] concerned re China, our key allies such as India, Israel, the Gulf monarchies, etal, all have good to very good relations with the Russians. War comes with costs.
In terms of the actual war itself, the imbalance of forces between Russia & Ukraine is pretty ominous. Now, the UKR military will have improved since 2014 but, absent months of very bad weather, RUS' air & armour advantages are enormous (as well as practiced logistic resupply)
In terms of how a Russian invasion (even on a 'minor incursion' basis) proceeds, this plan & Indicators & Warnings done by @PhilipIngMBE is very sound. Only question is does the Kremlin use its Kaliningrad based forces/units adjacent north-east Poland to create any distractions?
Now, as I said, all War is unpredictable & even the best planning & preparation is at the mercy of weather & grave defects in what appeared to be competent military leadership that only became obvious once the War started. Good commanders can overcome adversity/bad ones create it
This said, the Russians have the only contemporary military to have had successive kinetic war successes over the past 30 years: Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine, etal. Russians will use speed, massive firepower, manoeuvre, and sow discord behind lines, to gain victory ... cf Kabul 2021
Will finish there as it is 2345 here and I want to think further on these matters. I think all of us are aware of the leadership & cognition problems in various Western capitals....hopefully someone in the 'deep state' (right now I want to believe one exists) is also thinking.
The RUS-UKR war plods along because neither RUS nor UKR have been fighting with great intensity - the UKR have no more men to waste while RUS has been fighting this war on the cheap for the better part of 2 plus years.
An interesting aspect of RUS' war effort is barely using regular RUS Army units after initial months, instead relying on a mix of:
- multiple Donetsk/Luhansk militia brigades (some fighting in their 11th year)
- Chechens
- Wagner / PMCs
- Russian Marines…
• • •
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This @Telegraph long read by @SAshworthHayes @CDP1882 on the UK's long-running rape (and in some cases murder) gang scandal is bracing reading and not for the squeamish. But it must be read - and acted upon.
Social media bill is another very poorly drafted law from the very same people who drafted the Voice constitutional alteration (which failed) & the Misinformation/Disinformation bill (which was withdrawn). Sheer lunacy for the Coalition to support the social media bill #Auspol
One of many problems we have with our Parliament in 2024 is its membership is simply not across how modern economies & communications work - you do not have to be any expert but you do need some lay understanding. One saw this in the Misinformation/Disinformation bill #Auspol
As a matter of public law - which binds everyone & should be as simple to follow as law can - the social media bill has ridiculous complexity & carve-outs ... and it is unreal to legislate on social media access separate from AI & exposure to its knowledge & also 'fakes' #Auspol
I am finally watching the @martyrmade / Tucker discussion on Churchill. I am not sure who among the critics have actually watched it. As I dislike Twitter pile-ons, I think everyone should watch what X says before X is put in the tumbril. My response as a Churchillian below.
Firstly, it astounds me (and no doubt many in the old Empire) why Americans in 2024 are so invested in the British Empire in the 1930s when the Americans of the 1939-1941 period wanted no part of WW2 & the US had to be bombed into WW2 & it was the Nazis who declared war on the US
Secondly, there is very little Darryl says that was not said earlier by many Revisionist historians of the same period, esp British ones wondering why they went through two continental wars that cost them their vast seaborne empire - cf Alan Clark, John Charmley, AJP Taylor etal
Very grateful to @dailytelegraph for this morning publishing me on the contribution of Australia's Jews & my philippic against societally cancerous anti-Semitism. I urge fellow Gentiles to speak up for our Australia that has always been a haven for Jews & must not disappear✡️🇦🇺
Very grateful also to the Adelaide Advertiser @theTiser for publishing my article on Australia's Jews & their enormous contribution to Australia and the worrying failure of so many critical institutions & alleged "leaders" of them, to denounce the anti-Semitism now in our midst.
It is uncanny just how much of the "Anti Zionism" that one reads about here ends up simply targeting individual Australian Jews for their being Jews...
US delaying arms & munitions to Israel is all about domestic US politics - US allies especially in the Middle East see Biden Admin wiling to dirk *even Israel* here means Egypt, Jordan, Gulf Kingdoms etal start to reevaluate relying on the US vs an Iranian arc with PRC/RUS ‘help’
Rightly or wrongly, the US' allies seeing that if the Biden WH will cut *even Israel* adrift on arms and munitions supplies in a war after a massive terrorist attack, that their alliance with the US, too, operates purely at the whim of domestic US politics ... Obama's 3rd term
A global military alliance of intelligence support & arms sharing (going to standardisation of kit & calibres etc) is only sustainable, ultimately, to the degree that allies trust in the support of each other, esp when the going is hard... no one respects disloyalty esp enemies
Putting Tucker to one side here .... weirdest part of Putin's villain role in the contemporary Western mind (admittedly an historically illiterate mind] is that if Putin dropped dead tomorrow, his successor would follow the same policies, probably more aggressively.
In July 2018, I wrote this piece, "The Sources Of Russian Conduct", on my blog, in an effort to put "The Russians" in some context for that part of the lay Western readership that was not totally brain damaged by America's internal convulsions
Reality is that the West will never be close to Russia - we will have bouts of accomodation & OK times - but we also have many friction points. But we will need a modus vivendi with Russia in space, Arctic, and esp as Russia spans 11 time zones & Eurasian landmass