I am sooooooo excited for this paper. We've spent years developing a super fast program induction library. We use it to learn key pieces of language structure.
So much of what Chomskyan linguists say about learnability is totally wrong.
We show that a program-learning model can construct grammars and other computational devices from just observing utterances (sentences). It takes just a tiny amount of data to learn key patterns and structures from natural language which have been argued to be innate/unlearnable
We also show that this kind of learning model can acquire the patterns used in artificial language learning experiments, like @jenny_saffran, Aslin, and Newport.
It even works when you give it strings from a simple toy grammar like you might find in an intro linguistics textbook.
This required developing a super fast C++ implementation of "language of thought" models, distributed under GPL. It can run, for example, over 1,000,000 samples per second on Goodman et al's rational rules model. github.com/piantado/Fleet
Our work was very much inspired by prior models and analyses, including notably this paper from @AndyPerfors. His work showed that a little bit of a parent's speech would be enough for a child to discover that language has hierarchical structure. perfors.net/publication/pe…
(Hierarchical structure is the idea that sentences contain other units, even other sentences. The sentence "John doubted that I cooked lasagna" contains the sentence "I cooked lasagna." Hierarchy helps us express all kinds of complex ideas.)
The Perfors result matters because one of the key things language science does NOT know is whether rules and structures–like hierarchy–are innate in people. Perfors et al. showed it could be learned via Bayesian model comparison of possible grammars.
That work generated a lot of debate. A really interesting critique of the Perfors model was that a Bayesian model comparison between grammars builds in MORE because you have to "build in" additional grammars to compare. Here's Norbert Hornstein:
This critique trips you into wonderland: a learner who considers more options has to have more built in (i.e. the options). So the LEAST nativist theory would be building in just one grammar, universal grammar!
You might suspect something is wrong with this logic.
And you are right. The subtle mistake helped motivate our paper.
We illustrate it with Jorge Luis Borges's story, The Infinite Library. Borges imagines a library containing every *possible* book (all possible sequences of characters). His depiction is chilling and gorgeous. maskofreason.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/the-li…
Here's a question: how much information does this library contain?
If it contains every possible book, the library must have infinite information, right?
In fact, the library doesn't contain much information at all. You can tell because I communicated its entire contents in less than a tweet: "all possible sequences of characters"
The analogy for learning and innateness is to replace "all possible books" with "all possible computations." Learners who pick out the right target linguistic system out of all possible computations needn't have very much "built in" at all...
... because the space of "all possible computations" is easy/concise to describe. And it's useful not just for language, but for everything humans do. We simply know that people can represent and internalize complex computational processes. cell.com/trends/cogniti…
This theory--that smart learners should understand the world by identifying what computations generated the data they see--is very old. There is work on induction by Solomonoff in the 1960s, and more recent theoretical work by Hutter. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solomonof…
These kinds of learners just do what scientists do: they look at data and try to build a logical theory to explain it. They write their theory as a computer program, and can basically learn a theory of whatever they see.
Such powerful learning sounds contrary to "poverty of the stimulus" arguments in language acquisition. Those arguments generally say that the data kids see isn't enough to tell them the rules of language. This is a nice overview by Lisa Pearl: ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/004646
And, in fact, such powerful learning does negate many "poverty of the stimulus" arguments. In particular, @NickJChater and Vitanyi showed that learners could discover the rules of language just from observation, exactly as was claimed to be impossible. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Our work is very much an implementation of Chater & Vitanyi's ideas. Implementation is what required us to build a fancy program induction library.
The results are cool: the model can not only learn key natural language patterns, but it can *construct* computational devices of differing levels of computational power, all out of a small set of assumed (programming) primitives -- just as good explanations of the data it sees.
But note that the model isn't TOLD beforehand to look for grammars or computations of a certain type. All it's told is to build something simple to explain what you see. This is why essentially the same model works in a lot of different domains, from arithmetic to kinship systems
These kinds of models and theories should inform linguistic theorizing. There are quite a few suspect arguments that are consistently made about language acquisition.
For example, linguistic textbooks--including this one I had in undergrad!---have claimed that learning productive rules of language is simply impossible.
This model shows that's just nonsense.
Many people have claimed that the fact children learn language so quickly is evidence that these structures are innate. But it's not right. The model can often learn these kinds of patterns from *tens* of tokens, even out of an unrestricted space of options.
The fact that language is "infinite" (there doesn't seem to be an upper bound on sentence length in English) has also been hypothesized to be innate. But it turns out, finite language often HARDER to learn because they have less concise descriptions
I often hear that these kinds of models are implausible because there are things that real kids won't learn. But that's also true for this model and every one like it. So seeing it in kids doesn't tell you anything about whether language structures are built in to human.
And, maybe most strikingly, some have claimed that the fact that kids systematically generalize about stuff they haven't seen before is evidence for innate linguistic structure. But it's not. This model does that too. We describe why.
While the examples studied here are relatively simple in terms of structure, a few weeks ago @weGotlieb and @roger_p_levy came out with a super exciting model that learns deep facts about syntax (like island constraints) without domain-specific knowledge.
Did you know that there are psychologists who study "stereotype accuracy"? I've always wondered what the hell, so I've been reading it recently. For the record, it’s exactly as bad as it sounds.
Here’s a thread.
I started with @PsychRabble et al's review paper, "Stereotype accuracy: one of the largest and most replicable effects in all of social psychology." It claims the correlation between stereotypes and reality is stronger than most effects in psychology. gwern.net/docs/psycholog…
Many papers on "stereotype accuracy" seem to begin by complaining that everyone assumes stereotypes are inaccurate (e.g. the word "stereotype" is *defined* to mean inaccurate) without evidence.
Basically, some large companies bet that GameStop stock would go down. To most financial people, this would seem like a good bet: most video games are sold online now and physical stores are especially hurt by the pandemic. Video game stores aren't looking great.
A new paper on (i) how to connect high-level cognitive theories to neuroscience / neural nets, and (ii) how learners can construct new concepts like number or logic without presupposing them. "Church encoding" is the metaphor we need. link.springer.com/article/10.100…
Kids learn concepts like number or logic, but it's not really clear how that's actually possible: what could it mean for a learner (or computer!) to *not* have numbers or logic? Can you build a computer without them? And what do these abstract things mean on a neural level?
Church encoding is an idea from mathematical logic where you use one system (lambda calculus) to represent another (e.g. boolean logic). It's basically the same idea as using sets to build objects that *act like integers*, even though they're, well, sets. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set-theor…
This article by @JeffFynnPaul has been going around. He argues that it’s a “myth” that Europeans took land from Native Americans. @cakrolik and I read it and it’s one of the worst argued pieces we’ve ever seen. Here is our thread. spectator.co.uk/article/the-my…
The overall claim of his article is that liberals have perpetuated a “Myth of the Stolen Country” that the US “was founded by a monumental act of genocide, accompanied by larceny on the grandest scale.”
He compares the popularity of this “myth” in the US to ideology in Nazi Germany (Godwin’s law?) and communism.
I am so excited that this new paper with @samisaguy is out. We explain how humans perceive number by mathematically deriving an optimal perceptual system with bounded information processing. Four N=100 pre-registered experiments match the predictions. nature.com/articles/s4156…
People have long hypothesized that there are two systems of number perception: an exact system that lets us perfectly perceive numbers less than about 4, and an approximate one for large numbers.
This observation dates back to William Jevons, who published an experiment in Nature in 1871 where he literally threw beans into a box and saw how accurately he guessed the number. He estimated low numbers perfectly, but could only approximate those above 4 or 5.
Super excited to talk tomorrow (July 30th, 3pm pacific) at Abralin ao Vivo about joint with Yuan Yang. I'll be presenting a long-running project on language acquisition that tackles language learnability questions with Bayesian program learning tools.
Our project studies how program learning tools can acquire natural language structures from positive evidence alone. We show that learners can *construct* grammatical devices for producing finite-state, context-free, and context-sensitive grammars to explain data they see.