1. Yes, I believe in God/a higher power.
2. No inspiration as such, although I do think Arthur Schopenhauer has something pretty interesting things to say regarding Nihilism and Existentialism. Favourite book would really just depend on the genre. One book I keep Image
going back to is Meditations by Marcus Aurelius (it's a book on Stoicism). It isn't a 'black pill' book by any stretch of the imagination tho. Favourite quote is "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." by Marcus Aurelius. Some other quotes which I
like are "The tyrant dies and his rule is over. The martyr dies and his rule begins." by Soren Kierkegaard and "One hundred women are not worth a single testicle." by Confucius.

3. My rule of thumb for this is, despite being blackpilled af, if you can be reasonably be certain
that you can provide your children with a better life than that which your parents provided to you, then you should, otherwise, probably not.

4. Yes, at a pretty basic level.
5. By instituting a massive Eugenics programme. As @handle_anonymus has often pointed out, a lot of genetic dead ends ended up surviving in our lands because the elites were unwilling to thin the herd, hence we've ended up with an 82 IQ country.

6. You don't need to hope, that's Image
@handle_anonymus as it is going to happen at some point given our obsession with dhandhonomics and copy pasting western style social justice.

7. "Frontier of India" as in discussing India centric ideas which are the frontier or fringe of current normie thinking.

8. Some time between Late 20s
@handle_anonymus to early 30s. Really just depends on how much money I'm able to make.

9. Yes I'm a cuckeel by education.

10. The book 'Studies in Pessimism' by Arthur Schopenhauer. Also read his essays: 'On Suicide' and 'On Women'.

11. Can't say for sure. As far as I know Kayasthas can be Image
@handle_anonymus divided into 3 main groups:

1. Bengali Kayasthas
2. Marathi Kayasthas
3. Hindi Heartland Kayasthas

I would imagine Bengali Kayasthas>Marathi Kayasthas>Hindi Heartland Kayasthas as far as average IQ is concerned. If I had to throw random guesses, I would say Bengali Kayasthas
@handle_anonymus have an average IQ of 110-115, Marathi Kayasthas are between 108-112, and Hindi Kayasthas between 105-110.

12. 30-40 years before State collapse. We'll be overwhelmed by demographic decline and economic stagnation. If we get full dive VR before then we might be able to stave
@handle_anonymus off total catastrophe if the State starts subsidizing a simulated world of Circus and Porn for the subalterns and Ms.

13. Of course.

14. Internet IQ tests are notoriously unreliable. After sifting through the trash and doing a few good ones on the basis of what actual IQ Image
@handle_anonymus researchers recommend, I would say somewhere between the mid 120s to the early 130s. Can't say for sure tho.

15. Lol doesn't really seem like it but thanks anyways bud.

16. Kayasthas: 107-112
Brahmins: 104-109
Baniyas: 101-106
Rajputs: 97-102
Upper OBCs: 93-98
Lower OBCs: 82-87
@handle_anonymus SCs: 75-80
STs: 68-73

Muslims: 74-79

16. Can't really answer such questions here. Anyways, I just see myself as an Ideologue/thinker and not really someone who's going to be a mass leader.

17. Unity can't be based on reservation policy/government caste categorisations alone Image
@handle_anonymus since these categorisations are very impermanent and constantly changing. Common ethos and civilisational history have to be the basis of Dwija unity.

18. These days, yeah, but nothing too fancy/ritual heavy.

20. Thanks fren.

21. Pahadis are one of the most
@handle_anonymus Statist populations in the country so that's probably never going to happen.

22. Shudras are majorly OBCs and not covered under the SC/ST Act. I don't think I've tweeted anything which would lead to such a scenario anyways.

23. Ideally people should marry within their own Jati Image
@handle_anonymus and own ethnicity. But we don't live in an ideal world. So the next best thing to hope for is that Dwijas at least make sure their inter-caste marriages are only among each other, so in that sense, I am not militantly against the idea of Kshatriya-Brahmin marriages.

24. Be
@handle_anonymus physically fit (hit the gym for physique, pick up a martial art to control neuroticism and not be non-confrontational), learn Personal Finance (read Psychology of Money, the Richest Man in Babylon and the Intelligent Investor) and emotional control (read Stoic works like
@handle_anonymus Meditations, Letters from a Stoic, Discourses and Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda.). Lastly avoid being a regular drinker/smoker and don't get into hard drugs.

25. Try to get out of this place. Emigrate. Next best option is try to make a lot of money here and live away from
@handle_anonymus subalterns and Ms.

26. Late 20s to early 30s. when I have money.

27. Don't know jack about music. Will give suggestions if you need any advice tho.

28. @handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind and many more.

29. Really depends on what Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind a particular person wants. But if you were to have some general guidelines, an ideal wife should:

1. Be less than 25 years old.
2. Be a Virgin.
3. Should be more Family oriented than Career oriented.
4. Should not be irreligious.
5. Should come from a reasonably prosperous
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind background and from a respectable family.
6. Should know how to perform basic household chores and how to cook.
7. Should be reasonably well educated (enough so that she can guide her children and help them with their academic performance up until middle school at least).
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind 8. Should not be overweight or spendthrift.
9. Should be willing to accept her husband as her superior but at the same time should not be overwhelmingly emotionally dependent on him.
10. Should not create too much drama.
11. Should look good.

30. Assuming you're trying to troll
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind * Assuming you're not trying to troll, just read a lot and stay away from stupid people. Also this is not an Incel/Volcel/MGTOW movement.

31. White Pill: Immersive and cheap enough VR Porn might be able to defeat Islam.

32. Yeah, for sure. God tells you to be optimistic, but Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind not delusional.

33. Yes, something akin to blackpilled/nihilistic.

34. No. Those UCs who have left for other religions, esp Islam and Christianity, are not our allies.

35. Haven't known enough Marathi broms to be able to give an exact answer. Standard Assumption is they're
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind probably a bit dumber than South Broms and Bengali Broms but a bit smarter than Hindi heartland broms and probably about the same as KPs. Konkastha got the looks and Deshashtha got the brains? (based on a very small sample size) not that those two qualities are mutually
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind exclusive.

36. Read about Sayyid Qutb. Do for Smartism what he did for Salafiyyah. Read summaries of Milestones and In the Shade of the Quran.

37. Yes, to some extent. But there is a fine line between gearing your PR towards highlighting how you are being oppressed & Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind basically saying that you are so useless that anyone can come up to you and lord over you. The latter is not healthy from a revivalist POV.

38. In a democracy, yes, it is short to mid term political suicide.

39. Rajput.

40. Not in the near future. But mid to long term, I
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind will try to get out of Vishwaguruland if I have enough capital.

41. Maybe, maybe not. Currently it's not looking very healthy. We might end up like the Parsis or worse, something like the Druze or Samaritans.

42. Both Anuloma and Pratiloma ICM should ideally not take place, but Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind like I said previously, we don't live in an ideal world. Just make sure you marry a Dwija partner.

43. No. I think there definitely would have been some major Muslim ruled principalities across the Indian sub-continent but most of it would have come under the dominion of Hindus.
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind 44. Hindus are ritualistic Atheists. They don't really believe. Even most of trad/chedpiller movements are cope for 10 centuries of defeat and humiliation.

45. Absurd and pointless to discuss things along these lines. Savarnas dominate every political movement because they are
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind the only grouping which can produce intellectuals and organisationally capable leaders at scale.

46. I would prefer to be a Khatri or a Marwari Baniya or a TamBram or a Bhumihar.

47. There is no YouTube team nor is there is a very concrete ideology to spread right now. I don't Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind have enough time or will power to continue the YouTube thing for now. Thanks for your interest and support anyways.

48. I don't take the side of any community. Brahmins and other Dwijas are our brothers in religion and race. It is a duty incumbent upon all of us to stick
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind together. If any Rajput hates Brahmins as a whole then he is in error and if any Brahmin hates all Rajputs as a whole then he is in error as well.

49. My personal opinion is that Vegetarianism is mostly a pointless idea. The only good that comes out of it is that creates an
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind additional layer of disgust and distrust towards the outgroup which helps in maintaining and strengthening in-group identity. But even that isn't working now. So all Dwijas should gradually move towards meat eating in the long term.

50. Most probably won't, but you just need
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind enough to form a critical mass. Even if you can get 10% of Dwijas to stick together that's a good 10-15 million people and that is enough.

51. Difficult to say at the moment. We do not know how this race to the bottom eventually works out, although there is some evidence that Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind degeneracy affects the lower classes more than the upper class. However, it is always better to sort your own shit out instead of hoping that your enemy will become even more degenerate than you.

52. By organising and working on creating a watertight ideological foundation.
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind 53. UC Youth should either emigrate or start acquiring as much capital as possible domestically and have a backup plan to emigrate. If you can't emigrate try and get into an industry where there are better prospects for upward mobility. Following your passion is BS advice.
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind 54. Contact me on my email ibnkufr@gmail.com with your proposal. If it seems genuine and you're in the same city as me at some point, I don't really mind tbh.

55. Overall well-rounded caste. Industrious, tribalistic, smart, rooted to the land and quite militant. Other Dwija
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind castes can learn a thing or two from them.

56. AIM has a ton of interesting things to say, and is one of those few public intellectuals on the Hindu Right who is not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom and brings unique perspectives to a ton of issues. That being said, Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind he has a shallow and utterly raytafied understanding of Hinduism and I cannot in good conscience support his sexually deviant lifestyle, which he loves to flaunt publicly.

57. I do not consume mainstream RW media from the West for the most part. Apart from that, I have always
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind been open to learning political theory from whichever source it comes from, whether it be European Communists and Fascists, American Alt Right, Russian Reactionaries, Arab Ba'athists etc.

58. Thanks bud. Do well for yourself.

59. Probably a proper trad handle can answer
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind this better. In general I'd say read Savarkar, Sitaram Goel, Karpatri Maharaj to get some idea of different variants of Hindutva. Then Read Evola for a more metaphysical understanding of Traditionalism/Fascism.

60. Black Pigeon Speaks/Felix Rex for Western Alt Right stuff, Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind The Distributist, Charlemagne and Clossington for NRx, Real Engineering for, you know, real world engineering related stuff, Pursuit of Wonder for Philosophy videos, The Swedish Investor and Bow Tied Bull for Finance related videos, Lex Fridman for a bunch of really high
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind quality interviews.

61. From a religious point of view (Hinduism/Buddhism) the goal is Moksha/Nirvana. From a biological point of view, the goal is to make as many copies of yourself as possible (have a lot of kids). From society's point of view in general it's to climb to
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind a higher socio economic class than your parents, marry well, start a family, have one or two kids, try to advance in your career as much as possible, live with dignity and high social status and give your children as many opportunities as possible, then die.

I do not know why
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind we are here. I am personally inclined to believe that the world is some type of simulation and we the reason for this simulation could be any number of things. It could be an ancestor simulation for a civilisation to find out more about their past. It could just be a video game,
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind we could be NPCs or maybe I or you are the only 'real' characters and everyone else is an NPC, maybe it is a preparatory simulation which readies a child for the real world after this or it could also be a torture simulation in case we are criminals incarcerated here for some
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind crime in the 'real world'. Maybe its just about Karmic Law and the Universe is just Consciousness experiencing itself over and over again. Really tough to say. Anyways, don't commit sudoku, you'll find some meaning or the other for your life in due time.

62. Ultrasociality by
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind *Ultrasociety by Peter Turchin. My Big TOE: Awakening, Discovering, Inner Workings by Thomas Campbell, Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults by Jacques Vallée, Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy, Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola,
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, IQ and the Wealth of Nations, Richest Man in Babylon.

63. What? Doesn't make sense to me.

64. Get into Meditation and read the three major stoic books: Discourses, Meditations and Letters from a Stoic. Waking Up is a Image
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind good app if you're looking for guided meditation.

65. Wealth and Income are two separate things. If you come from an Upper Middle Class background and want to maintain that going forward with a family then you should at least have an income of 1 lakh a month in a Tier 1 city
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind before getting married and aim to get that up to 2 lakh+ by the time you have both your kids. As far as capital is concerned, ideally you (personally) should have at least 20-30 lakh in fairly liquid capital before getting married. If your family is already somewhat loaded
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind (net worth 5 cr+) then these requirements can be compromised upon to a certain degree.

66. Maintaining in-group identity and avoiding miscegenation is important for every Jati, whether upper caste or lower caste or somewhere in the middle. It is also something that leads to
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind minimizing a lot of personal risk which you take if you break convention and marry outside your traditionally understood in-group. That being said, the world is absurd and everyone is in a unique situation with unique pros and cons of in-group vs out-group marriage, you know your
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind situation best.

67. Why are you nervous? Canada is a very immigration friendly country, and if nothing else, you get a chance to receive international exposure and a high quality education. Go for it, don't overthink.

68. Please check previous answers for book recommendations,
@handle_anonymus @ChadSumitMishra @ahindu_ @rrban014 @CursedRaitaTake @Aban__Ind right now I don't really have a lot of other books I can tell you about from the top of my ahead. As far as history is concerned I mostly rely on historical fiction because that makes it much more entertaining. Conn Iggulden and Alex Rutherford are some good authors in that space

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More from @frontierindica

May 15
Don't live on past glories. Every caste/ethnicity here has had some catastrophic embarassments in the last couple of hundred years. Learn from your mistakes, acknowledge your sins and greed. Know your natural weaknesses. Don't pretend to be vishwaguru or the oh so martial caste
1 of us can fight 100 of them life is not some bollywood or telugu or bengali or whatever cancerous type of masala movies you watch these days.

Niggas talking bout Bromin vs Rajput vs Maratha vs. Jatt Sikh vs. muh Evil Birtish bhai that was literally like the fucking aliens
from Mars coming here with some planet busting fusion bombs and you fighting them with kamikaze spacex ke limited rocket supply. yeah maybe you get some of the martians at some point. But at best you might kill a small fraction of their units while they erase your species
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May 15
A State, a Society, a Nation which does not meet its obligations towards its people, most especially its young men, is bound to fail, collapse and be conquered by its enemies. Hindu Society/India are quickly getting to that stage now. They are throwing their young men
to the dogs, and even here, most specifically the self sufficient, highly productive, overly extracted from, Savarna men. These men are the bedrock of everything this is keeping this house of cards together still, but our Elites are getting 'High on their own Supply' and they
want to get all their 'due' and a lot more! But they are unwilling or unable to meet even their most basic obligations towards their young men.

The only way such problems can be solved or stalled at least for a few decades without state collapse or civil war or foreign conquest
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May 15
The proliferation of many often naive, underinformed, and often even licentious women and young girls in the dissident Hindu Right Wing shows that this is losing its integrity as a serious ideological movement. Not all of them are like this, most are. Segregation, veiling and
the punishment of Dayouths and Promiscuous women is the very fundamental foundation on which any serious ideological foundation will be built. Right now it is just juvenile hormone driven clownery overtaking almost any and all serious discussion. Trad Wing/Blackpiller Wing does
not exist to get your dick wet or get some nerd girl a boyfriend it exists to pose a serious challenge to established systems of political authority and create universal principles from among the intellect of the Hindu peoples which can revive our Civilisational glory and help us
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