In 2005 #Darkpools took up 3-5% of Trading, In 2014 there was 12% of the volume being traded off the lit exchange. Now we are in 2022, certain securities #AMC have👀over 60% of the trading volume go Dark by PFOF brokers sending retail orders through the #OTC to ATS/Darkpools...
The Operations of #Darkpools are very problematic & hinder price discovery. In other words they provide better pricing for big institutional investors who use them to create worse pricing for the rest of us. Although the damage a simple "glitch" can have.
➡️2010-$862B in 20 Mins
➡️2014 Around 40% of all U.S. stock trades happen "off exchange" up from 16% 6 yrs ago.
-Credit Suisse under investigation for use of its #darkpools, Goldman Sachs paid $800,000 to settle claims it failed to ensure trades on its platform that took place at best possible price.
➡️2014 Around 45 Darkpools and as many as 200 Internalizers compete with 13 Public Exchanges.
Dark pools have grown because of HFT
Originally, dark pools were designed for big institutions. Dark pools quickly grew, however, in part due to the growth of high-frequency trading (HFT) in the traditional displayed stock markets. #DarkpoolAbuse@ApeAverage@TheRealDarkPool#AMC
I put a thread together on An Overview on HFT, & the Systematic Risk it Creates. I will be adding #darkpoolabuse as well, how it correlates, how this is all used against the Average Every day Trader/Retail. The System Needs Change... "Sic Semper Tyrannis"
High-frequency trading (HFT) takes algorithmic trading to a different level altogether—think of it as "algo" trading on steroids. As the term implies, HF-trading involves placing thousands of orders at blindingly fast speeds. The Goal is to Capitalize on Price Discrepancies...