So what happened is Trump submitted carefully drafted written letters saying that he didn't recall something that actually did happen.
The headline everyone is unglued about makes it sound as if the Senate Report concluded that Trump committed perjury. I did a word search through the Senate reports but didn't find the word "perjury" or even "lied."
The writers of the article concluded that Trump committed perjury.
They draw the conclusion from the fact that he said he didn't recall, but in fact, the meeting happened.
There is a difference between being caught redhanded with an illegal substance (assuming it's illegal where he was caught) and prosecuting "I don't recall" as perjury, right?
No more false equivalences. They are always cynical.
But one day I'll tell you about time I got a good result for a client who was caught red-handed AND confessed 🔥
It can be done if there was a 4th A. violation.
Before you get cynical about rich people and their lawyers, she was indigent. I represented her as a federal defender.
Precisely why Trump submitted answers through his lawyers. His lawyers knew what he was doing.
Me: 768 indictments so far, including Steve Bannon and a recent indictment for seditious conspiracy. . .
in an investigation that is ongoing. . .
in less than a year, during a pandemic.
⤵️The Trump Org, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Allen Weisselberg, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, George Nader, Michael Cohen, Lev Parnas. . .
Two impeachments.
The Mueller team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and 3 companies.
But none of those count, right?
Wrong about what?
I've said what has happened already.
I make no future predictions.
I doubt Trump wrote it, but the argument is "why do they need to pass a law against what we tried to do if what we tried to do was illegal?"
This is the attitude he has always had toward the law, and it's the attitude his father had.
I'm not saying this will work as a defense.
As I said earlier, in the criminal context, most defenses fail (ask any criminal defense lawyer).
I'm saying that it's not an admission of guilt. It's a convoluted argument that what he wanted Pence to do wasn't illegal.
In fact, the law that Democrats and a few others are trying to pass is to clarify the Electoral Count Act so people don't get the idea the vice president can win the election.
As I said earlier, Trump usually loses in court.
This is for the Court of Right-Wing Opinion.
. . . when you're spinning with outrage, you can't think or plan. Too much outrage leads people to think it's all hopeless, which leads to cynicism, which leads to nihilism.
In life-threatening emergencies, cool heads save lives . . .
This is how he will create the narrative that any prosecution is political. For Trump, the truth doesn’t matter. What matters is that enough people believe it.
What we're up against: I just tore a sign off the traffic light near my house that said this ⤵️
It's easy to come up with catchy and appealing slogans when you're not worried about truth and you are targeting people who resist nuance.
Yes, the right-wing kooks in my neighborhood put stickers on public property.
I do my public duty by tearing them down.
The owner of a business in my area put up a sign that said she was having trouble hiring people because of Biden's socialist handouts. I asked her whether she offers benefits and a good wage. The conversation didn't go well after that.