2) Salem Poor, a slave who bought his freedom then in 1775 volunteered to fight in a Massachusetts militia. Served at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Shot the enemy officer who killed patriot General Joseph Warren. Served until 1780. legendsofamerica.com/salem-poor/
3) Salem Poor fought so heroically that all 14 patriot regimental commanders at Bunker Hill petitioned the Massachusetts General Court to reward him as "a brave and gallant soldier. The reward due to so great and distinguished a character, we submit to the Congress."
4) No other enlisted soldier of the American Revolution received such recognition.
Salem Poor served at Fort George, White Plains, Saratoga, 1776-77; at Valley Forge PA, 1777-78, and elsewhere until 1780.
He died in poverty, 1802, and was buried at Copps Hill Cemetery, Boston.
5) Peter Salem, a slave freed in 1775 when his owner received a military commission. Salem fought at Bunker Hill and is believed to have shot enemy Major John Pitcairn who was demanding the patriots' surrender. He served nearly 5 years in the American Revolution.
6) There has been an attempt since 1984 to build a monument to black patriots who fought for America's independence. Congress authorized it in 1986 but the monument didn't fit the grievance narrative & the $6 million in private funds were never raised. washingtonpost.com/local/memorial…
7) Halle Berry introduces this 14-minute video about free and enslaved blacks who fought for American independence. One of the most important was a spy, James, who had infiltrated the command of enemy General Cornwallis.
8) At some points in the Revolutionary War, nearly 1 in 5 American soldiers were black men, but you wouldn't know it from traditional histories or 1619 Project fiction. revolutionarywarjournal.com/african-americ…
No monument exists to memorialize America's first African-American US Senator, Hiram Revels.
We all know why. Senator Revels was a Republican.
Old southern Democrats were Jim Crow types. Today such a statue would undermine the victimization grift industry.
13) Back to the Revo: Washington, a southern slaveholder, had resisted enlistment of blacks in the Continental Army, but pressure from northern colonies, the many blacks who wanted to enlist, and British ops to recruit blacks and treat them equally, caused him to change his mind.
14) “As the General is informed that numbers of free Negroes are desirous of enlisting, he gives leave to the recruiting officers to entertain them, and promises to lay the matter before the Congress, who, he doubts not, will approve of it.” General George Washington, 12/30/1775
15) History: "As the war progressed and the value of black enlistees became more and more apparent ... White soldier’s enlistments ran out and many went home. The black enlistee, by high percentages, remained in the army." revolutionarywarjournal.com/blacks-in-the-…
16) James Armistead was a Virginia slave. Joined the patriot cause. Posed as a runaway & infiltrated British, who sent him back to spy on Americans. He passed disinformation to British & learned their battle plans which enabled Lafayette at Yorktown. history.com/news/black-her…
17) Prince Whipple was a black slave from New Hampshire who served as a guard to General Washington. Fought at Trenton. He is depicted in the Washington Crossing the Delaware painting, near the bow of the boat, pushing away river ice. He won his freedom. media.nationalgeographic.org/assets/photos/…
18) We all know why the life of this US senator didn't matter to certain of today's historians.
The International Leadership School of Texas, with a campus at the illegal immigrant development of Colony Ridge, received funding from the Pentagon and support from the Chinese government.
The International Leadership School's website describes its Pentagon funding for students to learn Mandarin. Trace this, and one can see that the program is accredited by the Chinese Communist Party's ministry of education. iltexas.org/about-us/grant…
It received more Pentagon money in Chinese language teaching in FY2024.
Question: Why did the International Leadership School of Texas build a campus in the middle of the illegal alien settlement at Colony Ridge? languagepolicy.org/post/departmen…
Congressman Jamie Raskin, speaking at 0:40 on this video, represents the second largest USAID contractor, taking in $161.4 million in USAID "awards" in 2021. developmentaid.org/news-stream/po…
Jamie Raskin is also the representative in Congress of this giant USAID contractor, Global Communities, which took in $160,000,000 in 2023.
In late November, two intelligence community groups met separately in the homes of two former senior intelligence officials on how to infiltrate loyalists of Obama DNI James Clapper into the Trump administration.
One meeting took place at the home of former Obama official who was deputy director of ODNI. The other was at the home of a former senior national intelligence service member's home in McLean. The two individuals are linked through spouses/employees of a private intelligence contractor.
At the two gatherings, members discussed how to burrow in laterally and select the promotions of others to maintain the Obama/Clapper/Brennan networks at the top bureaucratic levels of the Trump intelligence community.
All of them had worked for Clapper and other senior Obama officials at ODNI, CIA, @NatReconOfc, or the Department of Defense.
Did one of the meetings take place at this person's house?
Here's how their strategy works: They mobilize appointees at other agencies to open up senior career positions, then move their favored ideologues laterally into those senior career positions at other intelligence agencies.
Once moved into those senior career posts, it is very difficult to remove them.
Some, like Kim F at @NGA_GEOINT, are moved from intelligence posts through a revolving door to Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs).
Some of the better known FFRDCs include MITRE, Rand Corp., and MIT Lincoln Labs.
Other revolving doors include Aerospace Corp., Booz-Allen-Hamilton, and Peraton. These companies are notorious, taxpayer-funded holding farms for the deep staters from within CIA and DIA.
The FFRDCs provide favored ideologues with an income until another senior government intelligence position opens up after a few months, at which point the seniors move them to those vacant top career posts.
The relations are not only professional and ideological, but can be deeply personal, down to a sexual nature of the type that should deprive offenders of their security clearances. But they protect one another.
If Senate Republicans don't confirm Matt Gaetz as attorney general & Kash Patel as FBI director, President Trump should sign an executive order to dissolve the FBI by rescinding the July 26, 1908 order that the FBI calls its founding document.
The FBI cannot be reformed. We need better, more effective federal law enforcement and counterintelligence than the FBI provides - and one free of the taint of decades of abuses. Only Gaetz & Patel can do that. Here's how the process might look.
Grok, Perplexity, and ChatGPT can't find a law that established the FBI. When you ask ChatGPT for the law, it gives the 1908 attorney general memorandum, saying "the FBI was formed through an executive order rather than a specific law."
🧵 Destruction of federal records outside the confines of the Federal Records Act (FRA) is a crime.
That destruction is going on right now.
To report report unauthorized disposition, email UnauthorizedDisposition@nara.gov.
The FRA has not been enforced anywhere in the federal government over the last 16+ years. archives.gov/news/topics/fe…
2) Any federal employee altering or destroying a federal record, prior to meeting its appropriate National Archives & Records Administratin (NARA)-approved retention period, after November 5th should be caught and prosecuted for violating the Federal Records Act.
Each agency's Senior Agency Official for Records Management and Agency Records Officers must also be held legally responsible.
Trump47 should remove & replace failed NARA leadership and comprehensively reform the government's records management system.