Seeing as the OECD report is getting coverage... Man it's a wildly mixed bag…
Increase ICU capacity and vaccination rates among vulnerable groups (✅ duh).
Once vaccination rates are high, progressively relax border restrictions, as planned (I mean we're going to, but don't be so gleeful about it ✅)
Withdraw fiscal stimulus rapidly to reduce the burden of macroeconomic stabilisation on monetary policy (If they mean through higher taxes on high incomes ✅, but they do not, so ❌).
Criteria something like:
- not within or adjacent to an urban (say 50k+ centre)
- near existing infrastructure (highways, rail, the grid)
- not on a major fault line or flood plain
- better than average climate
- reasonably flat topography
- some vague economic base
Start off with the easy bit: this is New Zealand (ex. the Rekohu and the minor outlying islands)...