Thank you for your DMs about what happened with Rosie Duffield this week! I had no idea many people were already annoyed with her over a letter she signed. I was still blindly supporting her and spending a lot of time on this (that's on me, Rosie never asked for that). So when I
tweeted my shock at her not voting for an inquiry I did not expect it to blow up. It was not my intention to shame Rosie. I can understand her being defensive and thinking it was some kind of attack. By the time I'd reasoned it was probably more to do with other elements of the
bill than not wanting an inquiry into the gang-rapes of children, Rosie had seen my tweet and replied defensively. She surprised me by admitting her vote WAS about the inquiry and there not needing to be another one. And she surprised me even more
MASSIVE fawning TRA Adam Buxton speaks to Helen Lewis this week, and admits him saying women should be kind in the gender ID debate (i.e the debate over how to define women and what rights they should have) is offensive to some (doesn't admit he's wrong to do it tho). In the
podcast Helen says the culture is shifting, there used to be people setting out to attack views and then make sure that person is always labelled as transphobic or whatever. She's on Twitter less though 😂 Cultural criticism in the press was reduced to why everything is
problematic, mostly because these articles were easy to write and it was an easy way for new writers to get published. Adam says online discussions were always people thinking the absolute worse of each other (even though he thinks the worst of women challenging his beloved
Today I heard about a friend's sister who just started her teacher training course at a uni. Already they've had training on equality and diversity that got the Equality Act wrong, and were told to consider gender identity in every lesson plan in order to pass. @GillianKeegan
They have been asked to think about inclusion in all lesson plans, but to focus on gender ID because this is 'the biggest problem in schools right now' and something new teachers can 'assert in teaching going forward'. My friend said her sis was so confused, and there were
about 100 or more in the session, secondary teachers, and no one is saying anything because someone in authority is telling them this is what they need to do to pass. I've heard about this indoctrination on PGCE and other ITT courses, it's a huge problem @educationgovuk can sort
Been temping this week in a big secondary school. Got some amazing staff room tea about a teacher who “came out” as non-binary last term. She wanted it announced in assembly so that no one ever called her she, but the Head told her that’s not necessary and she can just gently
correct people as and when. So she made a big scene in a staff meeting and said she’d been called “miss” by pupils and this wouldn’t have happened if they’d done the assembly announcement. She said she was going to take action with her union. The Head was unfazed and said
they’d discuss it. The teacher said she’d feel better if the whole staff had training from an expert group at the next INSET day (which was the first day of this term). Because the Head didn’t agree to this the teacher called in sick. I’ve seen her around, she looks like a clown
A thread of schools who changed their house named after @jk_rowling to something else... just because she spoke up for the rights of women, children and gay people. This is thousands of children and their parents being told equality means putting men's identities above all else.
@BoswellsSchool said JKR's views do not align with their policies and beliefs. Must be great being a female student there 🙄 They renamed the house after Kelly Holmes, who at the time was sharing the exact same pro-women stance as JKR on Twitter.
@Becky_High said JKR was an exceptional, inspiring woman. Just a year before denouncing her, they were encouraging pupils to use her as inspiration for a lit competition. The house is now named after Malorie Blackman, who co-signed a letter chiding JKR
I fell into a Reddit hole about munchausen's syndrome, and it illuminated something about transgenderism. There was a bit of plot in the otherwise brilliant Norwegian film Sick Of Myself that I didn't get, so I sought answers, and ended up on a Reddit section called faked illness
Sick Of Myself is a very dark comedy about a young woman who makes herself deformed and ill just to get attention, and so this film was of interest to the people in that particular corner of the internet. I was gobsmacked to read people's experiences as nurses and counsellors how
common this type of extreme self-harm is, and far worse examples. They discussed trans-ableism, where people take off limbs or go blind to become permanently disabled, and some people were very angry this was being called a mental disorder, they wanted it to be as 'respected' as