Micheal Flynn is known for promoting utter nonsense conspiracies that align with the QAnon movement but what’s surprising is how enamored the wider far-right is with him — including elected officials like Miami’s FL Rep David Borrero (@DavidBorreroFL).

Read for more. 🧵👇
David Borrero is the Florida House of Representatives rep for District 105 in west Miami-Dade county. Living in Sweetwater, Borrero formerly worked as project and estimating coordinator with T&G Constructors.

He attended a Miami event organized by Flynn’s CCDF in Sept 2021. Photo showing FL District 1...Image from David Borrero’s ...
Watch for yourself. We clipped an excerpt in case the original video disappears.

In the original video Borrero appears at 1:11. Link:
This event with Micheal Flynn was held on September 14, 2021 and held at Centner Academy, run by the notorious wealthy New York anti-vaxxer couple, Leila and David Centner. Facebook post from Frank de...
Flynn’s talk was also attended by all the local luminaries of Miami’s comemierda far-right including QAnon influencer Isabella Rodriguez known as #RedPillBabe.

She attended the Jan 6 insurrection in DC — click her hashtag for more. Miami QAnon influencer Isab...Miami QAnon influencer Isab...
There was also QAnon follower and Miami Moms for Liberty leader lying Eulalia Jimenez — she’s now admitted to participating in the attempted Jan 6 insurrection too. Miami Moms for Liberty lead...News coverage of Eulalia Ji...
Local Miami Proud Boys were also present and captured in the event YouTube video. 📸

Here’s “Miami Lex” and “Alex / Little 1776” — we are actively seeking both of their identities. DM or email if you have any tips. 📲 Photo from public source an...Photo from public source an...Photo from public source an...Photos from public source a...
Even the younger “mainstream” Republicans in Miami were there too. Here’s GOP District Aide Christopher Zegarra with young Republican type Anthony J Gonzalez who is active in the FIU GOP club. Chris Zegarra and Anthony J...Christopher Zegarra and Ant...
The creep between the fringes of the far-right that swirl with conspiracy theory and dangerous talk of military coups and the “mainstream” of elected GOP officials is no joke. We are watching it unfold before our eyes.

Follow us at @MIAagainstFash as we continue to expose them.

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Sep 18, 2024
Next week Miami Young Republicans will host an event opposing #Florida’s Amendment 4 pro-choice ballot measure.

Among the “most influential voices” is antisemitic & pro-Putin podcaster Linda Catalina Cuadros — but that’s just the beginning with @MiamiYRs.

Let’s dive in! 🧵 1/ Left: Miami Young Republicans event flyer.   Top right: Dec 2022 post in Linda Cuadros’ telegram channel “wakeupwithlinda,” which is the name of her Instagram account.  The post contains an image of a tweet referencing Jews from Andrew Anglin, the notorious neo-Nazi who runs the site The Daily Stormer. Linda’s text reads “5% of the population wants to make decisions for 95% of us.”   All images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Miami based influence grifter Linda Cuadros got her start w anti-vaccine & pro-MAGA content but quickly expanded into far-right anti-LGBTQ themes on “globohomo” & support 4 Kanye West.

We also documented her sharing notorious neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin in her Telegram channel.

2/ Right: TikTok posting by Linda Cuadros on Florida legislation on antisemitism. Text: “hate speech = free speech”   All images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Linda’s open antisemitism & Putin simp content naturally attracted attention in June when she did a sit down interview w Miami mayor Francis Suarez, earning her local media coverage. #WakeUpWithLinda


Tweets and news coverage on Linda Cuadros.   All images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Top left & right, bottom left: Pro-Putin Instagram content from Linda Cuadros’ wakeupwithlinda account.   Bottom right: Pro-Putin Telegram post by Linda Cuadros.   All images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 23, 2024
One of Florida’s worst creations, white MAGA rapper “Forgiato Blow” aka Kurt Jantz, has just posted that all his YouTube videos were just taken down. 1/ Image
Forgiato Blow, aka Kurt Jantz, attended Jan 6 and appeared multiple times alongside now imprisoned former Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio. 2/

Details here: floridapolitics.com/archives/49509…
We’ve also documented Forgiato Blow in Miami for a small anti-LGBTQ hate rally directed at Target in June 2023 alongside a Miami Proud Boy & QAnon flat earth singer Jimmy Levy who he collaborated with for his ‘Boycott Target’ track. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Jun 13, 2024
Meet the man currently nominated for a Florida State GOP Committeeman seat by the Miami GOP @MiamiDadeGOP.

Former Proud Boy & January 6th rioter Chris Barcenas. #USAPB

1/🧵 Top: Screen shot posted by former Miami Proud Boy Chris Barcenas. Search his hashtag #USAPB for our extensive reporting on him.   Left: Barcenas in front of the Capitol building on J6. Additional photos place him on the steps of the building & he provided testimony to the Jan 6 Committee.   Right; Barcenas at a Proud Boy rally in New York, circa 2021.    All images and content from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Following the scandal caused by NYT coverage of the Proud Boys & allies holding seats on the Miami GOP Republican Executive Committee (REC) in 2022 — many remain active, including Barcenas.

This is also why the Miami GOP keeps membership a secret. 2/

Left: Social media posting by REC member & FIU student Cristen Lameira of the REC meeting in September 2023.   Top right: Zooming in Chris Barcenas can be seen sitting in the front row.   All images and content from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Keep in mind two Proud Boys, Gabriel Garcia & Gilbert Fonticoba, were sitting Miami GOP REC members when indicted for J6 charges. Both since convicted.

A third REC member, Barbara Balmaseda #PinkGaiterPBG, was indicted in Dec 2023 for being inside the Capitol on J6 w Garcia. 3/ Left: Together at a late 2020 “stop the steal” rally in Washington, DC are former REC member and one time GOP candidate Proud Boy Gabriel Garcia pictured with Barbara Balmaseda. She is a past REC member who served as chair of voter registration, a former Marco Rubio intern & past Miami Young Republican board member. She was indicted in December 2023 for Jan 6 charges and marched alongside the Proud Boy and was inside the Capitol with Gabriel Garcia. See her hashtag #PinkGaiterPBG for more background.   Gabriel Garcia was convicted in November 2023 but awaits sentencing for his Jan 6 charges...
Read 5 tweets
Jun 11, 2024
Last week we introduced Miami Proud Boy & III% militia supporter Ralph Verde. Today we reveal more.

Let’s dive deeper into Rafael Antonio Verde of Cutler Bay, FL — the brokest real estate, insurance & financing hustler we’ve ever come across! 🤑🧵 1/
Main image: LinkedIn profile of Rafael Verde.   Right image: Rafael Verde at a Proud Boy rally in Washington, DC.   All content and images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Rafael Verde, b. Dec 1968, is behind a string of short lived real estate & investment LLCs & currently “Ice Mountain LLC.”

Public records show a mountain of personal debts — his house went into foreclosure this month & he’s facing two credit card lender lawsuits for $27k. 2/ Top: Currently pending credit card lending lawsuits against Rafael Verde.   Bottom: Rafael Verde at a Proud Boy rally in Washington, DC.   All content and images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Proud Boy Rafael Antonio Verde has records for evictions in 2000, 2015, 2018 & another foreclosure in 2006. Former employer Bankers Life & Casualty sued him in 2015 for not returning $12k in commissions — likely signed up fraudulently based on later criminal charges. 3/ Left: Lawsuit filed by former insurance employer against Rafael Verde.   Right: Rafael Verde at a rally led by Floridians First, a now defunct front group run by local Proud Boys, in front of La Carreta on Bird Road. To his left are Proud Boys Gilbert Fonticoba (with hat) and Chris Barcenas (in a tank top).   All content and images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 6, 2024
NEW: Today we present a special reveal featuring the president of Miami’s Vice City Proud Boys & two associates.

Let’s meet Alejandro “Alex” Reyes, the 50 year old discount rack Liver King who irons his beard & lives in a $2.5 million house in the burbs of Kendall. 1/🧵 Various images of Miami Proud Boy Alejandro “Alex” Reyes.   All images and content obtained from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Roid raging Proud Boy & president of Miami’s Vice City chapter Alejandro “Alex” Reyes is known for his appearances at the Miami school board @MDCPS opposing LGBTQ history month alongside PB ally groups, Miami Moms for Liberty (RIP) and the Christian Family Coalition. 2/
Miami Proud Boy leader Alejandro “Alex” Reyes has been a fixture at rallies + events & we know he’s the president because his telegram profile tells us: VCPB = Vice City Proud Boys.

In 2022 he was one of several Proud Boys who signed on as local poll workers w @MDCElections 3/ All images and content obtained from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Read 15 tweets
May 31, 2024
Let’s meet Patrick Bet-David who invited neo-fascist & white supremacist Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau, currently facing charges for the tiki torch Nazi march during Unite the Right, to his Fort Lauderdale studio for a ‘friendly chat’ on his PBD Podcast for YouTube.

1/🧵 Top: Screen shot from Patrick Bet-David’s May 31, 2024 interview with Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau.   Bottom left: PF’s brown shirt style flash march. Rousseau is wearing a cowboy hat and speaking into a bullhorn.   Bottom right: Thomas Rousseau  at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville — then a member of the group American Vanguard which folded after one of their members rammed a car at high speed into crowd of counter protesters, killing one and injuring many more.   All images from public sources and posted as part of our ongoing coverage of far-right extremism.
Patrick Bet-David @patrickbetdavid is a 45 year old multi-level marketing ‘entrepreneur’ & podcaster based in Fort Lauderdale living in a $20 mill mansion in the posh neighborhood of Bay Colony.

800 feet of waterfront with a boat slip as well. 🛥️🐳 2/

Patrick Bet-David is a cretin of the right-wing media sphere with a recent appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show and last year did a “5 hour sit down” with underage model trafficker (allegedly) & professional misogynist Andrew Tate. 3/ Image
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