No, "evil" is not hyperbolic here. Creating a caste system within public health based on logic you KNOW is faulty in order to advance agenda (no matter what agenda) is the very definition of. We all saw what happened. And this flowed from the very top...🤬
And don't dare fall under the spell of variants. 🧙♂️ Yes, the virus has mutated. No, the variants didn't "change all the science". Maybe the Fauci/Walensky "The Science", but not the lowercase real stuff...
I've been writing about this exact point for months on end. The "Joe vs Jane". How our laws made it so the person we KNOW had protection (NI) is left out while one with none left (waned vax) is good to go.
I've talked a lot of "citizen soldiers" being part of the blueprint too. People/corps brainwashed to enforce mandates w/o law in place and which defied science. Obvious.🚨
Others went far beyond that. They helped cement the lies which fomented the hatred.
I was harsh on Nicholas for that. Deservingly so due to his position of trust. He is too smart to not have been aware of that 12/4 study. He was; all but admitted it to me.
But he can just say he relied on the CDC, right? That junk science from October. 🚨 Information incest. 🤬
And we have many others still gleefully swinging that toxic billyclub. The one that rests on empty ground; always has but we all know it now. Well, those with eyes open. But it continues to be used as a bludgeon. Even by some of our "Libertarian heroes"...
All these lies and this deception. Toxic stuff which directly cultivated hatred! So many eager to join that game. 🤬 Webs that run all the way back to Pennsylvania Ave, and beyond...
We haven't even talked about these wrinkles to the tale, have we?
Thank goodness the American spirit is still so alive. It is solely because of the grassroots effort taking place (the same one The Truman Show is scrambling so hard to suppress 💡) that so many people are finally seeing the mechanics behind the curtains...
Keep schools open
Be able to see grandparents
Have family gatherings
Go to playdates
Gather for Xmas
Participate in sports and extracurriculars
Not have to wear a mask
Not a single one of these has to do with their own health. 🤬
Things have NEVER been above board. These mandates were designed from origin solely to deploy shots. Period. They were never crafted based on public safety.
But many of you couldn't stop snorting sanctimony long enough to recognize that.
How did the absolutely insane racial-mania explosion of 2020 happen? How did the masses get to that level of foaming-at-the-mouth rabidness... which conveniently became "vote DNC or you're racist!"? 💡 How bout that! 🙃
If you support school mandates forcing COVID shots on healthy children contrary to their parents' desire, or requiring healthy college kids to get a 3rd shot (most who have NI) to set foot on campus, you are my enemy.
Big word, I know. And I mean it exactly how it's defined.