Organizers @conserveUV say the lake is “on a path to recovery.” they organized the rally in support of the “responsible restoration of this critical resource in Utah's ecology.”
Craig Christensen, ED of Conserve Utah Valley, gives the crowd a welcome and elaborates on the Don’t Pave Utah Lake monicker:
Christensen then elaborated on the potential impact proposed man-made islands could have on the state’s largest fresh water lake:
Signs spotted in the crowd, which is a few hundred strong, display messages like “No islands please” to “Our lake is not for sale” and “Keep public lands in public hands.”
The 148.4 mi² freshwater lake sits at the center of Utah County. Its only river outlet, the Jordan River, is a tributary of the #GreatSaltLake
This week, @Deseret News reported it’s time “for leaders to stand up against the radical surgery proposed by those who stand to profit most from the lake’s alteration.”…
Prof. Byron Adams, curator of microfauna at @BYU, leads the crowd in a rendition of “This Land is Your Land” 🎶
* bridal photoshoot spotted *
Chief Executive of the Timpanogos Tribe Uinta Valley, Mary Murdock Meyer, speaks on the ancestral importance of #UtahLake:
An hour in, #RallyForUtahLake ended with @conserveUV’s Christensen calling the 500-plus attendees to the Capitol’s south steps for a commemorative photo
... and an encore rendition of the Guthrie standard:
Hundreds descend upon the Utah Capitol today for the first iteration of #UtahMarch
The gathering originally had an immigration focus, but after organizers asked potential attendees to bring IDs, and suspicion around the nascent group began to form, it shifted to a general human rights rally #utpol
Under the unifying message, locals came out in droves to hear messages centered around women’s, immigrant and LGBTQIA+ rights
Happening now: A group 1,000 strong is gathered at the Utah Capitol as part of the 50 protests/50 states initiative #utpol
US and trans pride flags — as well as signs emblazoned with messages like “We the people reject the oligarchy” and “What happened to all lives matter?” pepper the sizable crowd
Road closure on 1300 East by the I-80 entrance due to a protest in progress #slc #utah #upol
The SLC gathering—which closed down the busy Sugar House intersection for nearly two hours—was part of a Global Day of Action that saw similar disruptive events in 100 cities across 45 countries
A winter weather advisory wasn’t able to deter the hundreds who showed up on Saturday. In between chants and speeches, some speculated the protest might turn into a march on the freeway itself, but that didn’t materialize
‘Rally for Reproductive Freedom’ underway at the state Capitol #utpol#utleg
“We stand in solidarity with all AFAB individuals, and recognize that our country has never truly ensured the rights that they deserve,” organizers Pro Choice People of Utah said
Attendees are carrying signs emblazoned with messages like, Red, white and trash,” “Land of the free, my ass,” and Abortion is Liberty”
A few hundred are out today at SLC’s Washington Square Park in response to SCOTUS’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade #utpol
Utah is one of a handful of states with a “trigger” ban that takes effect after an official certifies that all or part of the landmark decision has been overturned #utleg