I tend to think all the Facebook market cap schadenfreude is jut wishful thinking and it will go back to being wildly profitable or continue to be. But having been in this space for a long time I'm starting to wonder whether it cld be another version of what happened ...
2/ to Yahoo and AOL. Which is to say hugely profitable behemoths which were dead men walking but continued to throw off huge amounts of cash for many years after the writing was on the wall. Indeed, for many years this was the basic question with both companies.
3/ It was a given that both companies original business models were dying. But they generated so much cash that it seemed that with some astute management they could simply buy a new business model. And no, that's not as silly as it sounds. And yet, as we know ...
4/ neither was able to do so. They spent years blowing money and eventually ended up as they are today, basically corporate skin grafts on other corporate media/tech frankensteins. Sad. Really sad. But also funny sad.
5/ It's not hard to see something similar with Facebook. Buy the metaverse. Buy the youngs with some new platform, FaceTok. Whatever. There were some paradoxical stories a week ago about how despite being the most fuddy duddy of tech companies Microsoft is actually ...
6/ highly diversified. So is Amazon. But we know that. Facebook is really amazingly undiversified. Those articles said the same was kind of true with Google, inasmuch as both Facebook and Google are so dependent on advertising. But that's misleading.
7/ Google is highly dependent on advertising but through channels that are deeply and organically built into the internet itself. Google is the Borg. Its tendrils are so deeply embedded into the synapses of the internet itself. It also owns and runs much of the infrastructure ...
8/ of advertising. Facebook meanwhile is highly highly focused on advertising ON FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM. That's very different. It's pretty hard to take meaning stock of a company after a week in which its lost a significant percentage of its value. So in a while maybe ...
9/ things seem very different. BUT... It's certainly possible at the moment to see the entirety of Facebook as based on some killer network effects from the mid-aughts that were then followed by VERY SHREWD decisions in the mid-late aughts about how to use those
10/ network effects to build psychographic profiles which could then be used for advertising. It's easy to forget that despite the aesthetic shitpile that is the current incarnation of Facebook, Zuckerberg was very, very shrewd in keeping advertising off the platform ...
11/ for a very long time. But that was all a long time ago. What's the next big thing or the branch out into some new business. Those haven't happened. And network efforts don't always last forever. Sad.
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the “trucker” situation in Ottawa is becoming a set piece for the dynamics of the North American right write large. Are the ordinary agencies and powers of govt able to protect people from the far right? Is the govt willing to act to protect people, keep roads open?
2/ We can say all we want, well, what would happen if these were Black people or Muslims. But let’s focus on this. I don’t know the specific laws in Canada but I’m pretty sure that if me and few friends parked our cars in the midtown tunnel, the cops would tell us to move them.
3/ Then in pretty short order our cars would be towed and there’s a good chance we’d be arrested if we tried to interfere with clearing the tunnel. Yes there are a lot of trucks. But there are a lot of cops. There’s even the military. What about the harassment of civilians?
Times reports that Jan 6th committee is being dangerously aggressive and isn't living up to the standard of the House Benghazi probe. nytimes.com/2022/02/05/us/…
I hadn’t spoken to Todd Gitlin in some time. But I think I can say that he was a friend. Todd was a deeply humane, learned and funny guy. He was one of those people who had a deeply moral engagement with the world over a long life, much of it on the public stage.
2/ I remember back in the 90s when I was trying to figure out what I was doing and whether I wanted to leave what I was doing and become a writer I was reading a piece by him in Salon. It was about political media culture. And he had this line that this media …
3/ culture was premised on making citizens “cognoscenti of their own bamboozlement.” By which he meant that this media culture … well you know what he meant. And I read that and thought God I want to write phrases like that. I really want to do this. I want to be like that.
One of my woodworking mentors frequently says that to design and build furniture you need to be able to draw it. This is particularly the case if you find it challenging to conceive of how designs work in three dimensions, especially if they have moving parts.
2/ My wife is a therapist specializing in grief. Since spring of 2020 her sessions have been by zoom. For her birthday last year I made her a small table/bench specially designed for conducting therapy sessions by zoom.
3/ But she now needed one that could be put away between sessions. Since there’s really not enough space to have another piece of furniture. So for her birthday this year I wanted to design one that was collapsible and could be stored. This turned out to be very challenging.
Not a self-awareness guy:"I confess I dont think that strategy is going to work at all. There will not be Nuremberg-like justice being meted out over mask mandates. Ever. Im still of the belief that most pandemic excesses were due to panic, not plotted." nationalreview.com/2022/01/what-i…
2/ He's a reasonable person apparently because he thinks in most cases govts and school boards did mask mandates to control COVID rather than as a plot to end liberty. Thanks, dude. He, a writer-controversialist, is at least reassured by the fact that this battle is ...
3/ "professionals versus workers". And he's one of the workers. He'll probably be forming an NRO union soon given that level of class consciousness. Clearly masking is a highly divisive issue in our society. Plenty of people are done with it. But what I keep coming back ...