Appreciate there's a tension in my view here, but I really believe this base education of tau iwi, or at least the heavy lifting needs to be done by senior or experienced tau iwi from the sector, not Māori. It needs Māori governance to ensure the pace and direction is right, and
The voice of Māori should be from Māori but do we seriously expect the effort and energy for decolonisation to come from those most impacted by colonization? #BeGoodTiritPartners
I always like the analogy of a regular interpersonal relationship, cause most of us are familiar with them. But imagine you've moved in with someone you love. They've been in a long term abusive relationship and still carry trauma. Their house is battered and damaged from the
violence. You havent been violent, but don't always understand why they react how they do, this makes you frustrated and sometimes angry and you see their fear and it feeds your frustration... So you want to be a good partner, do you a) demand they sort themselves out.. and clean
The place up while they're there? b) moan about how hard this is for you and how lucky they are to have you and why aren't they grateful? c) support them to heal (recognizing they'll need you for part of that journey and sometimes they need to do it alone), get their direction..
and help fix the house (and clean up after yourself while you do), get help to understand what it's like to come from and recover from an abusive relationship, while appreciating this never centre's you as an expert over your partner, get support for managing your emotions..
I know this is a narrow analogy that misses a lot of the history of colonization, trauma to ancestors, the attitudes of wider society. However, the basis of partnership in that there is work to each do as well as work to do together is solid in most #TiritiKorero and #DecolMahi
So I thought that this was a great question but I had more that I wanted to say than would fit in a Tweet reply, so sorry Shawn (@swampy_kiwi , here's the long version.
So we dipped out toes into the cargo bike world with a Ezee Roadrunner, a version of an Xtracycle that, while an entry level, was a well designed workhorse that transformed our lives..
I got lots of time back commuting instead of taking public transport. I took our daughter everywhere, and started to find new adventures that changed how I spent time with M5
PSA: Boys everywhere, play with dolls! This is good for you in many ways but aside from that a percentage of you may one day be parents, and some of that group will be parents of kids who regardless of expectations and attitudes will want to play with dolls and will want you to..
Play with them. And it's then that you'll realize you haven't developed the skills to improvise and imagine in the way necessary to make a valuable contribution to this activity. And when you have to tell your child you don't know how to play this game, and they look at you like
You've forgotten how to walk.. You'll realize that while it's not too late, it would have been easier to build on the skills you once had. So encourage your kids to play, it's of generational benefit, play with your kids and make that normal and if you're expecting...