⭐Continuing the #DataScience learning path series and next skill is Python
⭐There always been a debate around R v/s Python
⭐Step by step learning path for Python for data analysis
1⃣ Intro to Python -
⭐Installing and Setting up environment
⭐Install Anaconda and Python
⭐Launch a Jupyter Notebook
⭐Variables and Operators
⭐Booleans and Comparisons
⭐expressions and statements
2⃣ Basics of Python -
⭐Functions, Modules and strings
⭐Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
⭐Installing a Package (Pandas, Scipy, NumPy,Plotly etc.)
3⃣Data cleaning and manipulation using Pandas, NumPy, Scipy -
⭐Creating, Reading and Writing Data
⭐Indexing, Selecting & Assigning
⭐Summary Functions and Maps
⭐Grouping and Sorting
⭐Data Types and Missing Values
3⃣Data cleaning and manipulation using Pandas, NumPy, Scipy -
⭐Renaming and Combining
⭐Handling Missing Values
⭐Scaling and Normalization
⭐Parsing Dates
⭐Character Encodings
⭐Inconsistent Data Entry
4⃣Data Visualization -
⭐Seaborn, Matlplotlib, plotly
⭐Line, Bar, Heatmaps, Scatterplots
⭐Histograms, Boxplots
⭐Plot styles and custom styling
5⃣Machine Learning using Scikit-Learn -
⭐Linear Regression
⭐Logistic Regression
⭐Decision Trees, Support vector machines and Random Forest
⭐Intro to text analytics(natural language processing)
1⃣ Intro to Python
2⃣ Basics of python
3⃣Data cleaning and manipulation using Pandas, NumPy, Scipy
4⃣Data Visualization
5⃣Machine Learning using Scikit-Learn
▶️Learning path for data science tools and algorithm
▶️Learn resources for data science
▶️Build Data science Portfolio
▶️Data science resume Building
▶️Apply for data science jobs
Steps to follow👇
Learning Path for data science tools and algorithm