@Carolyn_Bennett You know what I find very strange? You re-tweeting a self identified white professor, who is trying so hard to erase other Indigenous people. The people he has his focus on, the Eastern Metis, their genealogy is being used by Qalipu for Status rights and
benefits, while those of us who connect to the same ancestors are being called Pretendians and Fetis, can you please explain to me, how and why this happened? Nova Scotia, Acadian Metis genealogy is being used for Status in Newfoundland, is not recognized in Nova Scotia,
where it originated. Just so happens I have several root ancestors of this chief as well. Guess where I and my ancestors come from? Hint, it is not Newfoundland. So as you can see, I find it very confusing why you would be re-tweeting @DarrylLeroux, when he has me and my disabled
11 yr old son up on his raceshifting website and has done several other things that go directly against our human rights. For one, how he has my family positioned is not our worldview. I get my identity from my nanny, whose Mom and Dad both go back to several of these root
ancestors, this chief has used to get Mi'kmaq Status through the Qalipu Band, when my family is not recognized at all, Why is that Ms Bennet? 🤑🤑🤑.. My great Nanny Mius' dad was born before the Indian Act, and he was an Acadian Halfbreed Mi'kmaw. He is 4 generations away from
2 Peace and Friendship signatories in our family, of which there are 4 , 2 are by marriage. The 2 who are in our family ancestors, are Mathieu Mius, signed the ratified 1725/26 treaty. Which story do we believe today from the wacky Professor?
Francis Muise LaHeve Treaty - 1761 treaty that the Marshal case is based on, but when it comes to my family, no consideration is allowed at all. Wondering minds, wonder why? #Reconciliation my ass.
Nova Scotia Archives - Sydenham Howe's Scrapbook - Francoise Mius - Chief of the LaHave Indians.
Chief goes through Pierre, I go through Martin.
Copy of the Brevet de Commission of the Indian Chief - Francois Miouce - Mikmak de Mirligueche en l'Acadie. Brother to my 7th great grandfather Joseph Mius Dit D'azy.
@dmw411 -- not so much as one peep back and I am expecting I will get the same from you. No matter, we are finding ourselves and we will be bringing lots more evidence to the tables that INAC and others have colluded on to make sure Eastern Metis people were not recognized.
Maybe you should speak up on all the posts where you tell everyone you are a 60s scoop baby for authenticity for yourself, you know you are lying 🤥. @SenateCA @JustinTrudeau @JusticeCanadaEN @SCC_eng @LafreniereRoger
We are coming for all those who are lying about Indigenous people in Canada. ❤️
Chrystal/ Christine Cameron, her mom gave her up to social services, she was not scooped. All the lies she tells, the fact she is lying in the senate, trying to impose identity rules on people who are not hers to be deciding anything on!! cwis.org/document/archi…
Well Claudette, you are not passing your own rules, you want to call people of Indigenous descent pretendian, than you too meet that label. You want to specify what strenuous battles you had with your lived experience on reserve?, 🤨
Or wait, did you mean your strenuous battles of marrying into the KZ reserve by virtue of your husband? 🤔 🤣 That must have been so strenuous, however did you stand it? 🤔
Where is the expose on Claudette Commanda who has self promoted herself to top pretendian hunter, even though she has no lived experience, her mom is Quebec Metis who she says doesn't exist, and is only native and registered by the fact she married a registered native man.!
Your top pretendian hunters are dropping like flies, Eric Thisdale, who you used to prop up your work, mysteriously disappeared after questions about genealogy, Chrystal does not have the lived experience, you go on about as being one of the top qualifiers if being genuine
@thewalrus Jean Teillets liberal cabinet ministers family identify as French Canadians, many Metis identified as French Canadians , when is the expose gonna be run on her ?
Funny how I can't even see my own replies, guess they are not relevant eh @X
@X As I was saying about Randy Ranville and how many western Metis did not grow up in the culture, why MMF has to tell all these lies which are easily proven, I do not know. !!
While I agree with a lot of this article. It is writing from a point that they are listenjng to lies and historical revision. I don't know the author so im not sure if its goal is to try and further erase the Eastern Metis or not.
Truth, Metis were in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians bylaws in the 70s. Which is close to the time frame that Western Metis were rediscovering and connecting to their own roots.