➊ Check if input is of number type
➋ Check if input value contains a number
➌ Check if input value is null or, undefined
➍ Check if input value is null or, empty string
➎ Check if input value is falsy
➏ Check if input is an Array
➐ Check if input is an Empty object
➑ Convert first character of each sentence to uppercase
➒ Convert first character of each word to uppercase
➓ Reverse a string
➊➊ Convert a number from one base to another
➊➋ Create and initialise array
➊➌ Empty an array
➊➍ Remove falsy values from an array
➊➎ Remove duplicates from array
➊➏ Casting an array to array of numbers
➊➐ Return a series of integers starting from 0
➊➑ Flatten Array to any depth
➊➒ Remove Holes from Array
➋x➓ Merge any number of arrays
➋➊ Shuffle an array
➋➋ Generate a Random Boolean
➋➌ Generate a Random Number
➋➍ Generate a Random ID
➋➎ Generate a Random Hex Color Code
⬖ Do you have better implementation for any of these methods? Share those in 💬
⬗ If you find any incorrect information, do inform me.
🚏 Upcoming Twitter Space
📅 12-Feb-2022 (Saturday)
⏰ 07.30PM IST (02.00PM GMT)
⬘ Join me in this space to have some interesting technical discussion around "Arrays and Functions in JavaScript".
⬙ Share among your circle if anyone is interested.
➊ Basics about Arrays
➋ Array Properties
➌ Array Methods
➍ Looping through Arrays
➎ Array related Operators
➏ Common Array Operations
➐ Comparison of Terms
🚥 Disclaimer
⬖ The questions covered here are mostly conceptual
⬘ I never claim only these type of questions are/should be asked during interviews
⬗ For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.