THIS: y'all really just don't get how WP splayed out across all domains of US daily life are SELF ORGANIZING BASED ON WS FASCST IDEOLOGY who vehemently oppose democracy & equality as sanctified by God $ P&P & guns
US Evangelical Christians Docu...
THREAD: I had a run in with evangelical Christians by the time I was 12. I had a rough childhood there's no question about that.. at some point I formed a friendship with the mom of a school friend who seemed so nice and offered me the kind of family warmth mine
lacked. About 1 months in she started talking to me more and more about how I needed to be saved and things would get better. Well ok I thought I'm on board for that but the more she talked the more questions I had. Primarily that Im supposed to be afraid of the devil but
adult people were who I'd had problems with and I knew there were lots of kids like me. Apparently they weren't yet born again which explained why these adult people were mean (right?).
And well what about all the nice people I knew who WERE NOT BORN AGAIN? So after a while I
asked her what happens to "people who aren't saved" her answer was immediate, they had their choice and they chose wrong so they all go to hell. What about people who never even heard of "the good news"? And what about good people doing good in the world who were not
Christian; does God have no love in his heart for them who are doing his work in another way? Again her answer was immediate, sharp and unyielding; "they had their choice and they chose wrong so they all go to hell." I felt so kicked in the gut I could barely see straight.
She also proceded to recite the long list of people who would go to hell because they were of the devil. GONE WAS ANY NICENESS IN HER EYES OR FACIAL EXPRESSION and no matter what I said or how I asked her these questions her rigidity was absolute: THERE WAS NO GIVE.
then preceded to tell me when the great ascension came, I too would be left here on earth in hell unless I was baptized and born again.
Very shortly I found myself in tears yelling "if I have enough love for all people and if I'm made by God then surely he has far more love
than I could ever imagine. My God is a god of love who loves ALL HIS CHILDREN so I'm staying here with those "left behind" because I don't want to belong to a God that's so cruel he would lock people out of heaven because they didn't do what he said" and ran out of
the house. Of course I was terrified.. Id never really yelled at an adult before and I knew I'd just shattered the warmth of a friendship that was a necessary resource for me at that time in my life to BUT I JUST COULD NOT RECONCILE that kind of instant immediate love hate as
sanctified by a God I not only didn't understand but wanted no parts of.
And altho for very different reasons (reasons I did not at the time recognize), her immediate love hate schism WAS A REPEAT OF WHAT LIVED WITH AT HOME already and I had no trust for that.
I avoided
her for months because I knew how she would treat me and that wound was just too fresh.
It wasn't just the loss of the relationship that hurt THE REAL TRUAMA came from realizing that she could be so full of warmth and fun while simultaneously being so full of cold hate
and feel absolutely justified about it. THAT WAS SCARY AF.
When I finally did see her she walked past me as if I were a ghost... I was dead to her and contrary to what I'd feared I felt hugely relieved.
I was safe. I would never be locked in the prison she chose;
day in day out. But why? Clearly she wasn't happy. I knew already that NO ONE COULD HATE THAT HARD OR WITH THAT MUCH SURENESS AND BE HAPPY.
I thought how close I'd come to that but then realized yet again, my heart would always save me if I only had the
courage to follow it.
I also knew 20 years could pass with her treating me as a ghost but if I went to her house and said ok I want to be born again...She'd welcome me with the open arms of a prison trying to lure me with what ever bait I was hungry for and once I
gave in, I would quickly be swallowe up and drown in the embedded cruelty. 15/ End
Seriously? No one integrates?
Why does it have to be Psychotherapy (better) vs CBT (worse) ? Who is so rigid they ONLY provide 1 PET TX?
B/c therapy is abt what works for T/PATIENT NOT YOU only providing your 1 PET TX
& FYI: No TX approach is wholly effective on its own
Moreover I don't agree with the posted descripts as written. How they are described is at the very least disparaging for one TX APPROACH but those comments are neither textbook universal nor a given and thankfully DO NOT match my training in CBT. As for psychotherapy I was
trained by some of the best and immersed in that approach for approx 15 years however too, it was always modified based on pt needs and complexity. I was trained to borrow LIBERALLY at will from the tools offered via any other approaches that might prove effective in reducing
Well so let's look at that squarely B/C KIM KARDASHIANS sudden shameful attempt to portray herself as Black, POC or minority IS BULLSHIZZLE beyond t/pale
KK IS NOT BLACK by any stretch & her partial Armenian heritage does not provide for anything other than Whiteness;
And so 1/
here, a bit of history is in order:
In the US Armenians are and were considered part of the “Aryan race,” and thus White.
And as Armenian-American scholar and author bJanice Okoomian writes in her 2020 article "Armenian Americans and the Construction of
Whiteness"; "...Armenian Americans are fully implicated in the politics of race in the US. The fact that our ancestors were not slaveholders, that most of our families weren’t even here until after Reconstruction, or that we are not descended from those who colonized this
@PortiaMcGonagal@NicolasEdny Yes & so let's look at that squarely B/C KIM KARDASHIANS sudden shameful attempt to portray herself as Black, POC or minority IS BULLSHIZZLE beyond t/pale
KK IS NOT BLACK by any stretch & her partial Armenian heritage does not provide for anything other than Whiteness;
And so
@PortiaMcGonagal@NicolasEdny here, a bit of history is in order:
In the US Armenians are and were considered part of the “Aryan race,” and thus White.
And as Armenian-American scholar and author bJanice Okoomian writes in her 2020 article "Armenian Americans and the Construction of
@PortiaMcGonagal@NicolasEdny Whiteness"; "...Armenian Americans are fully implicated in the politics of race in the US. The fact that our ancestors were not slaveholders, that most of our families weren’t even here until after Reconstruction, or that we are not descended from those who colonized this
@TheDirtWitch@emilyjodell@JadeArchaeobot And as a clinical and forensic Neuropsychologist selected for a 2-year residency who left a 1-year I can tell you if you do go up against them they will stuff your file with the most devious sh!t get others to write about sh!t that never happened and the administration will
@TheDirtWitch@emilyjodell@JadeArchaeobot support them, EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE because their jobs and instituition gets a bad rap they all loose their prestigious standing which means MONEY and given their endless money and lawyers they know they can run you out of time and money. That I had documented
@TheDirtWitch@emilyjodell@JadeArchaeobot evidence only meant my file was expunged my hours remained intact and a good LOR was issued and I had to fight legally for that much which was consider a win. But t/thing I wanted was for those lying corrupt racist folks to be fired because they do research that sets policy...
@DixieT13@Dysautonomia Exactly.. I specialize in Neuropsychology focusing on medical forensics meaning you come to see me with emotional or cognitive complaints, yeah I'm doing testing and then Im digging through your med records and LABS as far back as I can get them and then I go to work looking
Based on testing, records reviews and research findings along with evaluating for poly pharmacy effects, I've been able to refer fo R/O for everything from idiopathic angioedema to dysautonomia to channelopathies to
@DixieT13@Dysautonomia frontotemporal lobular dementia which have in in fact turned out to be what was driving the multifactorial conditions and subsequent erratic or mysterious symptoms. I've been dead on at least 50% of the time and when not Im ball park accurate enuf to get folks in the door via
@lhooqlorenz@santiagokique I raise my hand here but I grew up w/these folks and watched the hypocrisy first hand and then left a 2 year Ivey residency after 1 yr b/c I wouldn't play ball. The scramble to get to the top leaves you surrounded by successful Psychopaths and that's very very real. The only
@lhooqlorenz@santiagokique way to save yourself after that is to leave because they operate a Mafia cabal and move in simultaneously for the kill when outed like a school of fish. And are protected by the institutions they work for because they make money for them and bring the prestige based on name
@lhooqlorenz@santiagokique recognition alone NOT BY MERIT OR INTEGRITY. This is reality. Know who you're playing against or be eaten by them!
It's all socially constructed based on greed & power & the legacy largesse of inherited White Supremacy privilege and power and they do their level best to hide