Just finished Wheel of Time, looked at the comments, and I’m amazed by the number of people who complain about white men not being all there is and thinking it’s a problem
I mean some characters even have brown or black eyes
(this being Twitter: Sarcasm alert)
Now just so we’re clear am I supposed to frown at dragons with different colours as well?
I mean in medieval style universe people travelled a lot less apparently so is it realistic or should they all be ethnically homogeneous groups?
And re: the Wheel of time I didn’t read the book just saw the TV show but there was a civilisation with airplanes before so people whining about secluded places having to be ethnically homogeneous ain’t even trying to make sense according to their own twisted logic are they
Shinyman got arms and hands
-and a baby!-
(What, he’s a modern superhero, why couldn’t he be a single dad?)
“He’s shinier than the universe!” proud kid says
Now adding a shiny bean and a shiny pea
The "Let's get rid of EU laws to get new Freedoms" Bill has been published
Under the title "The Benefits of Brexit"
UK - You're screwed. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
I mean read this.
As long as the fixed penalty notice isn’t disputed, looks like no one will ever hear about it
A tap on the wrist and a comfortable silence