-To enjoy triumphant life you must be free from sin. Luke 23:43. Sin can hinder progress and sin destroys life Romans 6:12-14,8:1-2
- When you give your life to Christ the law of the spirit of life will control you and the law of sin and death will be dead in your life. Judges 16:19-21
- To be triumph build up your spiritual strength: To build up your strength you must be rooted scripturally
1Peter 2:2, in every situation you must have a word for your life.
You must be prayerful 1Thess. 5:17, 2Cor. 10:4-5. Pray without ceasing. Be filled with the spirit Eph. 5:1. You must be sound in doctrine. Mat 7:28,22:33, Luke 18:1. As a man is so is his strength
- To be triumphant, your faith must be strong in God. Daniel 2:15. Hebrew 11:1-2, always speak by faith about your situation, don't be discouraged & always put on armor of faith. Daniel 2:18-19, 3:13-26, Heb. 13:8,
- To be triumphant, you must live in consciousness of your position. John 1:11-12, 1 John 4:4, Act 3.
Be conscious of what you have as a Christian. You have power, God has earned it for you.
You are a soldier of Christ. Eph. 2:6-16.
We have a sit in heavenly places.
-To be triumphant, never abort your pursuit. Genesis 38:24-29. Don't lose hope
More grace and anointing to God's servant for refreshing us with God's word tonight.
Join us again tomorrow by 5:30pm as we continue the celebration.
- Triumph is simply jubilant victory
- Exodus 15:20, Judges 11:34. Do not rejoice when your enemy falls Prov 24:18, Obadiah 1;11-14
- When things are out of our control, God is still in control. 2Corinthians 2:12, 7:7
-When we are out of God's place, God still has our back because of his love for us. 2Corinthians 2:14, Genesis 31:1-9, Romans 8:38, 1Samuel 25:20-24
- Where ever we are, God can use us. 2kings 5:8, Luke 4:27, Act 3:6, 1Samuel 17:12, Philippians 1:12-18.
We are all ambassadors of Christ. 2Corinthians 5:20
- No matter the opposition, we will prevail. Psalm 37:37, Hebrew 10:12, 10:35-36, 2Corinthians 11:26
-Money is anything used as a medium of exchange.
- Every challenges does not need money to be solved.
- Every thing is not about money. Do not elevate money beyond God.
- Money is not really a measure of wealth.
- Do not put your life in your possessions.
- Be accountable for every resources that comes into your hand.
Use of money. 1. Budget or plan on it. 2. Learn how to save. 3. Trade with money; make a move to multiply it.
4. Pay bills and fees when due.
GIVING. 1. In giving, tithe.
- It is not an OT tradition. Matthew 23:23; Acts 4:32-44
- Tithing is important and it shouldn't be pushed aside. Like 12:42