83.03/ For #PurimKatan I've introduced a new custom: I give out mini ("fun size") candy bars for half-mishloach manot. This year I tested it out with my kids and wouldn't you know it, they approved. Next year, the world!
83.04/ #ShushanPurimKatan is also, IMO, Tu B'shvat Sheni. The two month countdown starts today for... um... OK, I won't mention it. But you know what I mean.
83.05/ I have an AB in anthropology from Princeton - the department that Geertz built - and his shameful & brutal history never came up in my classes. His reputation as a teacher was poor, yet I regret not knowing these facts when I was a student.
83.06/ The libertarian "lone wolf" mythology is not only nonsense - it can't be done, humans are social animals - a proper heroic goal is to be a leader. Leaders unite, coordinate, communicate; care about each individual & the group. scientificamerican.com/article/how-a-…
83.07/ This is an incredibly valuable thread by Dr. Kay detailing the how-to and why-for about recording harassment & abuse.
83.08/ My kids said they have a school trip to the Poconos & the commercial from Mt. Airy Lodge immediately jumped into my head. My 1970s #LGM game watching kid brain thanks Adpocalypse on YouTube for this 1977-1979 WOR ad! youtube.com/channel/UC64rV…
83.09/ Just finished this online survey from Nishma about dating in the Jewish community. As a social scientist, I feel a duty to help others with their data sets. This survey will close Sunday, March 13, at 10:00 pm Eastern Time. bit.ly/Nishma-Ortho-C…
83.10/ There's a meraglim joke somewhere to be found with this news #WorldRecordStrawberry
83.11/ These threads, @BeijingPalmer & his link to @owillis, corroborate what I've seen as well. And it's an old US phenomenon. Prohibition was fueled by an anti-urban animus (which itself is a mask for anti-immigrant/ethnic/Black hatred)
83.12a/ The @USFL is coming back & my kids were asking who we root for. My family moved a lot when I was a kid so I have haphazard sports allegiances. I'm a Steelers fan b/c I was born in Pittsburgh. But I spent many years in NY, so all other teams are NY: Mets, Rangers, Knicks.
83.12b/ My fan formula is: support a NY team even over Pitt (except NFL). If neither, then another place I lived. So @XFL2023 had NY & @TheAAF it's Memphis (where I went to HS) [NB: My youth USFL Generals died when Trump (ym'sh) killed the whole league in an early #ETTD instance]
83.15/ Just reminded of this great thread by @Stonekettle and this crucial point: the fascists think of themselves as victims and thus their actions are "justified self-defense."
83.17/ I had a generally positive view of Tafoya as a woman who succeeded in the toxic male world so I'm dumbstruck at her setting her reputation on fire like this. Seriously: who looks at Aaron Rogers' face-heel-turn and says "I should do that too!"
83.18/ I endorse this thread and especially this point about cryptomoola. Basing a worldview on unfalsifiable myth that allows you to destroy the world & hurt others is pretty wicked. The cryptoids are that and also buffoonish.
83.24/ I learned a lot from this thread about the way the 5th Amendment works out in civil vs. criminal trials (re: the Trump (ym'sh) NY case). Especially these 2 points:
83.25/ Wait a minute. The leader of the brownshirt truck brigade in Canada is named "Lich"? As in "evil undead wizard-cleric boss bad-guy" Lich? Come. On.
83.26/ This is a great thread about the history of a popular art - pulp fiction covers - and I especially love this cover. The artist specialized in "wild animals attack a dude" and the Rabid Turtle Swarm just pings my brain the right way.
83.29/ I was just going over the menu for our Shabbas meals and - as recited aloud by my wife - made for one of the best extemporaneous poems I've ever heard. The exact text doesn't matter, I recommend reciting your own menu and I promise it will achieve the level of art.
83.30/ As an Orthodox rabbi I'm adding my voice to agree with @PosenIzzy & condemn this abusive practice. It's making children living orphans! The Torah describes the cries of orphans as especially evocative of Divine compassion. And justice.
83.31/ Recognizing that the anti-mask & anti-vax people are running after the modern day Eigel ha-Zahav - and what I can learn about them, then & now - I will say #ShabbatShalom everyone. Stay safe. Be good.
234.02/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayechi 5784 (LAST YEAR) @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 19 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1_VQcGY…
232.02/ Shiva minyans during #Chanukah are surreal. That is all.
232.03/ #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight was actually on Nitel-nacht (after we learned Torah, like good little Litvaks). And what else? Yippe-kai-yay, Maccabee.
230.02/ The Assad regime collapsing over Shabbas #Vayetze seems especially appropriate. I had long compared Lavan to Assad, the urbane facade hiding real cruelty and depravity. I celebrate the toppling of a murderous regime and the liberation of Saydnaya prison.
230.03/ Mets Twitter is having a party right now. This is fun. #LGM
229.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Vayetze #Vayetzei #Vayeitzei 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah from Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1JqU6Lt…
228.02/ Fundamentally, a plurality want a minority to do all the work but get no reward while they do very little work & get all the reward. The only system that will get close to that - liberal Democracy - gives too much to people the plurality hates, so they vote for fantasies.
228.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #Toldot #Toledot 5784 2023 (LAST YEAR). @ChochmatNashim.
Downloadable PDF with working links to Divrei Torah by Orthodox women scholars on the parsha and other topics of the week. 20 Pages. drive.google.com/file/d/1dpJe7R…