1. NYC building styles range from "fairly ugly" to "very ugly", but Americans love them because NYC is our only dense city, so Americans associate those building styles with urban density
2. Star Trek DS9 was neocon. It glorified a morally inspired leader engaging in preemptive war with an enemy who would never see reason and only respected force.
All the usual suspects are jumping all over Lisa Cook's paper from 2014 and pointing out small errors. But Ken Rogoff served on the Fed Board of Governors and I bet you nobody combed over his papers for errors before he was confirmed! And I bet you he made a few.
Econ academia has very little quality control for data errors. When people do comb over papers for mistakes, they generally find them.
We need a Xillennial-Zillennial alliance, of people who are just a little too old for Millennial bullshit and people who just are a little too young for Millennial bullshit.
Anyone who was born 1980-1986 or 1997-2003 is in the Xillennial-Zillennial alliance. We must unite against the people whose brains were broken by coming of age between the Great Recession and Trump.
The people in that middle decade shall be known as the Harry Potter Generation
To the people who respond to every horrific murder with "We need better mental health": Please tell me what specific mental disorder you think these murderers have, and what you think the standard of care for that disorder is.
I have met tons of people with mental issues -- depressed people, schizophrenics, people with bipolar disorder -- and I have never met even *one* who had done anything like follow someone into their house and murder them, or who seemed at all likely to do such a thing.
Frankly, it is insulting and stigmatizing to people with mental health issues to say that brutal killers are just struggling with mental health. Most people with mental health issues are very sweet people.
"We must impose severe consequences" if Putin invades...But apparently threatening sanctions, which is now all that we're doing, is beating the war drums...So what severe consequences does Bernie want to threaten??
The entire leftist discourse on Ukraine appears to be premised on the mistaken belief that the U.S. has threatened to go to war over Ukraine, when in fact we have only threatened sanctions.