Janiesaysyay Profile picture
Feb 17, 2022 160 tweets 43 min read Read on X
🧵 The Invisible Thread 🧵

"We started noticing an increase in clotting...after the 💉rollout...this clotting has just progressively gotten worse...BUT THESE KINDS OF CLOTS...THEY'RE MUCH MORE FIBROUS. They hold together. They do not dissolve in your hand if you manipulate them>
The blood part will dissolve off, but what you're left with is almost A THREAD-LIKE FIBER.
That really started around May or June of 2021...I started noticing it...When I described it to folks they weren't understanding...Later in Sept. I pulled one out, it was absolutely huge>
nobody would believe what I'm talking about and so I took a picture of it.
57 bodies I embalmed last month (Jan 2022) and I tagged on my computer...37 out of those 57 bodies- I had tagged with suspicious clots, these fibrous clots, these unusual looking clots...50% have this.">
"People say: 'Oh that looks like you pulled the vein out of the person!'

No, that's what I pulled OUT OF THE VEIN.">
The invisible thread, pulls at our heart strings
The invisible thread, is lifting us up...
#InvisibleThread #SeekAndUShallFind #ItsAMistake #StopInTheNameOfLove
#mRNA #SpikeProtein #LNPs #AmyloidFibril
#Fibrinogen #Pandonodin #pandemicplaylist
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes

"Using platelet-poor plasma, we show that spike protein may interfere with blood flow. Mass spec. also showed that when SPIKE PROTEIN S1 is added to healthy PPP, it results in STRUCTURAL CHANGES to β and γ fibrin(ogen), complement 3, and prothrombin.>
These proteins were SUBSTANTIALLY RESISTANT TO TRYPSINIZATION, IN THE PRESENCE OF SPIKE PROTEIN S1...in part, the presence of spike protein in circulation MAY CONTRIBUTE TO THE HYPERCOAGULATION IN COVID positive patients
An explanation:
Bio Briefing - Spikes everywhere, by @worldedge_group >worldedge.substack.com/p/bio-briefing…
#Changes #SpikesEverywhere #SpikeProtein #S1 #ICanDoBadAllByMyself #Turn2Stone
#Covid #LongCovid #PASC #AntigenPersistenceAbsentReplicatingPathogen
#CoagulationCascade #ITR #MicroClots #ClotClotBaby #LitUp #pandemicplaylist
Embalmer Richard Hirschman has pulled fibrous clots from the arteries, "which is very unusual, I couldn't believe what I was seeing."
CRC interview@ 29:38

"We report a case of a 69 yr old woman admitted to the ICU due to stroke caused by thrombosis of the right carotid artery>
9 days after receiving the 💉.
Further investigations demonstrated multiple thrombi
in the ARTERIAL TREE in the absence of any venous involvement."
#TalesFromTheCrypt #TheEmbalmingTree #ArterialClots #MicroClots #ClotClotBaby #VITT #TheVaxxed
The sound that blows into my mind
The echos of the daylight...
Of everything that is alive...
SK: Have you ever seen these clots before?
RC: Rarely in other genetic clotting disorders.

Where are these kind of amyloid fibrin clots, made up of millions of micro clots COMMONLY seen?
In the envenomed prey of snakes.

#Snakes #SnakeVenoms #SarsCoV2
This is the updated #InvissibleThreadTheory #TinyBubbles #CalimariClots #AmyloidFibrinClots #MicroClots
The 💉 mRNA/LNP goes into the blood stream and embeds in billions of endothelial cells which then produce spike protein 👉 causing #CalimariClots.

The short version:

Spike protein starts to cause amyloid microclots in the 🩸
At the same time the immune system attacks the endothelial cells because they are producing the spike.
During this attack, the endothelial lining of the 🩸 vessels is stripped away. This lining is muscular in nature💪 in order to maintain 🩸 pressure in the vessels.
The endothelium contains collagen, the abundant "glue" of the blood vessels. > https://askthescientists.com/collagen/
Collagen from this vessel debris, along with the PEGylated lipid nanoparticles aggregates in the rapidly forming amyloid microclots.
These clots can become larger and take the shape of the vessels they occupy.
Eventually occlusion occurs, clots are "rubbery" from collagen.
The amyloidogenic nature of the spike protein and its ability to form clots:
"There was a white thing in there" #CalimariClots The plasmapheresis bought him time. >
This is a great explanation of the mechanism happening to create the #CalimariClots. @ 22:00

"The complement is like a machine gun," sloughing off the muscle-like layers of the tunica intima and media of the endothelium which go on to form clots.
Even if the #mRNA antigen and the LNPs were not toxic, the 💉 designers have no idea how long foreign protein production in cells (and the immune reaction to it) lasts.
Bruce Patterson and #LongVaxx sufferers do.
If Twitter/X and FB stopped censoring the stories of vaxx injury, people could get treated for their #CalimariClots.
They don't have to live with them. We can prevent sudden death with the right treatment.
This #Censorship is criminal. #RICO
Another paper confirming LNPs induce #calimariclot aggregation. Thanks @CharlesRixey #InvissibleThreadTheory

Long 🧵, scroll 👆👇 keep hitting "show replies" to see all data.

This trend is explained by Jessica Rose's research in the next post >
A great article discussing the fibrosis we see after SARS2 spike protein exposure >
"Type III collagen is one of the fibrillar collagens whose proteins have a LONG INFLEXIBLE triple-helical domain...found as a major structural component in...LARGE BLOOD VESSELS." Image
I agree with Jessica that the #calimariclots pulled from vaxxed patients are probably mostly collagen.
This might come from the vaxx inducing an iatrogenic EDS, and from the destruction of the tunica layers, which contain collagen > Image
Long Covid/Long Vaxx and collagen depletion is a factor for many Long Covid patients > Image
> Image
> Image
> Image
Dr Lee's theory of how the 💉 spike protein antigen forms long chains of antibodies and activates and traps platelets all of which forms long cl0ts in the blood. >

11/22 Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma, 26cm mass

"he has developed a blood disease which causes his blood to cl0t if the body gets below body temperature."
🎯 As Pretorius and Kell show, the spike protein alone can cause amyloid fibrin microclots to form quickly.
The mRNA 💉 causes gain of the amyloid function with the electrostatic charge of the LNPs and the synergistic action of PEG and collagen. >
And then there is the contamination factor in certain lots as a possible factor:
Spike, all by itself, can start the amyloidosis, and so many other factors in the 💉 also build upon and strengthen the #CalimariClots
#bioweapon #vaxxbioweapon #biowar >
Metals in the body (and some vaxx batches?) can also cause clots to form:
The synergy of mechanisms or reinforcing of clotting seems to be occurring with the COVID 💉
Any clotting occurring as a result of: immune system stripping out collagen as it attacks spike-expressing cells + PEG + proteins, AND clots from charged LNPs, AND microclots formed by the spike itself would be reinforced if these genes are expressed.
More on how the SARS2 spike protein causes endothelitis, stripping the tunica layers from the blood vessels. > threadreaderapp.com/thread/1694448…
.@Greg21143362's explanation of the white fibrous #CalimariClots being formed by a catylization process involving metals in the body makes sense.
The fact that some populations have higher metal exposure explains why not all COVID 💉 have #CalimariClots. > Image
This explains why many Long 💉 have #MicroClots, even without forming (acutely lethal) #CalimariClots.

The spike protein causes amyloidosis. Add in the LNPs Zeta factor, the PEG factor and antibodies and you would still get hydrogel-like clotting which would be slowly lethal.
#InvissibleThreadTheory #CalimariClots #Catalysis
The #CalimariClots are found by embalmers in deceased patients.
They are also found in live patients by doctors and often require surgical removal. >
I think there is a possibly a gradation or staging between the long tough #CalimariClots formed by the 💉 and Greg's Catalysis Reaction Hypothesis and the less dense but still numerous #MicroClots formed in people with less metal in their bodies.
#MicroClots #LongCovid
> Image
The #CatalyticConverter Theory

Greg's #AmineCatalysis or #PolymericCondensation hypothesis constitutes a gain of function 💉, in a sense.

Pharma took an amyloidogenic spike antigen and amplified its amyloidosis capability.

How it happened. >
Some people have higher concentrations of metals in their 🩸
These metals instantly bind tightly to the phospholipids of the 💉 LNPs, starting a clot forming.

This happens 1st, faster than the mRNA can transfect and cells start to produce spike protein. >
Simultaneously other mRNA transfected cells start producing spike which they present, protruding from the cell wall.
The spike is amyloidogenic and can cause misfolding of adjacent proteins, causing #MicroClots.
Because of mRNA codon optimization, abundant spike is produced. >
Lots of spike produced = lots of #MicroClots

Antibodies arrive and form into strings.
Immune cells kill transfected cells and/or spiked cells self destruct.

The cells of the tunica layers of the endothelium contain collagen and cholesterol.

This is released as cells die. >
All of this is "junk" is caught up and feeds the 🔥 of the catalysis reaction, helping to augment the clots.

We could expect to see #CalimariClots ingredients of:

Metals + LNPs + spike protein + adjacent proteins + antibodies + immune cells + endothelial cell components. >
The lipid nanoparticles, by themselves, augment the clot formation by stimulating an #InflammoThromboticResponse #ITR >
Aluminum, which shows up on Mike's testing of the clots, 👆 see Greg's post above, appears in greater concentration in the clots than it does in blood.
It contributes to the catalysis.
#CatalyticConverter #CalimariClots #DiedSuddenly
Codon optimization of the mRNA also contributes to protein misfolding and clot formation. >
@ 19:45
"White fiber masses...they are fibrous they are stretchy...You can't break them easily you need to cut them...It's an exact duplicate or a cast of the inside of an arterial system.,"

"What part of the body?"

"Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere."

YaY! YaY! Yay! YaY!
It's coming true!!!!
#Eureka #HortonHearsAWho #InvissibleThreadTheory #WelcomeToYourEndothelium

Spike protein protruding from endothelial cells in the blood vessels is subjected to shear force of the circulating 🩸
This shear force scrapes off the spike-presenting cells with every beat of the 🫀
The scraping continues into the muscular tunica layers of the endothelium. >
These layers are rich in collagen, and feed into the catalytic reaction and contribute to the waxy, white/yellow color of the clots.
(How does cholesterol plaques on vessel walls influence?)> Image
All of this debris collects and augments the metal/amine catalysis reaction occurring to form clots all along the vasculature, continuously filling the vessels, as simultaneously, the endothelial cells die or are scraped away.

At some point, when blood vessels are destroyed >
the person would get a bleed or a total vessel block causing a stroke or heart attack and possible death.

Before this occurs, they might feel weaker and weaker as the clots fill their blood vessels impeding blood flow, gas exchange and cell nutrient delivery and waste removal. >
Higher activity might contribute to the #CalimariClot formation.

Certain exercise or strenuous movement, certain positions, might cause a weakened vessel to burst from the pressure of the clots.
Vessels in the legs might be where the longest clots form. > Image
Venous valves might be a particular spot for blockages to occur. The blood vessels in the legs seem to be the most common intractable problem since 2021 on Go Fund Me in vascular surgeries requiring limb removal. >
People who were very sick with COVID had viremia. Some people who are 💉 also have viremia.
We could expect both of these groups to have higher levels of spike expressed in endothelial cells, and possible more risk of #CalimariClots. Need autopsies. >
#CatalyticConverterTheory #InvissibleThreadTheory >
More confirmation of our theory.
@ 1:26:50

"You have been able to show that there is damage 💉to the elastic fibers caused by the COVID..."

The tunica media cells of 🩸 vessels are stripped and this debris is aggregating into the long fibrous clots. >

@ 1:31:00

"Can you explain in simple terms what Media Necrosis is?"

"...the larger arteries, especially the main artery of the body, the aorta is made up of 3 layers:
the Initima...THE MEDIA, where the elastic fibers and ...smooth muscle cells are located...the adventitia>
The middle, the DEEP MEDIA...is affected by toxic agents and by infectious toxic agents...the Achilles' Heel of the aorta."
Arne found necrosis and scarring of the TUNICA MEDIA in the arteries and aorta.
His autopsy evidence supports our theory that the cells of these smooth >
muscle layers are losing 02, they are dying (apoptosis after spike expression?) They are being destroyed by the shear stress of the blood flow and by immune system attack. They aggregate into the forming catalysis reaction of the metals and the lipids into the rubbery clots. >
The role of fibronectin in the blood >
The mRNA designers didn't realize they were coding for a chimeric spike protein with 🐍venom gene sequences.

The fast acting LNP condensation rx, creating strong clots, is aided by the spike protein's ability to clot 🩸 quickly, a venom special effect.
The variations of the consistency of the #CalimariClots might be due to several factors including host plasma, plasma toxins (metals?) vaxx brand (levels of mRNA and LNPs) hot lots and contaminants in vaxx. >
"Studies have suggested that the inclusion of excess amounts of cholesterol in LNP formulations will result in the formation of INSOLUBLE cholesterol crystallites in the LNP core." >
If there are crystalline structures found in the #CalimariClots they would most likely be from 👆LNPs and not "nano bots." as @nestcommander theorized.

Dr. Burkhardt's team found no metals in the clots they studied, only fibrin, fibrinogen, and 139 proteins > Image
many related to the extracellular matrix
CD31, endothelial contents

The extracellular matrix gives clues to the consistency of the calamari clots. It is an interlocking mesh of fibrous proteins and GAGs. >
These can aid in growth and repair of the surrounding tissue. > Image
When the endothelium is scarred, as in an immune attack on endothelial cells producing a foreign protein, the extracellular matrix uses water INsoluable proteins to repair it. > Image
Starting @ 1:45:27 Arne describes the contents of the clots: thrombocytes, lymphocytes, fibrin, CD61, a constituent of endothelial cells, collagen and elastin, which is highly INsoluable. >

Fibronectin helps solidify the clots into an "un-dissolvable meshwork."
Laminin is: "particularly good at assembling into sheet-like protein networks that will essentially be the "glue."

The contents of the extracellular matrix and the endothelial cells result in the rubbery > Image
consistency of the calamari clots.

Essentially. the poor design of the LNP/mRNA 💉 causes a pathological process in vivo.

Cells of the endothelium are forced to express a foreign protein, igniting the immune system to destroy the endothelial layers. >
During the body's attempt to repair the damage, molecules like laminin which aggregate insoluble networks, help layers reform in the vessels they were stripped from.
This might be aided by the spike protein which causes amyloid clots to form. >
The clots take the form of the vessels themselves, like pouring plaster into a mold.
Factors like metals or 💉contaminants, pH, time and temperature cause the mold to harden into long dense #CalimariClots. >
Immediately after adding to this thread: Image
FedX is punishing me for my thread. Image
FedX just stopped me from following anyone. 🙁 Image
While X desperately tries to censor information on the #CalimariClots found in the vaxxed, embalmers from around the world continue to extract them from people.

Censorship makes X an antiquated platform for medical news. #XCensors #CensorshipKILLS
Does the ability of the spike protein fragments to self assemble into xenoAMPS also contribute to the clots or no?
Imo, this research supports the Invisible Thread Theory. The plasmid contamination, zeta potential, LNPs and the PEG of the 💉 all contribute to clot formation. No metals in the blood are needed, although they would strengthen the condensation reaction.
#InvisibleThreadTheory #RubberBandMan #WhiteClots #CalamariClots #CalimariClots
In the #InvisibleThreadTheory I show you the reason the #CalamariClots #CalimariClots are rubbery is because the tunica layers of the endothelium, which are being scraped and reforming into clots, are MUSCULAR. >

This is also why John Olooney & @r_hirschman are finding many of these clots in arteries, an unusual place for clots to form.
Arteries have much thicker walls, more endothelial cells to be mined by the immune system, and are subject to more shear force by the 🩸 flow. > Image
@r_hirschman In the video above ☝️ Dr. Burkhardt talks about the vasa vasorum and why the arterial wall, especially its tunica media, because of the architecture, is more vulnerable to disease and necrosis.
The tunica media is why #CalamariClots are rubbery. Image
@r_hirschman Imagine you stripped out part of your arteries, the tunica media. These walls are muscular, to maintain blood pressure and flow, like rubber bands.
They are stringy and stretchy.
This is what is stripped out and reforms with lipid nanoparticles and proteins in the vessels.
In a sense, maybe they shouldn't be called blot clots but blood vessel debris. #CalamariClots #CalimariClots
I would be interested in a tensile strength test comparison of unvaxxed arteries/veins vs vaxxed #CalamariClots.
If #InvisibleThreadTheory holds they should be somewhat similar.
The arterial walls = #CalamariClots
The thick arterial walls are stripped through the tunica media by the Inflammo Thrombotic Response #ITR and by the shear force of the flowing 🩸
They condense with the LNPs (& any PEG/metals in blood) to reform themselves into #CalamariClots #InsideOut
Twitter keeps removing @Greg21143362's tweet, showing the catalytic reaction of the 💉 LNPs with 🩸proteins and fibronectin causing #CalamariClots.

It might look better hanging as an art banner on the side of this building.
@Greg21143362 Censorship of #CalamariClots in 💉'd continues.
Can you hang medical clamps from chicken fat clots? You can from the tough rubbery #CalamariClots
Dr. Craig presents research papers in the right direction. I believe these are upthread #InvisibleThreadTheory or in the #InvissibleThread 🧵 #CalimariClot
#InvisibleThreadTheory #CatalyticConverterTheory
😍 A great wide ranging Q & A between @vejon_health and @dbkell on the amyloid fibrin clots found in COVID/LongCovid/LongVaxx patients and implications for the #CalamariClots.
At the end of the interview, Professor Kell asks researchers interested in #CalamariClots to "stain them!" Dr. Ryan Cole did, and found amyloids.
We need more of this pathology. >
#CalamariClots #CalimariClots #InvisibleThread #InvissibleThreadTheory >

• • •

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More from @janiesaysyay

Aug 7
Love Hangover

Confirmation #ItCameFromALab #ItsAlive
SARS2 🦠 can persist in the body and cause AIDS.

Both the S and N proteins infect lymphocytes via CD147.

Dear ♂️ colleagues who repeatedly told me to
"Stop talking about bi0weapons"


#CatchUpBoys 💋 🧵
SARS2 can: persist, cause accelerated aging in every organ, cause activation and exhaustion of T cells
(via S and N proteins) in a feed forward loop mechanism, cause immune deficiency. >
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#HIV #AIDS #SARSCoV2 #COVID #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver #EarlyTreatment Image
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Jun 7
F*ck Fauci Friday

It's Friday June 7, 2024

Millions around the 🌏 are 💀 from a pandemic panic, created after a chimeric SARS 🦠 was released from a bioweapons lab doing gain of function research with U.S. government data & 💰 directed by Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIH. >
Fauci funded GoF research at several labs all over the world, most notably, GoF research at the Baric Lab,
UNC Chapel Hill.
There they genetically edited coronaviruses, splicing in gene sequences to make them more infectious and lethal. >
People 💀 because of the disastrous public health response, directed by Fauci.
Fauci gave conflicting advice, censored effective early 💊 in order to shield 🇺🇸&🇨🇳 bioweapons programs, save his own reputation & pass an EUA to sell risky novel mRNA 💉s. >
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May 22
Big PP 💉🧵 Image

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> Image
> Image
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> Image
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