@debraj112 Same Iine in research circles when you talk about diversity in research funding ("but they have to be generalizable studies"-- FOR WHO, WP?) "Diversity researchers have to have a credible track record" (YOU MEAN LIKE ALL THE NEW INEXPERIENCED WM & WW researchers you just
@debraj112 funded?) And when addressing the HUGE GAP in including Culturally relevant research protocols, research protocals that reference culturally appropriate/specific norms and the idea that such protocols should be included across all research as part of the general protocols you
@debraj112 create or present ("You can't do that b/c you HAVE TO ASK EVERYONE THE SAME QUESTIONS-doest matter that because they can't relate you get a negative response for that measure when infact if you tailor it in such a way that it tracks with culturally relevant experiences
@debraj112 language and references RESULTS WOULD BE SIGNIFICANT thereby nullifying the idea that when results within Af-Am populations are significant: the individual is either malingering or deeply psychotic). But RACISM...Which is ubiquitously kept in place by the very WP who LOUDLY
@debraj112 CLAIM not to be racist, invested in or clouded by White Supremacy. It's so much like clockwork you know it's "the play dumb to dismiss you" approach. Cept WP arent fooling any one but themselves 5/ End
@OvertheMoon4you@awaisaftab Yes... And given we have yet to really discuss or seriously look at electricity as first cause and last resort (I mean what do Docs do just before calling TOD ... HINT: see code blue for crash cart)
We do far too much massaging of egos via theories THAT DONT FIT REALITY &
There's so much we've ruled out before ever considering ITS RULED IN BY ITS VERY EXISTENCE; and just because we exclude it as causal means we're idiots; not that it's not causal or part of a multifactorial comolex/complexity will
@OvertheMoon4you@awaisaftab never completely uncover. But the idea that ideas are "your own" make wanna be experts of too many resulting in dogma driven science practice and public policy;
It's all one big BLOOMING MESS that pretty much guarentees we will continue to circle the territory under the
Language is linear LIFE IS NOT nor are t/complexities we are made of, exchange & that arise/function organically in a reflexive recursive manner. In a universe where 4% of what it's made of is known & 96% remains a mystery any argument abt anything seems ridiculously presumptuous
And especially among those of us who think to KNOW anything. A better conversation is WHAT WORKS... Theory and models that get in the way of life and clinical practice ARE A SIGN THAT WE A PLAC OK NG SOMETHING ON REALITY and reality is telling us THAT DOESN'T FIT. How long
we continue that very unhealthy argument depends on just how much we need to be "experts" how arrogant we want to be and how much we believe in dogma vs just looking newly each time 3/ End
@trying2help@Justin_Ling And it's very closely aligned with my theory of how abusers epigenetically alter their neural architecture & DNA passed down gen after gen.
6 Centuries of WP & GENERATIONS OF WHITE AMERICANS (including silent White Mod Maj by-stander beneficiaries have done this) who demand
@trying2help@Justin_Ling White Supremacy as the basis for government and society. Sum that all up based on simple mendelian genetics and vwella you've got 3/4th White Americans voting GOP to punish Af-Am/POC/Poor/LGBTQ non-Christian etc....basically anyone they don't like; who at the very least will
@feriadelaluna@docrocktex26@PROMOVISIBILITY@HBK112@eclecticbrotha@ArtfulDesigning@MsAlphaMu FIRE THREAD: You find the same among many Cubans/Cuban-Americans who identify as White because they trace or imagine to trace their bloodlines back to their Spanish Castilian colinizers who in an attempt to keep their "bloodlines pure" (while freely raping native peoples
@feriadelaluna@docrocktex26@PROMOVISIBILITY@HBK112@eclecticbrotha@ArtfulDesigning@MsAlphaMu & enslaved Africans they shipped in) arranged marriages for their sons & daughters w/the sons & daughters of SPAIN'S UPPER ARISTOCRACY. This is true even today and even when eyesight might tell you differently as w/darker skinned Cuban Americans who still claim a white identity
@sxckMyDicx & t/suspicious looks & Qs you ROUTINLY get from docs pharmacists & INS comp who to the last one treat you like a CRIMINAL right out t/gate just about every month.
NOT ONE OF THEM UNDERSTANDS ADDICTION cuz if they did they'd know if I were an addict I wouldn't be at t/pharmacy
@sxckMyDicx gettin a puny little script that wouldn't hold me more than 3-5 days (if that). Moreover THE PHARMACY CANT GIVE YOU MORE THAN ONE SCRIPT A MONTH insurance or out of pocket IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE cause it's a controlled substance (Iike if you are having that much of a
@sxckMyDicx heart attack prescribing or filling the script look up controlled substance) so and doc shopping isn't even a possibility (not even if your purse gets stolen or your house burns down-are you getting a duplicate script you've already been given) and if there happened to
Seriously? No one integrates?
Why does it have to be Psychotherapy (better) vs CBT (worse) ? Who is so rigid they ONLY provide 1 PET TX?
B/c therapy is abt what works for T/PATIENT NOT YOU only providing your 1 PET TX
& FYI: No TX approach is wholly effective on its own
Moreover I don't agree with the posted descripts as written. How they are described is at the very least disparaging for one TX APPROACH but those comments are neither textbook universal nor a given and thankfully DO NOT match my training in CBT. As for psychotherapy I was
trained by some of the best and immersed in that approach for approx 15 years however too, it was always modified based on pt needs and complexity. I was trained to borrow LIBERALLY at will from the tools offered via any other approaches that might prove effective in reducing