Suppose you run a pension scheme, and conducted a valuation in the middle of a pandemic which showed the need for savage cuts. How do you hide the fact that since then the scheme has strengthened dramatically? Here's how. #USSmess#USSstrike 1/ (Graph courtesy of @USSpensions)
1. Stop publishing data @USSpensions were publishing monthly data, but stopped with their Aug 21 figures. Why? They say they were working on a new system.
We forced them to publish updates this week they planned on keeping to themselves until June. 2/…
2. Explain away improvements with broad-brush arguments
"Assets have increased, but so have liabilities".
"Deficits are down, but future service costs are up".
"Higher asset prices mean lower expected returns".
Enough! Just show us the numbers! 3/ (Below @Barker4Kate in THE)
3. Get employers to back you up
Once @UniversitiesUK had set their sights on cuts they were happy to reinforce #USS's message. Their actuaries, @Aon_UK, skillfully stayed within their professional code to draft a document of support which didn't contradict their previous ones. 4/
4. Tweak assumptions to obscure the improvements
Did you previously allow for out-performance assumptions in your calculations of future service costs? Ditch them in your monitoring data to push rates up! (But do include a footnote.) 5/
5. Use subtle tricks to reframe your position
If contribution rates have reduced so much you can't tweak it away, reframe earlier numbers so that people don't spot it. Here, the sky-high 57% rate in the 2020 valuation has magically shrunk to 52.6%. See what they did there? 6/
6. Provide so much data that people struggle to find the key results
Doesn't work on me, of course. Here are the statistics and graphs you need! And bear in mind that all of these are based on projections which assume negative real growth. 7/
So to wrap up, all the indicators and statistics show a funding position dramatically improved since the valuation date. How long will @USSpensions and @USSemployers continue to deny it? 8/8
PS Lol at @USSpensions' conclusions. Reminds me of some of the less impressive first-year projects I finished marking shortly before going on strike! Agree, @AlexGFletcher?
Yesterday's Vice-Chancellor's update at @SheffieldUni contained a passage on the role of Senate in the 'new schools' restructure. In it, he claimed "Senate does not make decisions regarding our structure". This is not quite true. (And spot the difference left and right!) 1/
Senate is the "academic authority" of @SheffieldUni according to the University's own description, which the VC's copied-and-pasted text omitted. Council turns to Senate for advice on decisions related to academic matters. And there's established process for that advice. 2/
In March, the Faculty of Health was subject to an analogous proposed restructure by UEB. Senate was asked to recommend that change to Council. This is proper process, and Senate approved the recommendation. 3/
I've spent some of the past few days reflecting on the hardline position that @SheffieldUni management took at our negotiation meeting last week aimed at attempting to avert 10 days of local strike action. If you missed the news, they came empty-handed. Why? 1/
The signs leading up to the negotiations had been positive. The University had published an all-staff update that spelled out the grounds for a resolution. Interactions in the lead up to the meeting had been more constructive than earlier in the summer. 2/
And yet, when we turned up to the meeting last Friday, they made it clear they had nothing to offer, and, to an extent, there was nothing to be discussed. What changed? 3/
Attention @SheffieldUCU members! Want to check your MAB deductions have been applied correctly? Here's my guide, which I think is the way to go: 1/
Step 1: Look at your July payslip, and multiply the 'Salary' entry by 12 to get your annual salary.
(Alternatively, look on MyJob at your 'My Staff Record' to find your current Annual Salary.) 2/
Step 2: Divide your annual salary from Step 1 by 365 to see the daily deduction rate that the University is supposed to be applying. 3/
Wow! Monitoring figures for 31 March 2023 drop from @USSpensions, and show a *£7.6bn SURPLUS* and pre-cut benefits costing *just 21.8% of salary*! Expect these figures to change in the full valuation, but we're bang on track for a historic win.…
@USSpensions I think @RedActuary and Derek Benstead of @FirstActuarial deserve a huge amount of credit for pointing out that time would be strongly in our favour in this story, proved absolutely right.
@USSpensions@RedActuary@FirstActuarial Just think about what was 'supposed' to happen: we should have rolled over in 2018 because of "tough economic realities" (or some such phrase), only now would the surplus have appeared, and employers would have told us that the matter was settled. We didn't let them. #ucuRISING
No announcement from @USSPensions, but the Joint Negotiating Committee has a new independent chair, Akbar Khan, replacing previous interim chair, Judith Fish. That's three key posts (chair of trustee board, CEO, JNC chair) with different holders going into the 2023 valuation. 1/
Of course, @Barker4Kate joined as chair of the board partway through the 2020 valuation (though it was Eastwood's hawkish board that set the tone for it) and Galvin hasn't yet exited, but last I heard he was due to leave by the end of March. 2/
There has been a major overhaul of the board membership since the 2020 valuation began, most noticeable in the change in independent directors. Some ultra conservative hawks from the city are gone. (Wish I had a before-and-after! Current board below.) 3/
A year ago today, I was party to what I hope is the biggest stitch-up I'll ever see close up: the pushing through by the JNC of a savage cut in future accrual in @USSpensions based on an self-evidently unsound valuation rooted in pandemic-induced market turmoil. 1/
It was awful. Nothing was fair or right about the decision taken that day. The scheme's rules had been bent, probably breached, by @USSPensions to skew things in favour of @UniversitiesUK, who themselves lied to their members about @UCU's counter-proposal to ensure it sank. 2/
We hoped that the JNC chair might be receptive to the charges we laid about process, but the legal advice they received gave the all-clear. That legal advice couldn't answer the key question we posed about @USSpensions apparent rule breach, but that didn't seem to matter. 3/