An open Tweet thread for #AmyHerdy, #AmyZiering, #KirbyDick, @JaneDoeFilms & @HBODocs. Someone sent me a clip of your big “Gotcha” moment from Episode 4 where you try to discredit @MosesFarrow’s claim that there was no functioning electric train set in the crawl space... 1/5
...described in such detail by @RealDylanFarrow in her 2014 piece in @NickKristof’s @nytimes column. Your supposed “checkmate” move presents a diagram of this space from the police report, showing a circle with the words “Toy Train Track.” *Cue ominous music.* 2/5
Now I have a complete copy of the court transcripts, as I presume you do, since you named your film after this case. So I know exactly what’s behind little failed hat trick. There are two possibilities: Either you are really half-assed researchers... 3/5
Please take a moment to read the attached list of actor’s names. Then read the tweet thread that follows to reveal what they all have in common. (1/21)
This list presents just a sampling of actors who have either loudly spoken out in #WoodyAllen’s defense over the past year, or have stated their refusal to denounce him, or at very least, chosen to remain neutral despite social media pressure to throw Allen under the bus. (2/21)
You might also add Rebecca Hall and Michael Caine, who initially spoke out against Allen, then did their homework retroactively, and walked back their statements. (This is why it's always good to do your homework before publicizing your opinion.) 3/21
I recently learned that a reporter teaching journalism at Brooklyn College had given an assignment to his class, using the allegation against #WoodyAllen as a model for an exercise in critical thinking. I asked the professor about the results, and attached is his response. (1/7)
These findings verify everything I believe about where public opinion would stand if more people were exposed to both sides of this story (and had to back up their beliefs among others exposed to the same information). (2/7)
I’m not a big “anti-media” guy, but I have to wonder what this experiment says about the media’s role in giving equal coverage to both sides of this story. What agenda is being served by some publications that print one article after another... (3/7)