(🔐) In a secretly recorded call between Lin Wood and Patrick Byrne, the men—one an ex-Rittenhouse lawyer—claim Rittenhouse is being puppeted by far-right entities.
(PS) The picture attached to the PROOF article above—which offers a lengthy analysis of the secretly recorded Byrne-Wood call—shows Joe Oltmann on the left and Byrne on the right, because a big part of the article is about Joe Oltmann. This (below) is L. Lin Wood, lest we forget:
(PS2) The upshot is that there’s *nothing* organic about anything Rittenhouse does now. He’s a young man who is getting rich and famous by going wherever a series of handlers and puppeteers tell him to go. That isn’t a conspiracy theory; it’s literally *how MAGA celebrity works*.
(PS3) The second Rittenhouse sues Whoopi Goldberg, her lawyers will have a *field day* deposing him to find out the shadowy entities who now bankroll him and direct his actions. Any lawsuit he files has *nothing* to do with *him*—and everything to do with an ongoing insurrection.
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ICE used to be a legal operation. Now—without it ever confirming for a judge it has the right person and has a reasonable basis to take irrevocable government action—this is a kidnapping.
If you see something like this, report it to the police.
What the police can do is contact ICE to confirm it conducted an operation that resulted in the seizure of a specific person.
If ICE refuses to confirm the seizure of that person at that time, the police have a Kidnapping on their hands.
They'll be required to act accordingly.
If ICE confirms the seizure of that person at that time, the police can ask when the court hearing for the seized person is so friends and/or family reporting a Kidnapping will be able to attend and speak on the seized person's behalf. If ICE refuses to provide the information...
More than any two men in America, Trump and Musk target for vicious retribution anyone who crosses them.
And more than any two men in America, Trump and Musk complain about media using anonymous sources to report on them.
Just take a moment and sit with those two statements.
The question here is why Trump and Musk have such a penchant for *creating* the phenomena they'll later loudly claim to be victims of.
One answer is that they're both malignant narcissistic sociopaths who can't process empathy and therefore can't put themselves in others' shoes.
But the other answer I have found, as a biographer of both men, is that they desperately need public attention to be on them at all times. They need a piece of all our lives in a way that is actually *clinical*—narcissists literally don't know how to process being widely ignored.
They’re destroying our government—and with it, America.
They’re coming for your Social Security. Your student loans. Your voting systems. Your personal data. Your Medicare. Your freedoms.
They want EVERYTHING. And they are coming for EVERYTHING.
From The Washington Post:
Never forget what these people did. They stormed OUR Capitol. They threatened OUR government. They tried to overthrow OUR democracy. They tried to block the presidency WE voted for in 2020.
And when 1,600+ of these lunatic criminals were finally rounded up, they PARDONED them.
Don’t let them rewrite history. THEY attacked our democracy with violence. THEY declared that they’d rather have Vladimir Putin as president than Joe Biden. THEY declared American democracy an outmoded form of government. THEY let billionaires buy our government.
1/ The odds of a second Civil War in the next 20 months are assessed at about 70%, and this assessment was reached after a lengthy conversation between the only bestselling biographer of both Donald Trump _and_ Elon Musk and what is probably the best AI out there at the moment.
2/ More importantly, this conversation _shows its work_. Every claim is sourced, all hard data is historicized, sourced and explained, and the two participants leave no doubt whatsoever as to _exactly_ how this assessment was reached.
Twitter users who aren't Trump biographers love to say they know the Trump-Russia scandal—and know it to be a hoax.
So let's have a contest.
I'll put a 🛎 after the first comment that answers one question correctly: What was Trump's first defense to allegations of a "pee tape"?
{I suppose it goes without saying that—like all "innocent" men—Trump gave many different defenses to the possibility (confirmed as *fact* by the CIA, per the BBC) that Putin has compromising tapes of him, all contradictory. I'm only looking for the first.} bbc.com/news/world-us-…
(PS) One thing I will also do is identify as *close* any reference any commenter makes to a defense that Trump did offer to the allegation, among the possibly dozens he offered.
I will write, "That was a defense! But not the first one." That will make this even more educational.
(🧵) Elongelicals insist this Musk sentiment is right and defend it.
What makes that so interesting isn’t Musk’s antisemitism—he’s a hardcore antisemite—but that he's *encouraging* analogies between 2025 America and Nazi Germany.
1/ Hitler was responsible for millions and millions of deaths—some on battlefields in a war he started, some in concentration camps. Which deaths, precisely, is Musk attributing to career German civil servants who were in government before Hitler came to power and stayed at work?
2/ All Western Front battlefield deaths are attributable to Hitler’s psychopathic military adventurism—which was his decision the same way Putin invaded Georgia, Ukraine and Chechnya and the same way Trump is now threatening to invade annex Canada and invade Greenland and Panama.