Quick thread, story coming shortly: Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine have been staging events showing attacks on civilians, and may have even used human corpses to make them look more convincing. ⚠️thread contains graphic imagery.⚠️
About a day ago, the official Donetsk People's Republic Telegram account posted the images below and accused “Ukrainian saboteurs” of “detonating an explosive device on the Donetsk-Gorlovka highway,” killing three.
2. A few hours later, media, escorted by DPR officials, arrived at the scene. One American journalist posted high-resolution images of one of the badly burned bodies.
Twitter quickly pointed out that the nature of the break in the skull looked suspicious, so I found an expert. Dr. Victor Weedn has a spent a career in forensic pathology, and has experience examining the aftermath of IED blasts as a former armed forces medical examiner.
Dr. Weedn examined multiple images and angles of the skull that the reporter helpfully made available on Twitter and Youtube. His expert opinion: “It’s a typical cut made to remove the skullcap as performed during an autopsy.” He noted there is "no chance" heat could cause this.
The cut is typical of a bone saw. He also noted that a small hole in the skull exhibited “beveling,” suggesting an exit wound from a bullet rather than IED shrapnel.
There appears to be another body in the vehicle, but its too burned to make any sort of judgements. Raises questions of who these people were and where their bodies were held.
There are other problems with the scene. As @GlasnostGone pointed out, the damage does not look typical of a vehicle destroyed in an IED blast. Perfectly round holes in the vehicle appear to be bullet holes, rather than the result of shrapnel.
tl;dr – It looks like the DPR separatists grabbed at least one dead body that had been autopsied, placed it in a car, and torched it, and then staged an IED attack to be blamed on “Ukrainian saboteurs.” Reporters were then brought to the scene and were happy to amplify.
This is just one of several very sloppy, immediately debunked separatist and Kremlin false flags accusing Ukrainians of violence and sabotage. See these two stories: theguardian.com/world/2022/feb…
and axios.com/telegram-ukrai…
Trucker convoy update: organizers now saying that they will *not* be entering DC proper, but will stage somewhere in the DC beltway area. People do not seem happy about this in the Telegram group.
Some are suggesting blocking roads leading in to DC, "You don't storm a fortress, you starve it out."
Some seem to agree with the organizer's decision, arguing a blockade of DC would be more effective.
Thread: The Pentagon is AGAIN trying to weaken FOIA, something they have tried every year since 2015. Congress has rejected this proposal each time. If the Pentagon gets its way, this new exemption will almost certainly be abused.
This continues a trend of the Pentagon towards secrecy, treating the press and FOIA requesters as potential adversaries, and attempting to withhold information based on some ill-defined notion of "operational security." I wrote about this trend here. pogo.org/analysis/2019/…
If the proposal were approved, the DoD would almost certainly abuse the new exemption, breaking an already broken FOIA system. Last year, the department's backlog grew from 13,215 to 16,000 a 21% increase. open.defense.gov/Portals/23/Doc…
According to Stop The Steal's "national organizer" Ali "Alexander" Akbar's Instagram story, he has lost access to his @venmo, @CashApp, and @PayPal. He had been fundraising post Capitol storming, citing his need for 24/7 security guards.
He is still raising money using Bitcoin, where he's raised tens of thousands of dollars worth since the Capitol was stormed.
self proclaimed mastermind behind Jan. 6 Stop The Steal protest Ali Akbar is using a platform built by @podia to fund raise and advertise his bitcoin address. cc: @ohjoy@spencerfry
Organizer @ali claims he organized the insurrection "with congressman @RepGosar@RepMoBrooks and @RepAndyBiggsAZ. We four schemed up putting maximum pressure on congress while they were voting..."
Looks like a Coast Guard helicopter overhead during Steve Bannon's arrest on a yacht in Westbrook, CT.
Data from @ADSBexchange shows the Coast Guard HH-60J aircraft starts circling the area around 6:35AM, just after sunrise. Cirlces for about an hour and then departs.
The Lady May yacht, owned by Chinese businessman and Bannon acquaintance Guo Wengui, was picked up near Westport, CT on June 17th. It matches description of a 150ft yacht. marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/sh…
THREAD: The CDC advised dentists to postpone everything but emergency dental care due to #COVID19. Then the lobbyists showed up.
POGO spoke with dozens of hygienists, dental assistants and dentists who fear for their (and their patients) health. pogo.org/investigation/…
The original CDC guidance was clear: Postpone everything but emergency care. The new guidance is vague and tossed the recommendation.
Left: old guidance
Right: new guidance
So what happened? The American Dental Association, whose power has been compared to that of the NRA, represents big dental business and individual dental practices that can afford the membership fees. The ADA spent over half a million $ lobbying from Jan-March.