It is (or should be) fairly obvious that Adolf Hitler was a master orator.
And he had a first rate understanding of propaganda and how to use it effectively.
Neither of those facts makes him less of an evil man. They made his evil more effective.
If Putin is a bad man, this is no evidence that he isn't "savvy." He is. Nor is it evidence he isn't "a genius." I wouldn't go that far, but Putin is clear a rather brilliant stateman and he is outplaying the West very well.
MORAL INDIGNATION is nothing more than hot air here.
There are different ways that political leaders can be bad.
They can be evil in their actions and intentions. They can also be weak, feckless, spineless, and/or delusional.
The West today has a surfeit of the latter. Whatever you think of Putin, he isn't one of those.
The Left seems to think it has a "zinger" in comparing Republican anti-Communism with a Republican "lack of zeal" in being anti-Russia.
But Russia ≠ Communist Soviet Union.
We were never against the Russian people or Russia as a country.
Unless you're an anti-Russian bigot.
The Left seems to be composed of such anti-Russian bigots. For the Left, it was ONLY the Communism of the Soviet Union that kept their anti-Russian bigotry in check.
For the Right, it was the Communism that they opposed, not the Russianness of the Russians.
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Once upon a true there was a people who thought itself very wise. They knew themselves far wiser than their ancestors, so they determined to decide all matters anew. They, in their wisdom, would be the measure of all things.
They decided beauty was meaningless, and so made all things ugly.
They decided goodness was meaningless, and became bad.
They rejected truth, and became a people of lies and delusions.
They rebelled against God, proclaiming a false gospel of sin and death.
When the earth shook and the sky split and the heavens rained down fire, it was but to scour the monuments of vanity the wise people had left behind—for they had destroyed themselves, each saying to each, “Do we not deserve to perish? Are we not, in our wisdom, superior to life?”
Philosopher John Kekes makes an important observation concerning the nature of PROBLEMS.
There are two basic kinds of problems: REMOVEABLE and ENDURING.
The solution to a Removeable problem makes the problem go away. Not so with an Enduring problem.
One may, for example, have a problem reading because one has poor eyesight. This problem is Removeable if one's eyesight can be corrected with glasses.
If one is dyslexic, however, the solution to this problem is learning to cope with as best as one may: the problem remains.
The failure to grasp this distinction is the cause of great mischief in politics.
Human beings, especially in modernity, tend to think of all problems as Removeable.
"You're no longer looking at a fantasy race of elves, or a brotherhood of knights, or even a civilization of humans; you're looking at an American racial propaganda project."
The Subversion of Magic
This is one of the best takes I've seen so far on articulating why the desecration of beloved stories is evil.
It is evil, make no mistake. But our modern world has very poor resources for saying WHY, exactly.
This, by the way, is a great problem in our time.
There are many things which are evil and wrong, but which we now lack the words and concepts to say WHY. "Evil" itself has been hollowed out as an idea in our time, and "wrong" significantly weakened.
Tim Wise has written "13 Questions for those Who Want Critical Race Theory Banned."
I thought I'd answer them.
Carl and his LotusEaters did a video on this, but I haven't watched it yet.
Before we get into the questions, let us note that his framing is utterly dishonest from the start: he frames opposition to Critical Race Theory as opposition to "teaching accurate American history."
This is just an outright lie.
Suppose a 19th century curriculum in American history wanted to teach Manifest Destiny as part of American history, that is, to teach as FACT that America has a God-given right to conquer and annex all of North America.
Posting things to Twitter was a lot easier when I could do it in 1-2 steps, on my Mac, instead of the 8-10 steps needed for Windows 10.
Not to mention the 4-5 extra steps to capture an image.
1 Screen capture command
2 Select area to save
3 Done
1 Screen capture command
2 Select area to save
3 Save to clipboard
4 Open clipboard
5 Set it not to save as a .jfif (again)
6 Save it again ("for real" this time)
7 Close clipboard
8 Done
Plus, I have to repeat steps 1-3 in many cases, because I keep thinking that once I've taken the screenshot, I'm done.
The Woke deal almost entirely in hyper-realities, that is, pseudo-realities, paralogics, and paraethical systems.
@ConceptualJames I keep underestimating this phenomenon, because as much as I understand intellectually that people do this, the idea of CHOOSING TO LIVE IN A FAKE REALITY is so evidently a bad and wrongheaded idea, I tend to assume people who inhabit such pseudo-realities are MAKING MISTAKES.
@ConceptualJames This turn to pseudo-reality, the deliberate orientation to the back of the cave will and way from the light of being and truth, this is a thing of the will primarily, and a thing of the intellect, which is darken by it, only secondarily.