"Germany is weighing whether to extend the life-span of its nuclear plants as a way to secure the country's energy supply in the face of uncertainty over Russian gas supplies, the country's economy minister said."
This is clearly a trial balloon: "It is part of my ministry's tasks to answer this question," said Germany's energy minister. "I would not reject it on ideological grounds. But the preliminary examination has shown that it does not help us"
That's obviously ridiculous.
*Of course* keeping Germany's nuclear plants on-line would help Germany.
Keeping Germany's nuclear plants operating would directly reduce how much Russian natural gas it needs. Everybody knows this.
The caveat is to signal reasonableness.
My colleagues and I never gave up on Germany, even after many pro-nuclear people had
We've been fighting to save German nuclear plants since 2016
Here's my 2017 @TEDx talk in Berlin — it now has 1.7M views!
Some ostensibly pro-nuclear people ridiculed us for organizing pro-nuclear demonstrations in places like Munich, Germany, where the vast majority of the public was against us.
The European energy crisis meant that the tide was already starting to turn in October
“I do not want our country to lose its sovereignty under the pretext of an absurd energy transition copied from Germany,” said a French presidential candidate
Many reasons. Nuclear undermines the Malthusian case for scarcity — and renewables. Nuclear is a secular devil for nature-worshippers. And returning to the period before nuclear symbolizes a return to a pre-WWII past.
But there's nothing like the threat of war to concentrate the mind
It's a testament to the power of the secular green religion that Germany is considering keeping its *civilian* nuclear plants on-line only *after* it decided upon a massive military build-up.
Fond memories of our Nuclear Pride Fest in Munich, 2018
President Biden tonight claimed his legislation would lower energy costs by subsidizing renewables, but that’s obviously wrong: renewables make electricity expensive everywhere
Worse, Biden is proposing to double down on the same policies that empowered Putin to invade Ukraine
Renewables make electricity expensive bc they are inherently unreliable & require 100% back-up power
Renewables made California electricity prices rise 7x more than the rest of the US
And renewables made Germany’s electricity the most expensive, and Russia-dependent, in Europe
Biden said his legislation would “cut energy costs for families an ave. of $500/year by combating climate change” w/ “tax credits to weatherize your home & business to be energy-efficient. Double America's clean energy production in solar, wind… Lower price of electric vehicles”
How has Vladimir Putin—a man ruling a country with an economy smaller than that of Texas, with an average life expectancy 10 years lower than that of France—managed to launch an unprovoked full-scale assault on Ukraine?
There is a deep psychological, political and almost civilizational answer to that question: He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia more than the West wants it to be free. He is willing to risk tremendous loss of life and treasure to get it.
San Francisco Mayor @LondonBreed said the solution to open drug use was a "supervised drug consumption site" in a new "Linkage Center" downtown.
But when I visited on Friday, I discovered hundreds of addicts & dealers partying & using drugs next to it
And it wasn't just during the night. I also visited during the afternoon. The sidewalk between the "supervised drug consumption site" and the elevator for disabled people to get to BART was so thick with addicts smoking fentanyl and meth, I could barely walk by
"Supervised drug consumption sites" around the world attract addicts. Many don't bother going inside, and just use their drugs outside of it. The dealers follow
The only change I noticed this visit were the new green signs preventing people from taking photos of the drug use 😏
It’s hard to overstate my joy at seeing “San Fransicko” on the best-seller table at @CompassSFO at San Francisco airport!
The book received 5 out of 5 stars from Britain’s @Telegraph, & strong reviews in major newspapers in Denmark & Spain
Local media have all but ignored it
When I walked up to the table, a woman was looking at it
“Great book,” I said, slyly
We were masked so she just said “Oh, it looks interesting.”
Her name is Lynn. She said she was in SF dealing with a family member addicted to fentanyl & living in homeless housing in San Fran
Lynn asked me why I wrote it
“Because I’m heart-broken by the destruction of a city I love,” I told her, “and horrified at the destruction of our shared humanity by the city’s use of mentally ill and drug-addicted people to destroy it.”
People think nothing could have been done to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine, but that's absurd: if Putin thought the costs of invasion outweighed the benefits, he wouldn't have done it. He's a rational actor not a madman. And today it's clear Putin calculated correctly.
After Russia invaded, a few people demanded that Europe stop buying its natural gas, but European utilities snatched up long-term Russian contracts, and the White House said, "Our sanctions are not designed to cause any disruption to the flow of energy from Russia to the world."
People who believe that nothing could have been done to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine thus imply that Russia's chokehold over European energy supplies was inevitable, but it wasn't. Europe could have easily increased, rather than closed, nuclear plants and natural gas
Russia has leveraged an economy half the size of Germany's to end the post-Cold War era and defeat NATO
It did so with aggression, natural gas, & nuclear
America must produce massively more nuclear, natural gas, and oil, or liberal democratic Western civilization is dead
Imagine thinking that the US, Europe, and liberal Western democracies can stand up to China and Russia by becoming wholly dependent on solar panels made by the former and natural gas produced by the latter
It's civilizational suicide
Everyone's been asleep. Time to wake up.
The writing was on the wall years ago
The basic physics of renewables is why they can't work
Imagine making our high-energy capitalist civilization work on energy sources THAT LITERALLY KEPT HUMANS TRAPPED IN POVERTY FOR CENTURIES