1- Before invading, Putin had assessed that America is fractured - or at least severely divided. Without that assessment this war would NOT be happening! America, democracy, and the NATO alliance ARE Putin's impediments. AND his obsessions. His goal - is to diminish them.
2- For years, Putin saw, up close, Trump's fetishization for cruelty and need to win every transaction. He ALSO saw the GOP's unbridled lust for regaining power. He salivated, because what he really saw was the potential for American democracy itself to be altered or compromised.
3- Putin ALSO saw a strong element of our electorate buying into strongman propaganda - call it TrumpISM. In the world of Trumpism, authoritarians are admired as powerful, manly, strong. The strong take what they can. Winning is everything. Ends justify the means. Yes - the GOP.
1 - Make no mistake - there's a large segment of our electorate, IN AMERICA, buying into strongman propaganda. Let's call it TRUMPISM. In the world of Trumpism, authoritarians are admired as powerful, manly, strong. The strong take what they can. Winning is everything.
2 - TRUMPISM is a different issue for us than TRUMP himself. It's way bigger. It has already metastasized into a full-on apparatus. Trumpism operates in an echo chamber. It has many powerful, far-reaching players -- enablers, amplifiers, grifters, and other opportunists.
3 - TRUMPISM has emotionalized our electorate. People, some of which we all know, were co-opted. Trump supporters weren't born more emotional per se; but they were in some way susceptible, and they have been actively manipulated.
1 - Before invading, Putin had assessed that America is fractured - or at minimum - divided. Without that assessment this war would NOT be happening. Because America, its democracy, and the NATO alliance are Putin's impediments and obsessions. His goal is to diminish them.
2 - For years, Putin saw, up close, Trump's fetishization for cruelty and need to win every transaction. He ALSO saw the GOP's unbridled lust for regaining power. He saw the potential for American democracy itself to be altered or compromised.
3 - Putin ALSO saw a strong element of our electorate buying into strongman propaganda - let's call it TrumpISM. In the world of Trumpism, authoritarians are admired as powerful, manly, strong. The strong take what they can. Winning is everything.
1 - Putin has assessed - correctly - that America is fractured. Without that assessment, this war would NOT be happening.
For years, Putin saw, up close, Trump's fetishization for cruelty and need to win every transaction. He NOW sees the GOP's lust for regaining power.
2 - Putin knows there's a fissure in America that’s filtered into our electorate. Trump's narcissism and the GOP's greed has manifested in our electorate as TrumpISM. In the world of Trumpism, authoritarianism is admired as powerful, manly, strong. The strong take what they can.
3 - Because winning is everything.
But Trumpism is not just one orange-tinted sociopath. Nor is it just the mob. It's a metastasizing apparatus of GOP enablers from the shameless McCarthy to the toxic blowhard that is Tucker Carlson.
1 - We're seeing a battle between Democracy and Authoritarianism play out in E Europe, in all its megalomaniacal glory. We're seeing how Authoritarianism lives and breathes by spewing lies, false narratives, and untruths. We'll see the same battle here in the midterms.
2 - Difference is, we're a longtime democratic republic. It might seem unconscionable/ridiculous our electorate could prefer authoritarianism. Such is the power of greedy orchestrated false narratives and untruths. Such are also the perils of free speech. Democracy = hard work.
3 - Clearly, a big segment of our electorate has been emotionalized and coopted. They embrace defiance and contrarianism. Some eschew reasoned thought. The mob is their identity. We see the worst of them on TV, but hey - that's NOT all of them.
1 - TRUMPISM is a different issue than TRUMP himself. It's way bigger than the man. It's even bigger than the mob. It has metastasized and is a full-on apparatus. It operates in an echo chamber. It has many powerful players: enablers, amplifiers, grifters, opportunists.
2 - TRUMPISM has emotionalized our electorate. People, some of which we all know (or knew), were coopted. Trump supporters weren't born more emotional per se; but they were in some way susceptible, and they have been manipulated.
3 - The principal weapon of TRUMPISM is propaganda (disinformation; gaslighting). Propaganda blurs facts, creates doubt. Disagreements ensue. Trust erodes. Tribalism is enhanced. Laws are disrespected. It's happened many times throughout history. It ALWAYS begins with propaganda.