Some AMA highlights from the Gods of Asgard's Core team!
Hope it can answer a few questions you may have about the game! We will have major update for you guys on the 15th regarding gameplay, story, lore, etc.
Join us for our next AMA 3/10! ⚡️
Q: How will the combat and gameplay be like?
A: No guns :) The gods will be using hammers, bows & arrows, spears, etc. We're initially launching in 3rd person with a 1st person update in the future. Each will have functions and skills like passive and higher power abilities.
First phase will be PvE then PvP. We want to be able to balance and ensure the game is at a PvP ready state before transitioning over. Stay tuned for our medium post on March 15th for a look into in-depth gameplay.