A recent safety report by Pfizer has been seized upon by misinformers. There’s nothing particularly new or scary about it, despite the #Pfizer#VaccineSideEffects hashtags circulating online.
Let’s dig in on how this data has been misrepresented 👇
For example, if a trial participant swallowed a penny, that would be included as an adverse event. Even though it’s clear vaccines can’t make you swallow pennies.
This data is from Feb 28, 2021 (more than a year ago!), so a bit out of date.
E.g. there's missing info about vaccines for children. At the time children were not eligible for vaccination. We now know COVID-19 vaccines are safe for kids 5+ (3, 4).
A single definition of “endemic” is tough to pin down (1). But epidemiologists say it’s when the rates of a disease are constant - not rising and not falling (2).
Reality: COVID-19 vaccines are not responsible for an HIV variant circulating in the Netherlands. A misrepresented study actually says the variant likely emerged in the 1990s.
Myth: “COVID-19 vaccines make you more susceptible to HIV/AIDS”
Reality: There is no UK report claiming vaccines increase the incidence of AIDS. Vaccines don't lower your T cell count causing immunosuppression. Vaccines boost T cell response!
Astroturf? It looks like real grass, but it’s fake.
Similarly, Astroturfing is a practice where a message *appears* to have authentic grassroots support… but is really operated by just a few individuals.
Anecdotal reports find reinfections happening weeks apart. Experts expect it is possible to catch Omicron more than once. Scientists are currently assessing how often reinfections occur and who is at most risk.