Ready for the Capital Budget Subcmte meeting to start, they are lacking a quorum at the moment. Stay tuned #cbsc0303
Quorum reached, meeting commences, recording underway so assuming gremlins are kept at bay it will be available later #cbsc0303 agenda doc here…
Item up for discussion; the Horace Mann drainage issue, funds to be used from bonding rather than free cash, req growing in need as the facility can't handle the rain drainage properly #cbsc0303
D'Angelo recounting history of the flooding situations over the years, efforts to mitigate via pumps, etc. A volume situation, water can't be processed quickly enough with existing set up #cbsc0303 all the roofs drain into one pipe, and then out, but it gets overwhelmed
There were amounts previously allocated, they tried more "frugal" approaches but the rain density and frequency has gotten to the 'breaking' point to drive the need now. Bids in/around $350k-400k #cbsc0303
Hasn't been a disruptive issue for the school day as most of the occurrences are overnight #cbsc0303 the bid received is for 2nd shift work to avoid school day interruptions
Moving to school technology, and math curriculum; the curriculum cost is for materials and licenses for 5 years, aligns with prior purchases. A van addition due to increase in student trans needs (will also add a driver to the ops budget) #cbsc0303 8 passenger
Motion to approve request of $701k passes 4-0, (all 4 in person here in the room). Motion to recommend the $400k for borrowing for the Horace Mann issue #cbsc0303 passes also by 4-0 vote
Next up DPW capital requests, pages 5&6 cover these items for a total of $540k #cbsc0303 sidewalk plow on discussion, a replacement rather than an addition; this will help with execution of cleaning the sidewalks easier, maybe quicker
Now that the Police, Fire manpower is up, Chandler says he wants to work to increase the DPW resources (long time coming, and all want it) (a matter of where the dollars would come from #cbsc0303 fiscal yr challenge for materials, oil, gas, etc.
Motion to recommend the $540k for DPW as outlined, second, passes 4-0 #cbsc0303
Next up water enterprise fund, page 6 if you follow along, capital expenditures maintain the $1m balance in the enterprise account. #cbsc0303 $2.3m for water, another $1m for sewer items. Clarification on SCADA, can't be spent under technology as it supports the water ...
Enterprise fund and paid for by the water users, akin to sewer as well paid by sewer users; the enterprise funds are separate accounts from the operating budget, their excess is called retained earnings which is what is being approved here #cbsc0303
Motion to recommend approval of the water and sewer enterprise amounts as noted #cbsc0303 separate votes both pass by 4-0 votes
Comment on the outstanding capital budget wish list of $140+M
Storm water utility coming up for Town council discussion to free up operations capacity for other needs
Resolution 22-21, Resolution 22-22,
Resolution 22-23 Motion to approve, second, passes 4-0
oops, realized that I had not tweeted that the meeting did close just after the vote on the 3 resolutions (approx. 6:55 PM) with no other significant action #cbsc0303
Shifted down to Council Chambers for the #edc0302 meeting in process
Discussion on meeting prep for Forum, links, where posted etc.
Discussion on steering cmte and how to handle report and recommendations when ready
"what everybody wants and what everybody gets are two different things" #boh0302 "if you didn't have the 2 banks and the PO it would be dead" other than being on RT 140 Hunchard providing input
Q what is the area of study? Everything within about .5 Mike directionally from center, original map was .5 mile by road which is more than needed. Q on considering each side of 140 which is where the areas for potential growth? #boh0302
Special meeting for School Committee just starting #schcom0302 at 3rd floor training room, being recorded
Quick question as the meeting starts, a query to FEA to check, they are apparently in favor of Asset Supt Lucas Giguere as an internal candidate #schcom0301
Yes tagged first tweet incorrectly as 0302, a day ahead of where we are; continuity is important, he knows the district. #schcom0301 he has a relationship with the key stakeholders already is a plus. Stokes and McNeill speaking positively for Lucas.
Real time reporting underway for the School Committee budget subcommittee meeting tonight. #scbsc0217
Meeting agenda to follow along -> agenda-bsc_2_17_2022.pdf #scbsc0217
Supt Ahern providing overview of status, budget books not ready yet, still working toward presentation to full SchCom March 8, enrollment continues to decline, budget projected to increase due to student service requirements #scbsc0217