Yesterday was the eighth day of the trial of Alexei Navalny. The defence finally started presenting its position; a total of five witnesses were questioned. Here’s a short summary of what happened.
The first witness was journalist Yevgenia Albats. She said she donated money to Navalny's various projects every month and felt it was the best investment of her life.
The next witness was Sergei Davidis, a representative of the Memorial Human Rights Centre that was recently shut down by the government. He also said that he had been donating money to Navalny’s projects, including his presidential campaign.
Davidis said that he did not feel defrauded at all. According to him, it was clear from the very beginning that Navalny may be banned from the presidential elections, so it can’t be said that he deceived anyone by hiding this fact.
The third witness, Bozena Rynska, confirmed this. She also said that everyone, including herself, knew that Navalny might not be allowed to run for president, but still voluntarily donated money. She also said that the Foundation protected her interests and did a great job of it.
The next witness, Konstantin Margolis, donated money to the Foundation 16 times. He believes that all the money was spent without making a profit. Moreover, as a donor, he regularly received reports from the Foundation on all the money spent.
The fifth witness was history teacher Raushan Valiulin. He worked as a volunteer during Navalny's mayoral campaign and did not receive money for his work, but he saw where it went: on printing campaign materials and supporting the work of the campaign headquarters.
The prosecution constantly stressed that Navalny was being tried not for collecting donations, but for stealing them. It’s a rhetorical trick: he is not on trial for stealing anything; financial expertise confirmed that he did not receive a single cent from the Foundation's money
In fact, Navalny is being tried for allegedly spending the money raised for his presidential campaign and the work of the Foundation on untargeted needs. According to the prosecution, the money collected for the fight against corruption was spent on "extremist activities."
Such allegations would seem insane to any normal person. Therefore, the prosecution tries not to mention it too much and instead keeps suggesting that Navalny has personally stolen something. Hence the many hours of reading out every single transaction on his bank accounts.
12 more witnesses will be questioned today. The prosecution objected, claiming that these witnesses have nothing substantial to say in relation to the case. However, the judge declined this objection.
All of today’s witnesses are donors of Navalny’s various projects. They donated the money voluntarily and do not feel defrauded in any way. If there is someone who can say something substantial in relation to this farcical case, it’s definitely them.
The first witness is opposition politician @IlyaYashin, our long-time friend and ally. Like any sane person, he considers collecting donations for the needs of the Foundation and the election campaigns absolutely normal.
The next witness, Alexei Malinin, says that he always received reports on how his donations were spent. He says everyone knew about Navalny’s previous convictions (which were used as an excuse to ban him from the elections) and doesn’t understand why the “victims” feel defrauded.
Another witness, Igor Aleshkin, says that he always double-checked the financial reports of Navalny’s organisations, as well as all the data from his videos that could be found in public domain. Therefore, he has no claims against Navalny and doesn’t consider himself deceived.
The other witnesses today were Mikhail Lotov, Maxim Poelov, Vladimir Popov, Vadim Rubtsov, Vitali Basov, Alexei Skobelev, Dmitry Monakhov, Svetlana Demchuk and Mikhail Pustovalov. They all said pretty much the same as yesterday’s witnesses, and there’ll be even more tomorrow.
A total of 329 people have expressed their desire to become witnesses for the defence by either providing a written testament or coming to the court personally. Just to remind you, the Investigative Committee has only managed to find 4 “victims”, one of whom refused to testify.
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Today was the seventh day of the trial of Alexei Navalny. The sound in the journalists’ room was still horrible, and the live feed from the courtroom cut off completely at times, but here is a chronicle of what we've managed to make out.
One of today’s witnesses was Vyacheslav Kuzin, who we expected to see yesterday. He also filed a request to classify his questioning, but also withdrew it today. He refused to answer whether he wrote that request himself and how he sent it, claiming that he couldn't remember it.
Another “victim” in this case, Alexander Karnyukhin, was also present in the courtroom. Unlike Kuzin, he stood by his request to classify his questioning. The prosecutor supported him, claiming that this is a “sacred right of a victim”.
The trial of Alexei Navalny continued after a weekend break. Today was the sixth day. Here is how it went, it was quite spectacular. Thread.
At the start of the day, the press secretary of the court warned everyone that the journalists won’t be able to see a certain part of today’s session. Apparently, some unannounced secret witness was going to testify today.
A screen was installed in the improvised courtroom. Many thought that this was done for one of the witnesses in the fraud case, entrepreneur Vyacheslav Kuzin. He is currently under house arrest for his past banking activities and would need to testify via a video call.
Alright, I'm just going to put it out there: quite honestly, the past 48h have shaken even the most solid Russia-Ukraine war skeptics (like myself). So here’s one more very important side to it: any potential military action of any scale puts Navalny’s life at greatest risk yet.
The danger to Navalny’s life, i.e. the probability of him being killed in prison, will increase exponentially depending on what happens in Ukraine. The odds are pretty bad already, but a full-on Russian invasion barely leaves him any chance to survive. Let me elaborate.
What do we know for sure? We know that Putin tried to kill Navalny and still really wants him dead. We also know that for a year already Navalny has literally been in the hands of the very same people who tried to kill him with Novichok in August 2020.
Я, когда увидела эти фотографии, испытала, наверное, самый широкий спектр эмоций из возможных. Сначала шок. Ты видишь своими глазами то, что представлял в деталях. И вот оно перед тобой. Реальное. Существует.
Потом какая-то потерянность. Неожиданно понимаешь, что воображение твое и все архитектурные планы ничтожны по сравнению с тем, как это выглядит в реальной жизни. ТАКОГО представить было невозможно.
Ну и потом торжество. Не верили в личный стрип клуб дома у Путина? Казалось, что мы перегнули? Ха-ха-ха. Реальность переплюнула любые наши ожидания в разы.
Посмотрела интервью Собчак с Авдотьей Смирновой (и вкраплениями Чубайса) и разбушевалась. Хочется всех героев взять за плечи и долго трясти или по щекам хлестать, чтобы они вывалились из своего воображаемого мира и посмотрели на себя в зеркало. МЕГАТРЕД.
Интервью начинается с того, что Смирнова рассказывает, как регулярно извиняется за своего деда (занимался гонениями Пастернака) перед внучкой Пастернака. Ей моральный компас подсказывает, что дед был неправ, был конформистом. А она несет ответственность и искупает дедовы грехи.
Сразу хочется остановить и сказать: “Вы, Авдотья, лучше бы за себя несли ответственность.А то совсем скоро ваши внуки будут извиняться". Но в начале ролика еще абсолютно непонятно, насколько сильно внукам Смирновой придется извиняться. И что эти извинения, скорее всего,не примут.
Посмотрите на этих людей с одухотворенными лицами. Знаете, кто это? Уверена, что нет. А это, друзья мои, сенаторы. И не просто сенаторы, а члены специально сформированной комиссии -по защите государственного суверенитета и предотвращению вмешательства во внутренние дела России.
На фотографиях всего четверо, но вообще-то в комиссии их аж 12. 12 болванов, на содержание которых уходит (исходя из средней сенаторской зарплаты) почти 70 миллионов рублей в год. Давайте я расскажу вам, чем они занимаются.
А лучше покажу. Вот, например, председатель комиссии, единоросс Андрей Климов. В поисках треш-контента на ютюбе я наткнулась на трансляцию вчерашнего заседания комиссии. Начиналось оно очень солидно. Люди вершат судьбы мира. Ну как не заинтересоваться, согласитесь?